
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 13, 2020

Novedad bibliográfica de descarga gratuita: Cuarenta historias para una cuarentena

Ricardo Campos, Enrique Perdiguero-Gil, Eduardo Bueno Vergara (eds.), Cuarenta historias para una cuarentena. Reflexiones históricas sobre epidemias y salud  global. Madrid: Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina, 2020. Web de descarga:  https://sehm.es/cuarenta-historias-para-una-cuarentena/ El 1 de abril de 2020 la Sociedad Española Historia de la Medicina puso en marcha  el blog  Epidemias y Salud Global. Reflexiones desde la historia, para ofrecer información sólida y fundamentada sobre el pasado de los fenómenos epidémicos desde la Historia de la Medicina, la Historia de la Ciencia, otras disciplinas humanísticas y las Ciencias Sociales. Las reflexiones publicadas han tenido por objetivo ofrecer herramientas intelectuales que permitan, en lo posible, afrontar las inquietudes que genera la pandemia y darles una dimensión histórica, contextualizando la excepcionalidad de la situación. Ahora reunimos los ensayos publicados en el blog hasta el 6 de julio en el...

CfP: 'Space and the Hospital' Lisbon, Portugal (26-28 May 2021)

The International Network for the History of Hospitals (INHH), the ‘Hospitalis: Hospital Architecture in Portugal at the Dawn of Modernity’ Research Project, and the Hospital Real de Todos os Santos are pleased to announce the call for papers for  Space and the Hospital . The conference will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from 26-28 May 2021.  Space, in both its physical and conceptual manifestations, has been a part of how hospitals were designed, built, used, and understood within the wider community. By focusing on space, this conference aims to explore this subject through the lens of its architectural, socio-cultural, medical, economic, charitable, ideological, and public conceptualisations.  This thirteenth INHH conference will explore the relationship between space and hospitals throughout history by examining it through the lens of five themes: (1) ritual, space, and architecture; (2) hospitals as ‘model’ spaces; (3) the impact of medical practice an...

CfP: Historia Sociocultural de la Medicina y la Salud en América Latina. Siglos XVI al XX

  Este Dossier tiene por objeto recoger la nueva producción historiográfica existente sobre este tema, desde los grupos de investigación conformados hace varios años, que son responsables del desarrollo del campo en el país en el siglo XX, hasta los nuevos investigadores y las reflexiones surgidas de sus disertaciones doctorales. La Historia Sociocultural de la Medicina y la Salud tiene como característica principal su interdisciplinariedad, lo que permite la interacción de distintos saberes que se reúnen en torno a la salud y la enfermedad, sus instituciones, sus disciplinas, sus figuras y la producción y reproducción del saber médico.   Los aportes investigativos cubrirán un campo cronológico y geográfico amplio, que permita visibilizar el desarrollo de métodos y técnicas de la Historia Sociocultural de la Medicina y la Salud aplicado a distintas épocas. Desde la conquista, el inagotable tema del colapso demográfico indígena causado por las pestes coloniales desde Santo...

Novedad bibliográfica de descarga gratuita: Historiar las Catástrofes

Coordinan: María Dolores Lorenzo, Miguel Rodríguez y David Marcilhacy Url:  http://www.historicas.unam.mx/publicaciones/publicadigital/libros/709/historiar_catastrofes.html Este libro es resultado de la colaboración entre la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y Sorbonne Université, a través del Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, IIH, el Centre des Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur les Mondes Ibériques Contemporains (CRIMIC) y el equipo de Civilisations et Littératures d’Espagne et Amérique (CLEA).  En 2016, los rectores de nuestras universidades firmaron un convenio de colaboración general, al tiempo que Históricas, el CRIMIC y el CLEA impulsaban el proyecto INSUNAM que habría de garantizar el intercambio de alumnos y profesores-investigadores. La estrecha relación entre los diversos grupos de trabajo dio frutos importantes: reuniones académicas, intercambio de alumnos de posgrado y publicaciones como la que aquí se presenta.  Historiar las catástrofes re...

Recurso on line: Women and Energy

This volume offers a collection of largely untold stories that together demonstrate women’s pivotal agency in the consumption and production of energy within the home, as well as their engagement with and responses to energy transitions. Perspectives emphasising women’s changing energy-related identities, behaviours, and experiences in many different contexts are accompanied by careful investigations into the factors influencing women’s decision-making with respect to new energy products. The authors not only provide a basis for the reframing of energy histories but also call for the application of these key perspectives in driving more attuned research, and for forcing change on how energy types and transitions are considered and managed in the future. How to cite: Harrison Moore, Abigail, and Ruth Sandwell, eds. “Women and Energy,” RCC Perspectives: Transformations in Environment and Society 2020, no. 1. doi.org/10.5282/rcc/9049 . Url:  http://www.env...

