
Mostrando entradas de abril 16, 2017

Novedad editorial: Barcelona, ciència i coneixement. Personatges, esdeveniments, institucions, establiments, museus

Autor: Miquel Carandell Url:  http://albertieditor.cat/index.php?route=product/product&keyword=Barcelona,%20ci%C3%A8ncia%20i%20coneixement&product_id=90 En aquest llibre presentem Barcelona des d'un punt de vista diferent, el de la ciència i el coneixement. Es tracta d'un recull dels fets científics més rellevants esdevinguts a la ciutat relacionats amb la salut i la medicina, l'estudi de la natura, els esforços dels científics per assimilar les lleis de la física i la química, i el paper de la ciència en el desenvolupament de les xarxes de comunicació, la producció i distribució d'energia. Ho fem amb caràcter divulgatiu per ajudar a la descoberta de personatges , esdeveniments , institucions , establiments i museus que han marcat la història científica de la ciutat . El text va acompanyat amb 178 imatges i 4 plànols Autor: Miquel Carandell (Barcelona 1981) llicenciat en Biologia per la Universitat de Girona i doctor en Història...

Stevenson collaborative PhD opportunity

The National Library of Scotland received funding for a collaborative PhD, researching the Stevenson maps and plans (ca. 1800-1900), back in February, but sadly we did not receive any suitable applications by our closing date of 7 April. We are therefore re-advertising the post with a new closing date of 19 May 2017. We would be very grateful if this advert could be brought to wider attention – we clearly didn’t reach the right people last time round. The Stevenson archive contains around 3,000 maps and plans, supported by an extensive written archive, focusing on infrastructure projects in Scotland and further afield – particularly railways, harbours, bridges, canals, and lighthouses in the 19 th century. The maps have received almost no scholarly attention. Within this broad theme, there are good opportunities to shape the more specific direction of the research. The studentship also includes a six month project working closely with curators in the Library, gai...

CfP: HSTM Network Ireland, annual conference, 13-14 October 2017

Annual Conference of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine Network Ireland In Association with the RDS Library and Archives 13th and 14th October 2017 Deadline for submission of abstracts: 26th May 2017 We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the annual History of Science, Technology and Medicine Network Ireland Conference, which will be held at the RDS Library & Archives, Dublin, Ireland. A goal of the network is to establish a forum for academics at all career levels. Proposals for papers from established, early career, postgraduate, undergraduate and researchers without institutional affiliation are welcome. Abstracts addressing all aspects of science, technology and medicine are welcome. Papers need not necessarily have a wholly historical focus nor be centred on Ireland. Potential areas would include (but are not limited to):  History of medicine and health  Archival Material relating to Science, Technology and ...

Manifiesto por la Ciencia

Url:  http://www.cosce.org/manifiestoporlaciencia/ El próximo 22 de abril, se celebrarán en todo el mundo diversas acciones para reclamar la atención de la sociedad y de la clase política sobre la importancia de la ciencia en el mundo actual y algunos de los peligros que la acechan. La ciencia se ha convertido  en una parte esencial de nuestra sociedad sin cuya contribución es impensable mantener y mejorar los niveles de progreso, tecnología, calidad de vida y conocimiento que nos hemos impuesto como objetivos  para el siglo XXI. A pesar de ello, está emergiendo en los países desarrollados  una corriente política global que minusvalora, cuando no ignora, el papel de la ciencia en nuestras vidas con el resultado  de un inexorable deterioro en la salud y el medio ambiente, y un creciente menosprecio por el conocimiento que se ve sustituido por interpretaciones de la realidad alternativas a las que proporciona la ciencia. Todo ello, combi...

