
Mostrando entradas de enero 29, 2017

Novedad editorial: Cuando todo parecía posible

Autor: Luis Montiel Llorente En Alemania, más que en cualquier otro lugar, el romanticismo representó una auténtica revolución intelectual que alcanzó prácticamente todos los dominios de la vida en sociedad. La medicina no fue una excepción. Muy al contrario, en los territorios de habla alemana experimentó una auténtica convulsión cuyo efecto se extenderá mucho más allá del período romántico propiamente dicho. Con la guía de la filosofía de Schelling los médicos comenzarán a pensar la medicina de manera radicalmente nueva, lo que les llevará a concebir grandes esperanzas sobre la posibilidad de crear por fin una ciencia del ser humano en los estados de salud y enfermedad digna de tal nombre y, en consecuencia, muy prometedora para afrontar la curación de las enfermedades del cuerpo y del espíritu. Durante los años del romanticismo muchos médicos sintieron que estaban colaborando al nacimiento de una nueva era en la que todo parecía posible. Los cuatro textos que componen esta ob...

Concurso IBBTEC "Mujeres y Niñas en la Ciencia"

Url:  http://web.unican.es/ibbtec/noticias/Paginas/2017-1-30-MujerCiencia.aspx El próximo día 11 de Febrero se celebra el Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia (para ampliar información, https://11defebrero.org/11-de-febrero/ ). Dentro de los actos de celebración de este Día, desde el IBBTEC organizamos dos actividades. Por una parte, durante la semana previa, científicas del IBBTEC harán visitas a Institutos de la región para discutir con los y las estudiantes sobre su trabajo, y sobre el papel de la mujer en la Ciencia. Por otra parte, y durante el día 11, se llevará a cabo el I Concurso IBBTEC “Mujeres y Niñas en la Ciencia” , vía Twitter, desde nuestra cuenta @IBBTEC. A lo largo de ese día se irán publicando pistas para descubrir el nombre de científicas regionales, nacionales o internacionales, y visibilizar sus contribuciones al avance del conocimiento. El Concurso está abierto a la participación de todo el mundo, y se establ...

CfP: Money and Medicine, Remedia series

Submissions are invited for a series hosted by the REMEDIA blog on the theme of Money in the history of medicine. Topics of interest might include (but are by no means limited to) finances of healthcare delivery, insurance arrangements, rationing of resources, metrics of health evaluation (QALYs, DRGs), economic and pecuniary metaphors in relation to conceptions of the body and disease, generic vs branded medication, luxury and lifestyle medicine, the commodification of body parts, medicine and profit, and considerations of human labour in medicine. We welcome papers from colleagues working in history, history of medicine and science, anthropology and elsewhere in the humanities. There are no restrictions to particular geographical locations or historical time periods. If you are interested in contributing to REMEDIA for this themed series or to showcase your research on another subject, please send an email to Lisa Haushofer and Kate Womersley at remedianet...

CfP: Revista CS. Issue no. 23- Locality in Science, Health, and Technology

Questions of place and locality are gaining increasing importance in science, medicine, health and technology studies. New approaches look at role that localities play in the adaptation, transformation, and production of knowledge, ideas, and practices, to set aside older interpretations where scientific knowledge and practices traveled from centers of production to so-called peripheries where these were taken up, unquestioned. Scholars are now interested in exploring the complex relations between local and global actors, institutions, and initiatives, with particular attention to how social actors transformed, adapted, and challenged these ideas to suit specific realities and needs. The transformation, adaptation and production of scientific, technological, and medical knowledge, ideas, and practices has resulted in instances of increased tensions, negotiations, and at times cooperation at the local, regional, national, and international levels. Each of these ques...

CfP: Science and Technology, Northeast Popular/American Culture Association

The Science and Technology area for the Northeast Popular/American Culture Association (NEPCA) announces its first call for paper proposals for NEPCA’s annual conference. The 2017 conference will be held on the campus of the University of Massachusetts Amherst the weekend of October 27-28, 2017 .    The Science and Technology area encourages paper submissions that explore the relation of science and technology to popular culture and to American culture. Science and technology are broadly defined. Some topics may include: -science and technology in print and visual culture -cultural influences on science and technology -popularization of science and technology -science education and the celebrity scientist -science and technology in the museum -science and the internet -science, technology, and the future NEPCA welcomes both individual papers and complete panels. Papers are generally 15-20 minutes in length. This fall...