CfP: "Gender, Modernities, and the Global Enlightenment"

El proyecto CIRGEN  (Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment.Ideas Networks, Agencies, ERC AdG 787015) se complace en anunciar que su congreso internacional "Gender, Modernities, and the Global Enlightenment" se celebrará en Valencia, 23-25 Febrero  2022. Tenemos ya confirmado un importante número de participaciones invitadas, pero abrimos la posibilidad de presentar también propuestas libres, de las cuales podremos seleccionar solo algunas entre las que más ajusten a los objetivos intelectuales del congresos. El "call for papers", que se puede descargar también en la página web de CIRGEN:  https://cirgen.eu/

CfP: "Writing the Heavens. Celestial Observation in Literature, 800--1800"

Organizers: Aura Heydenreich, Florian Klaeger, Klaus Mecke, Dirk Vanderbeke, Jörn Wilms - ELINAS (Center for Literature and Natural Science) May 20-22, 2021 – Dr Karl Remeis Observatory, Bamberg (Germany) Confirmed speakers:  Raz Chen-Morris (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) Alex ander Honold (University of Basel) Hania Siebenpfeiffer (University of Marburg) In the Middle Ages and early modernity, celestial observation was frequently a subject for verbal rather than numerical and geometrical recording. Astronomical genres, in the hands of natural philosophers, poets, chroniclers, travellers, geographers, educators and others mediated knowledge of the heavens in textual form. Before the modern academic institutionalization of astronomy, such celestial knowledge extended from the cosmological to the meteorological, with applications and implications that touched upon a wide range of discourses, be they theological, legal, p...

CfP: HPLS COVID.-19 topical collections

We are writing to invite you to submit a paper to  History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences , specifically, to one of two Topical Collections that we are planning to host on the current pandemic. The aim of these collections, as specified in the Call For Papers below (and at these links:  https://www.springer. com/journal/40656/updates/ 17964648  and  https://www. springer.com/journal/40656/ updates/17964642  ), is to bring expertise from the history, philosophy, and social studies of the life sciences broadly conceived to bear on the COVID-19 pandemic. We are aiming for broad representation of the many different perspectives within our global community, and we are particularly hoping that you will be able to contribute, given your world-leading expertise on justice and discrimination concerns associated to scientific knowledge-making.    ...

CfP: Special Issue "Classic Methodologies in the Philosophy of Science", Journal for General Philosophy of Science

  Philosophy of science as we know it is a relatively recent creation, on which the analytic turn still casts its shadows. Its general characterization indeed is grounded on a philosophical method for analysing the scientific enterprise whose origin rests on the view elaborated by the Vienna Circle and its legacy, taking as a point of departure 1922, when Moritz Schlick was appointed to the Chair of History and Philosophy of inductive sciences. This perspective has been contested by many authors from Kuhn onwards, and has seen many ‘turns’ in the past forty years or so. From the historical turn (e.g. Kuhn and Lakatos), to the turn to practice (Hacking, Kitcher), through the social studies of science (e.g. Latour, Pickering), and historical epistemology (Daston, Rheinberger), etc. However, in many philosophical perspectives nowadays there still is an emphasis on the methods of logical analysis as the only rigorous ones. Such a view implies a widespread devaluation of the role hist...

CfP: The Philosophy and Economics of Pandemics

  The Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics invites submissions for a forthcoming special issue devoted to the challenges posed by global pandemics , in general, and by the Covid–19 pandemic, in particular.  We are especially interested in short, focused contributions (2,000–4,000 words) that take an interdisciplinary approach at the intersection of philosophy and economics, and we welcome texts by authors from across the disciplinary spectrum.  We invite submissions from the following broad categories of possible (but non-exhaustive) questions:   Methodology of economics : How do the assumptions underlying epidemiological models, on the one hand, and economic models, on the other, differ? What explains the seeming differences—in predictions, optimism, etc.—among experts in various relevant fields, from epidemiology to economics; and what can disciplines learn from each other’s modelling strategies? Ethics and political philosophy : How shoul...

CfP: Senses in Modern Health/Care Environments: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives

We are pleased to invite submissions for an interdisciplinary conference exploring the sensory aspects of environments of health and care, broadly conceived.  Together, we will debate the complex intertwining of spaces, materials, technologies, bodies and human behaviour, spanning architecture and design, arts and health, history and sociology, literature, medical education, and much more. For the full call, please see  CFP. Senses in Modern Health/Care Environments: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives . Key details: ·         Submissions are due to  sensing-spaces-project@ bristol.ac.uk  by   31 st  January 2021 . We invite traditional and non-traditional paper formats, creative contributions, and other proposals, as well as pre-formed panels. ·         We will aim to let you know of the outcome of your submission by  early March 2021 .  ...

CfP: “Normativity and The Life Sciences: Analytical and Continental Perspectives”, HPLS 2021 Special Issue

  We are inviting submissions for a Special Issue of History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences . This special issue will be devoted to the topic of ‘Normativity and the Life Sciences: Analytical and Continental Perspective'. Below you can find the rationale of the Issue.  Submission instructions: All submissions, as well as inquiries about submissions to the special  issue, should be sent by e-mail to the guest editors: hpls2021specialissue@gmail.com Submissions must not be submitted to or be under review at other journals, books, etc. Submissions should not be longer than 9000 words , they should be sent as .doc files and they should include an abstract of 150 to 250 words . The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references. Submissions should be prepared for blind review: All identifying information about the author(s) such as names or institutional affiliations, have to be removed. Self-citations have to be anonymized. Submission ...

