"Art versus Industry?" An international conference at Leeds City Museum, 23-24 March 2012
Art versus Industry? An international conference at Leeds City Museum 23-24 March 2012 Organised by: Dr Kate Nichols (University of Bristol) Gabriel Williams (University of York) Rebecca Wade (University of Leeds) Full details at http://artvindustry.blogspot.com/ Registration deadline: 9 March 2012. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Friday 23 March 2012 9.00-9.30 Registration and co ff ee 9.30-9.45 Welcome and introductions 9.45-10.45 Lara Kriegel (Indiana University) Filaments of History: Ladies, Lace, Labour and Nation at the Fin de Siecle 10.45-12.45 Panel One: De-Centering the Narrative Chaired by Sarah Turner (University of York) Lara Eggleton (University of Leeds) Surface Deceits: Owen Jones and John Ruskin on the Ornament of the Alhambra Sally Tuckett (University of Edinburgh) Colouring the Nation: Scottish Turkey-Red Design and Manufacture Natasha Eaton (University College London) Subaltern Colour? Art, Industry and Colonialism in Britain and India Renate Dohmen (Univers...