Call for applications: research grants from the SIS

The deadline for the next round of applications is  Wednesday 1st March 2017.   The Scientific Instrument Society (SIS) awards small grants, of up to £500 each, for research on the history of scientific instruments. Applicants do not need to have any institutional affiliation and applications that are for less than the full amount are just as welcome - a properly costed proposal with a clear relevance to the Society's interests in historic scientific instruments, a realistic timetable and a tangible result are the most important factors that the committee will be considering.   Please note that the grant awarded will be paid against actual expenditure and funds cannot be paid in advance.  The grant is intended to cover items such as travel, accommodation (excluding meals) and photocopying costs.   Please note that we cannot fund conference travel or contribute to the cost of outreach projects such as events and exhibitions. ...

Novedad editorial: Bloody Brilliant! A History of Blood Groups and Blood Groupers

By Steven R. Pierce, SBB(ASCP), and Marion E. Reid, PhD, FIBMS, DSc(Hon) (2016, AABB Press, hard cover, 633 pages, color illus. ISBN 978-1-56395-910-3) “The story of blood groups always begins in Vienna with Karl Landsteiner.” So begins this uniquely fascinating tale of how the blood groups were discovered and the interesting people who made those discoveries. Meticulously referenced, this volume is also lavishly illustrated as it recalls the progression of knowledge in blood grouping that continues today. This is the story not only of Landsteiner, Levine, Wiener, Race, Sanger, and other early giants, but also of Mollison, Garratty, Marsh, Tippett, Issitt, Judd, and many, many others who have made their mark on the profession and trained others who even now are doing the same. Ten years in the making, this treasure is enlightening, engaging, and enjoyable to read—well worth the wait. Chapters include: Out Damned Spot! Forensic Applications of ABO Who’s Your Daddy...

Biographical Memoirs

All content over 12 months old published in  Biographical Memoirs - the collected obituaries of Royal Society Fellows - is now free to access. Each memoir is carefully researched, resulting in a unique biographical collection of lives and achievements. More information can be found at http://blogs.royalsociety.org/ publishing/free-access-to- biographical-memoirs/  

CfP: Göttingen Spirit Summer School The material culture of exploration and academic travel, 1700-1900

Lichtenberg-Kolleg, Historic Observatory, University of Göttingen, Germany, 24 th -29 th July 2017 Convenors: Dr. Marie Luisa Allemeyer (Zentrale Kustodie, University of Göttingen) Dr. Dominik Hünniger (Lichtenberg-Kolleg, University of Göttingen) Christian Vogel (Zentrale Kustodie, University of Göttingen) Experts/Speakers: Professor James Delbourgo, Rutgers University Professor Joachim Rees, Freie Universität Berlin Dr. Bernhard C. Schär, ETH Zürich Dr. Lola Sanchez-Jauregui, University of Glasgow Professor Vanessa Smith, University of Sydney Topic and Purpose Travel has long been a subject of inquiry in the history of science and scholarship. In recent years, the changes and development of the practices of travel, especially collecting and inscription during the long 18th century, have received special attention. Many studies focused on the changing aims, objectives and perceptions of travel, the collection of data and objects, the visualisat...

