CfP: Science and Technology, Northeast Popular/American Culture Association
The Science and Technology area for the Northeast Popular/American Culture Association (NEPCA)
announces its first call for paper proposals for NEPCA’s annual
conference. The 2017 conference will be held on the campus of the University of Massachusetts Amherst the weekend of October 27-28, 2017.
The Science
and Technology area encourages paper submissions that explore the
relation of science and technology to popular culture and to American
culture. Science and technology are broadly defined. Some topics may
-science and technology in print and visual culture
-cultural influences on science and technology
-popularization of science and technology
-science education and the celebrity scientist
-science and technology in the museum
-science and the internet
-science, technology, and the future
welcomes both individual papers and complete panels. Papers are
generally 15-20 minutes in length. This fall, the conference will also
feature shorter presentations in pecha kucha style in which
presenters show a total of 20 slides–one every 20 seconds (total
presentation time <7 minutes). The idea behind pecha kucha
is for scholars to present material quickly so that discussion and new
ideas can ensue. It is an ideal form for research in progress!
The deadline for paper proposals is June 1, 2017. The Paper Proposal Form, as well as general information about the conference, is available at Abstracts should be no more than 250 words.
Scholars of all levels and disciplines are encouraged to submit. The Science and Technology area chair, Todd Olszewski (, can assist with any questions you have about your proposal.