30 de setembre Termini XIX edició del Premi Antoni Quintana i Marí per treballs de recerca de batxillerat

  La Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (SCHCT), amb l’objectiu de despertar l’interès per l’estudi i la recerca de la història de la ciència i de la tècnica entre els estudiants d’ensenyament secundari, convoca el XIX Premi Antoni Quintana i Marí , les bases del qual i el formulari per enviar treballs es poden consultar a l’enllaç: https://blogs.iec.cat/schct/ xix-premi-antoni-quintana-i- mari/ Us recordem que el termini de presentació dels treballs s’amplia respecte les edicions anteriors i passa a ser el dia 30 de setembre de 2020 . 

CfP: Congreso Torres Villarroel y los almanaques

Torres Villarroel y los almanaques : Literatura, Astrología y Sociedad en la primera mitad del siglo XVIII   Cádiz 23-25 de febrero de 2021 Abierta la recepción de propuestas de ponencias hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2020. Líneas de trabajo previstas: 1. Vida, obra y figura de Diego De Torres Villarroel / 2. Los almanaques como género literario: contenidos, contextos y estructuras / 3. Estudios sobre otros almanaqueros del XVIII. Comparaciones, desviaciones y evoluciones en otros contextos, épocas o países / 4. Ciencia, medicina y astrología; polémicas en y alrededor de los almanaques / 5. Almanaques: imprenta, producción, recepción y consumo. Url:  https://bit.ly/2RkdLLo

Science Museums and Archives AHRC CDP- 2020 Call

2020 Call for the Science Museums and Archives Consortium (SMAC), AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership. The Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP) programme provides funding for doctoral projects jointly proposed by a university-based academic in collaboration with a member of staff at a SMAC partner organisation. SMAC is comprised of BT Archives, Science Museum Group (National Science and Media Museum, Science and Industry Museum, the National Railway Museum and Locomotion), The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers), the Royal Society and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. The deadline for Expressions of Interest is 2 October 2020 and I would encourage you to get in touch with potential partners as soon as possible. Full details can be found here: https://www.sciencemuseumgroup .org.uk/our-work/research- public-history/collaborative- doctoral-awards/

Postgraduate funding opportunities in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine at Cambridge, 2021-22

  Postgraduate funding opportunities in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine at the University of Cambridge, 2021-22 The Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge is the largest of its kind in the UK, and has an unrivalled reputation for teaching and research. Staff have expertise in the history and philosophy of a wide range of sciences and of medicine. If you are interested in studying for an MPhil or PhD in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine at Cambridge, you will find everything you need to know about the Department, the courses, the academic staff < https://www.people.hps.cam. ac.uk/index >, and the application process on our website < https://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/ study/postgraduate >. The Department offers two MPhil options: an MPhil in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine < https://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/ study/postgraduate/mphil-hpsm > and an MPhil in Health, Medicine and Society < h...

2 Post Doc Positions at the Center for the History ofWomen Philosophers and Scientists, Paderborn

  2 Post Doc Positions at the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, Paderborn Location: Philosophy Department, Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, Paderborn University Project:  We are seeking expressions of interest for 2 Post doc positions i n the project founded by the German Research Foundation DFG:  Historical critical digital edition of the handwritten version of Émilie Du Châtelet’s “Institutions de physique” (p aygrade TV_L 14,  code no. 4347)   Deadline September 20th, 2020 For further details, including project descriptions, eligibility requirements and how to apply, see:  https:// historyofwomenphilosophers. org/postdoc-positions/ Successful applicants will be expected to enroll asap, preferably before February 2021. There is some flexibility as to the date of commencement.  Enquires: Professor Ruth Edith Hagengruber

Call for applications: Postdoc position in Ethics of Science / Philosophy of Science (Uni Hannover)

The Research Training Group GRK 2073 “Integrating Ethics and Epistemology of Scientific Research”) at the Institute of Philosophy of Leibniz University Hannover invites applications for a position as a Research Assistant - Postdoc (m/f/d, Salary Scale E13 TV-L, 100 %) to start on 1 January 2021. The position is limited to 30 September 2024. Application deadline: 30 September 2020. For further information and the application guide, please see https://grk2073.org/apply/ .

BSHS OEC Project Grants: Call for Applications

The British Society for the History of Science’s Outreach and Education Committee offers grants of up to £300 to support education and outreach projects in the history of science.  These project grants are currently awarded three times per year. The next deadline for applications is Friday 9 October 2020, which is the final round for 2020. Project grants are intended to encourage engagement with the history of science, technology and medicine by non-academic audiences. For example, eligible projects might include supporting the costs of holding a public event, the creation of small public display, or the translation of research into educational resources. We particularly encourage projects that take innovative formats and reach audiences who might be new to HoSTEM. If you are interested in applying for a grant, please contact Dr Allan Jones for an application form. (Completed forms should be sent to the same email address.) Please also get in touch if you have an...