Poste à pourvvoir : Secrétaire scientifique (H/F) ASI / CAK

Intitulé du poste : Secrétaire scientifique (H/F) Niveau de recrutement  : Assistant ingénieur - Catégorie A Niveau de rémunération : - agents titulaires : rémunération indiciaire statutaire indemnitaire - agents contractuels : de 1683,52 € à 2260,60 € brut selon expérience Localisation du poste : Centre Alexandre-Koyré (CAK) - UMR 8560 27 rue Damesme, 75013 Paris Poste à temps complet, ouvert en mobilité interne/externe, ouvert aux titulaires et le cas échéant aux agents contractuels Poste à pourvoir au 20 février 2017 Environnement et contexte de travail L’EHESS est un établissement public à caractère scientifique, culturel et professionnel, ayant le statut de «grand établissement», assurant une mission de recherche et de formation à la recherche dans le domaine des sciences humaines et sociales. L'établissement accueille 3 000 étudiants dont 1 800 doctorants et 1 200 masterants. L’EHESS est le premier partenaire du CNRS en sciences humaines ...

CfP: Beyond the Academy. The Practice of Mathematics from the Renaissance to the Nineteenth Century

Submission are invited for the meeting 'Beyond the Academy. The  Practice of Mathematics from the Renaissance to the Nineteenth  Century', which will take place in York on 6-7 April 2017. In the history of mathematics, no less than in the study of history more generally, much attention has traditionally been given to the major figures like Newton, Euler, or Cauchy.  However (again, as in history more generally), there is much to be gained from studying the ‘minor’ figures in the story of the development of mathematics: people whose names are not associated with any groundbreaking discoveries or who have not proved any major theorems, but who nevertheless employed mathematics on a daily basis, and who thus contributed in a broader sense to mathematical progress.  This two-day conference is dedicated primarily to the life and works of such ‘Mathematical Practitioners’. Who were they? In what milieus did they move? How did they make their living? A secondary, clo...

Discurs "L’origen liberal de la Reial Acadèmia de Medicina de les Illes Balears"

El passat dijous 26 de Gener Joan March Noguera, membre del GIHS i acadèmic de la Reial Acadèmia de Medicina de les Illes Balears, va impartir la lliçó magistral  "L’origen liberal de la Reial Acadèmia de  Medicina de les Illes Balears" en la sessió inaugural del curs acadèmic 2017 d'aquesta institució. Podeu llegir el discurs clicant aquí . Url:  http://gihs.eu/index.php/94- news/noticies-i-esdeveniments/ 226-llico-magistral-de-joan- march-per-inaugurar-el-curs- academic-de-la-reial-academia- de-medicina-de-les-illes- balears

Clystere n° 57 - février 2017

Clystère n° 57 – Février 2017 est paru ( February 2017 is online / de Febrero de 2017 acaba de salir ) : www.clystere.com SOMMAIRE N° 57 – FEVRIER 2017 Editorial : Evolutions Histoire des instruments : -    Le miroir brisé… histoire du premier laryngoscope et du suivant (Jacques Voinot) -    Aides techniques à l’écriture pour « tremblements oscillatoires » (Bernard Petitdant) -    Les protège-doigts à usage buccal (Jean-Pierre Martin) Histoire de la santé : -    Une lecture de la physiopathologie de l’émotivité dans l’œuvre Neuronomia de Franciscus Antonius Canaveri (Serena Buzzi) -    L’extraordinaire ascension sociale d’un opérateur vosgien : François Callot (1616-1689) (Jacqueline Carolus-Curien) Nouveautés en librairie Du nouveau sur la Toile

A discussion about AI between John Searle and Luciano Floridi - hosted by The New York Review of Books Foundation and Fritt Ord

"On 20–21 October 2016 The New York Review of Books Foundation and Fritt Ord hosted the conference ‘Technology and the Human Future.’  This is the recording of the discussion about AI between John Searle and Luciano Floridi”. The video is now freely available on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=KmEuKkV3Y8c

Historical Scientific Instruments Collection Manager Position at Yale University

The Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale University is looking for a Collection Manager for the Division of Historical Scientific Instruments. The collection of scientific instruments comprises several thousands items, with a strong emphasis on microscopes, microscopic slides, and 19th-century physical apparatus. We are looking for a dynamic person, who will make this collection visible and accessible within and beyond the Yale community.   MA required, PhD in a relevant field preferred. Starting date: July 1, 2017 Deadline: March 15, 2017 For further details and to apply: https://your.yale.edu/work- yale/employment and enter STARS Requisition Number: 41520BR