
Mostrando entradas de julio 26, 2020

CfP: ESEH 2021 Conference – Same planet, different worlds: environmental histories imagining anew

The European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) is pleased to invite proposals for our upcoming conference at the University of Bristol, UK. We want to host a conference for a post-plague world. Right now, our old ways of living have been interrupted, disrupted and ruptured by the COVID-19 outbreak. This devastating global pandemic carries an undeniable message of our entanglement across continents, species, societies, and bodies. Yet the virus hits us differently. We are all on the same planet but we are experiencing radically and divergently altered worlds. We thus draw inspiration for our conference theme from Arundhati Roy’s observation: ‘But the rupture exists. And in the midst of this terrible despair, it offers us a chance to rethink the doomsday machine we have built for ourselves. Nothing could be worse than a return to normality. Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew . This one is no different. It i...

CfP: Special Issue "In the Hands of Technology: Care in the XXI Century"

The incorporation of technological solutions to all kinds of problems is something which is becoming more and more present in our daily life. Teleassistance devices, diabetes monitoring systems, intelligent houses or robotic pets are examples of present caring technologies that condition and modulate our relations with the environment and with others. “In the Hands of Technology: Care in the XXI Century” is an invitation to reflect on the development of care technologies, with a special interest in identifying the main challenges of the intensification of the implementation of technology into care processes. Faced with discourses that ofen see the incorporation of technology into care processes as inevitable, we propose an in-depth discussion on how we want to be cared for in the future. Not to deny a role to technology, but to take it to the point where it can serve as a contribution to good care. We would like to receive submissions covering all the possible aspects con...

Wellcome funded PhD on medical careers in the Victorian and Edwardian Post Office

Fully-funded PhD studentship to work on medical careers in the British Post Office. This research is part of   Addressing Health , a three year Wellcome funded project that explores morbidity, mortality and occupational health in the Victorian and Edwardian Post Office.   The aim of the PhD is to understand the roles, status, career trajectories and professional contributions of medics employed by the UK’s Post Office in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The Post Office Medical Service was a comprehensive network of permanent and contracted medical practitioners appointed to provide healthcare to the workforce. By the end of the nineteenth century over 500 doctors were involved, making it the largest occupational medical service in the country.   This studentship will develop a clearer understanding of the growth of the Post Office Medical Service in the context of the field’s professionalisation. It will focus on identifying the medics...

Call for Contributors: A Cultural History of Historiography

The editors of Volumes 5 and 6 of A Cultural History of Historiography are seeking contributors. The volumes are part of a six-volume set to appear in Bloomsbury Academic’s cultural history series .   All six volumes have the same eight chapter headings. Each chapter explores how the themes specified in the chapter title resonated in the work of historians and historical thinkers in the period. Each chapter is 8,000 to 10,000 words including notes and references. The submission deadline for the chapters is July 1, 2021.   The following chapters currently need authors:   Volume 5: A Cultural History of Historiography in the Age of Empire (1800-1920)   2. “Family, Household, and Health” 3. “Economics and Social Relations” 4. “Technology, Transportation, and Communication” 6. “Religion, Science, and Popular Beliefs”     Volume 6: A Cultural History of Historiography in the Modern Age (1920-Present)   1. “Geography and Social Hierarchy” 2. “Family, ...

Crida Seminaris Cehic

El CEHIC està preparant un nou programa de seminaris per aquest curs acadèmica 2020-21. Com l'any anterior, els seminaris tindran dos formats ben diferenciats.  En primer lloc, continuarem amb els "Work in Progress", un  fòrum de discussió transversal on podeu presentar recerques en curs, noves idees per projectes, esborranys d'articles (que poden ser precirculats o no), qüestions historiogràfiques, etc. Està obert a membres i no membres del CEHIC interessats /des   en història de la ciència.  En segon lloc, busquem també propostes de "Seminaris Cehic", seminaris d'investigadors locals o estrangers consolidats que ens mostrin recerca puntera o noves idees historiogràfiques. Membres i no membres del Cehic poden proposar candidats també per aquesta modalitat que tindrà un pressupost limitat de despeses.  Els seminaris tindran lloc un divendres al mes durant el curs acadèmic 2020-21. Us adjuntem el calendari amb les dates que teni...

CfP: Objects of Understanding, Flensburg 19 - 23 July 2021

We would like to invite the submission of paper and poster abstracts for a five-day conference on the history of objects and practices in science education. The conference had initially been planned for June 2020 but had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding the history of science education is essential if we want to understand the generation, reproduction and circulation of scientific knowledge, practices, practitioners, and objects. While history of science education has moved from the periphery to the focus of history of science in recent decades, the central role of instruments, demonstrations and models in teaching has barely been explored. Particularly with respect to the analysis of scientists’ formation in different periods, the role of objects and of practices in laboratories appears to be crucial. Moreover, with respect to the political and social function that was ascribed to science, the role and purpose of objects in school science edu...

CfP: Illness and Health in Polish Literature, Culture and Language

The international, peer-reviewed and open access journal «pl.it / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi» is accepting submissions for its twelfth issue (2021). We are most inclined to receive proposals of papers focusing on illness and health in Polish literature, culture and language . We do not intend to dwell on the present pandemic of Coronavirus. The approach should be more general, including such topics as: illness and literature, perception of and coping with illness, the relationship between our own and the other’s body, spiritual discomfort, real or alleged mental illness, health and illness in nature and society, old age as a moral illness or an existential experience, the search for a cure (a retrospective look at pre-modern literature and culture may also be of interest) or manifestations of mental discomfort in bodily illness. Other pertinent views on the subject are also welcome! We believe that Polish literature of any period may offer interesting inputs for i...