
Mostrando entradas de marzo 12, 2023

CfP: ids before Aids - "Quaderni storici" monographic issue

Historical reflections on epidemics and contagions have long pointed to the complexity of these phenomena, within which the 'natural' dimension of disease and its spread is intertwined with the social and cultural considerations that identify it, along with moral and political readings that seek factors and subjects to which responsibility can be traced and causality of contagion explained. In these terms, research showed how epidemics are socially and culturally dense phenomena, in which these and other different elements mark ways and times of social and institutional response to contagion. Thus, it became clear how the social and institutional response is marked in no small measure by moral and cultural instances that look to the transgression of norms as the main factors in both contagion and spread. In the context of historical reflections on epidemics, AIDS has always been a relevant historical example through which to grasp the epistemological complexity of epidemics...

CfP: Bodies on Display

Bodies on Display: Human, Animal, and Cryptid Bodies from Antiquity to the Present   An increasing amount of attention has been paid to impairment and disability in classical antiquity in recent years. However, one aspect of the subject that has not received significant attention, despite recent developments in the study of ancient paradoxography (e.g., Kazantzidis 2019; Geus 2018) and ancient collections, collectors, and collecting (e.g., Carpino et al. 2018; Higbie 2017; Thompson 2016; Gahtan and Pegazzano 2015; Rutledge 2012), is the public display of impaired and disabled people. The same applies to extraordinary (in all senses of the word) bodies.   Whether those bodies were human, animal, or cryptid, when scholars have acknowledged this phenomenon, the focus has been placed squarely on those individuals responsible for the displaying. For example, the imperial biographer Suetonius uses this as an indicator of virtue or vice in his subjects: Augustus is a good emperor for...

Doctoral candidate in the History of Science (Uppsala University)

Uppsala University is a comprehensive research-intensive university with a strong international standing. Our ultimate goal is to conduct education and research of the highest quality and relevance to make a long-term difference in society. Our most important assets are all the individuals whose curiosity and dedication make Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting workplaces. Uppsala University has over 54,000 students, more than 7,500 employees and a turnover of around SEK 8 billion. The Department of History of Science and Ideas is a vibrant and excellent research environment, with outstanding research groups in the history of medicine and history of science, political history, as well as strong profiles in global intellectual history, media history and the history of education. Around 50 teachers, researchers and fellows work at the department, including 12 PhD students. See our website for more information:  http://www.idehist.uu.se/ .  The Office for History of S...

CfP: How to take patients’ histories: Doing medical history from below in practice

Almost forty years ago, Roy Porter published his seminal article ‘The Patient’s View: Doing Medical History from Below’. Historians routinely ignored the roles, perspectives, and experiences of sufferers, Porter argued, even though sufferers were the source and origin of any history of healing, and shaped medical encounters and health experiences just as much as healers did. Hence, Porter formulated his ambitious research agenda to shift focus to “the history of the sick,” which he considered central to all medical history and the backbone of social history as well. In the past decades, historians have taken up the gauntlet. However, as scholars working on patients’ histories will know,  doing  “medical history from below” can be challenging. First of all, Porter’s research agenda consists of systematic steps that are so all-encompassing—from collecting “the terra firma of the material conditions of communities in times past” to the “basic mappings of experience, belief syst...

CfP: Disability in the Early Modern Mediterranean World

“Disability in the Early Modern Mediterranean World”, Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, 2023 (26 - 29 October, Baltimore, MD, USA We are looking for papers for one or more sessions under the broad title, “Disability in the Early Modern Mediterranean World,” for the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, to be held in Baltimore, MD in October, 2023.  For the past forty years or so, disability studies theories have suggested understanding of human bodies and minds and their place in histories and cultures. Studies by scholars such as Tobin Siebers, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, and David Mitchell and Sharon Snyder illuminate the importance of giving attention to varied human bodies, minds, and sensoria and to what Garland-Thomson has called “the social process of disablement”. Of course, the conditions of life in the early modern period led to a wide variety of impairments from birth; from accident, injury, or corporal punishment; from war, childbirth, illness, and hunger.. The i...

Call for Chapters: Colleges and Their Communities

Proposals Due April 10, 2023;  Chapter Drafts Due October 15, 2023; Anticipated Publication Date: 2025-2026 This edited volume will explore myriad ways in which colleges/universities have worked with and against their communities, covering such issues as neighborhood gentrification, town-gown conflicts, innovation alliances, local food programs, and the existence (or lack of) access pipelines for local students. This project has been motivated by the recognition that, “From their founding, universities introduced class differences to cities in ways that only intensified as the institutions became key platforms for social and economic mobility for those who were allowed to enter” (Wining, Building the Ivory Tower, 2018). The relationship between colleges and their communities has arguably resulted in both development and inequalities. This edited volume seeks to explore and explicate those double processes. Contributions are not restricted to the US and we encourage chapters ...

CfP: Just Urban Thermal Geographies

With temperatures rising globally, the effects of increased heat are felt acutely and intensely across cities and urban regions in ways that put the conditions for urban life under increased strain and even threat. This session asks how rising temperatures impact on urban life forms, past and present, and seeks to explore how geographers might contribute to advancing urban climate justice, by focusing on heat. The session responds directly to the Chair’s theme, Climate Changed Geographies , by considering how temperatures are changing our disciplinary engagement with urban environments and thus, how thermal fluctuations and mediations in cities change the kinds of thermal geographies we might investigate.  With an interest in exposing how thermal power is mobilised to exercise forms of governance and violence, Just Urban Thermal Geographies builds on work that untangles the differential effects, experiences and knowledges of urban heat, historically and currently (Anwar et al. 2...

CfA: Authority, Power, and Accountability

Significant advances have been made in the field of social ontology and sociology on the subject of authority-relations. A recent area of research in social ontology concerns the ways in which those in positions of authority determine the  meaning  of what their subordinates do. This resulting power to confer meaning upon the actions of others has profound consequences in a variety of domains in social life, including criminal law, business ethics, government, family ethics, and many more. The purpose of this workshop is to a) jump-start the discussion of how this new area of research updates our understanding of the ways in which authority-relations construct our reality, b) integrate the insights philosophers and sociologists have respectively developed about authority-relations, and c) develop further lines of research in which we explore how authority-relations shape social reality in sub-fields, including applied ethics, legal theory, political science, and economics...

Online ressources: AmateurS - Amateurs in Science (France 1850-1950)

The research project  AmateurS  - "Amateurs in Science (France, 1850-1950): A History from Below" ended in December 2022. The website  https://ams.hypotheses.org/  keeps the archives of the activities that have punctuated the work of the team since 2019, providing a multidisciplinary panorama of amateurism. The website provides access to :  - a  Dictionary of Amateurism , which gathers the research posts and videos published on the blog, organized thematically and alphabetically.  - the  project's database , which lists all the printed documents published in France between 1850 and 1950 with the word "amateur(s)" in their title. The database also gives access to the forewords and cover pages of these publications.

Call for abstracts - Workshop on Ignorance

The European Centre for Social Ethics (ECSE)  is pleased to announce a call for papers for the following workshop: THE CRISIS OF KNOWLEDGE: ETHICS, POLITICS AND EPISTEMOLOGY.  Dates: September 11th-12th, 2023   Venue:  Vita-Salute San Raffaele University , Milan, Italy Keynote speaker: prof. Quassim Cassam, University of Warwick We welcome proposals that engage with, and discuss, the following areas: ​ Cultural and political ignorance Ignorance, biases and self-deception Scientific ignorance Ignorance, fake news and conspiracism Collective ignorance Ignorance and big data Deadline for abstract submissions:  May 31st, 2023 For information about abstract submission, and more details on the topics of the conference, please visit our webpage:  https://www.socialethics.eu/ call-for-papers


L'àmbit de les Humanitats Mèdiques estableix vincles entre allò que C. P. Snow va anomenar “les dues cultures” (1961): les ciències, d’una banda, i les humanitats i les arts, d’altra banda. Aquests intercanvis i contactes entre disciplines no sols han contribuït —i encara ho fan— que els i les professionals de la medicina siguin més empàtics i comunicatius, sinó que també els ha ajudat a comprendre l’experiència d’emmalaltir amb les veus dels i les pacients, sovint mitjançant poesies, autobiografies, narratives i textos visuals signats per artistes i escritor/es que estan (o han estat) vivint una malaltia. Per tant, podem dir que en el seu origen les Humanitats Mèdiques s’orientaven bàsicament a fer que els metges i les metgesses fossin millors i més humans, el que redundà, inevitablement, en una instrumentalització de les humanitats al servei de les ciències biomèdiques. Aquest objectiu —si bé noble i necessari— encara no s’ha assolit del tot. Efectivament, podem afirmar que la hu...

CfP: Philosophy of Pain: A Special Issue of Belgrade Philosophical Annual in Honor of Nikola Grahek

Belgrade Philosophical Annual https://www.f.bg.ac.rs/bpa Institute for Philosophy, University of Belgrade ISSN: 0353-3891 This year, the  Belgrade Philosophical Annual  commemorates the twentieth anniversary of the passing of a distinguished member of our philosophical community, Nikola Grahek. In honor of this occasion, the journal has dedicated a special issue to examining the philosophical dimensions of pain, a subject that Grahek explored in the later stages of his career and addressed in his seminal work,  Feeling Pain and Being in Pain . We welcome submissions that pertain to the philosophy of pain for consideration in this special issue of BPA. Invited Contributions Murat Aydede (University of British Columbia) Valerie G. Hardcastle (University of Cincinnati) Colin Klein (School of Philosophy, The Australian National University) Manolo Martínez (Universitat de Barcelona) Submission Deadline August 31st, 2023 All inquiries can be directed to the manag...

Two PhD positions in the History of Modern Philosophy and/or History and Philosophy of Science

Two four-year PhD positions in the history of modern philosophy and/or history and philosophy of science. The selected applicants will carry out part of the project  RESPONSES TO NEWTON’S MATHEMATICAL-EXPERIMENTAL PARADIGM IN 18TH-CENTURY PHILOSOPHY   (RENEW18). The project is funded by the Belgian research councils FWO and F.R.S.-FNRS (EOS) and led by Karin de Boer (KU Leuven), Steffen Ducheyne (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), and Arnaud Pelletier (Université libre de Bruxelles).   Deadline: 1 June 2023 Preferred starting date: September 2023   Projects   1. KU Leuven / supervisor Karin de Boer : Responses to Newton in 18th-century German philosophy . All proposals on developments and/or debates in 18th-century German philosophy related to the impact of Newton’s mathematical-experimental paradigm will be taken into consideration as long as they fit within the scope of RENEW18. URL=< https://www.kuleuven.be/ personeel/jobsite/jobs/ 60091580?hl=en&lang=en ...