Lisbon / History of Cartography: ERC Project MEDEA-CHART: PhDscholarship positions offered

ERC PROJECT MEDEA-CHART: CALL FOR APPLICATIONS  Faculty of Sciences – University of Lisbon  Two PhD scholarship positions in the History of Cartography  Two PhD scholarship positions are being offered in the framework of the European Research Council project MEDEA-CHART: Medieval and Early Modern Nautical Charts: Birth, Evolution and Use (ERC–STG 714033), led by Dr Joaquim Alves Gaspar. Applications should be sent by email to medea-chart@ciuhct.org between 13 and 28 April, 2017. The complete text of the call is available in: http://www.eracareers.pt/ opportunities/index.aspx?task= global&jobId=90298  The positions are expected to start on 1 September 2017, or as soon as possible thereafter. The successful candidates will engage in the PhD program in the History and Philosophy of Sciences, of the Faculty of Sciences – University of Lisbon, and will be part of the MEDEA-CHART team, composed of two senior researchers (Joaquim Alves Gaspar a...

Post-doc positions: ERC project BodyCapital, Université de Strasbourg

Université de Strasbourg Societies, actors and government in Europe, SAGE UMR7363 ERC BodyCapital Call for Post-doc applications The ERC Advanced Grant programme “The healthy self as body capital: individuals, market-based societies and body politics in visual twentieth century Europe (BodyCapital)” led by Christian Bonah (Université de Strasbourg) and Anja Laukötter (MPIHD, Berlin) on the understanding of body capital and its history, through the twentieth century history of visual mass media (film, TV, Internet) and inédits (amateur, family and private visuals) is now accepting applications for a Post-doctoral researcher position for a project related to post-1945 Great Britain. The application deadline is 20 May 2017. Interviews will be scheduled on the Monday 26 June 2017 in Strasbourg (in-person interviews will be preferential, with some travel funding provided upon request). The contracts will begin 1 September 2017 (starting date is negotiable). ...

CfP: Annual Conference of the History of Science, Technology & Medicine Network of Ireland

Annual Conference of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine Network of Ireland  In Association with the RDS Library and Archives  13 th and 14 th October 2017    Deadline for submission of abstracts: 26th May 2017  We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the annual History of Science, Technology and Medicine Network of Ireland Conference, which will be held at the RDS Library & Archives .  A goal of the network is to establish a forum for academics at all career levels. Proposals for papers from established, early career, postgraduate, undergraduate and researchers without institutional affiliation are welcome.  Abstracts addressing all aspects of science, technology and medicine are welcome. Papers need not necessarily have a wholly historical focus nor be centred on Ireland. Potential areas would include (but are not limited to):  History of medicine and health  Archival Material relatin...

CfP: Paakat Journal of Technology and Society - Issue 13

I would to share this call for papers for the issue 13 of Paakat, a journal edited by The System of Virtual University Of University of Guadalajara.  We accept papers in English, Spanish and Portuguese.  “Issue 13 Open thematic" All topics related with technology and society, particularly technological aspects of virtual environments, anthropological, historical and social aspects related to technology, cyber-culture and electronic governance. Issue 13 will be published in September 2017. Deadline for summiting works is June 17, 2017. Now we are accepting articles in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Contact:  suv.paakat@redudg.udg.mx More information. Spanish  http://www.udgvirtual.udg.mx/paakat/index.php/paakat/about/submissions English  http://www.udgvirtual.udg.mx/paakat/index.php/paakat/about/submissions#authorGuidelines Portuguese  http://www.udgvirtual.udg.mx/paakat/index.php/paakat/about/submission Contact Info:...

Clystere n° 58 - avril 2017

Clystère n° 58 – Avril 2017 est paru ( April 2017 is online / Abril de 2017 acaba de salir ) : http://www.clystere.com Histoire des instruments : -    Une réglette dédiée à la mesure de l’indice de Schober (Bernard Petitdant) -    L’aiguille à chas ouvrant de Félizet (Philippe Lépine) -    A propos des petits clystères en étain du XVI° au XIX° siècle, appelés clystères à oreille (Louis-Jean Dupré) Histoire de la santé : -    John Wilkes Booth (1838-1865) et Lewis Thornton Powell (1844-1865): identifications controversées de deux conjurés sudistes responsables de la mort d’Abraham Lincoln (Xavier Riaud) -    La carte postale support de correspondance scientifique  entre P. Dorveaux et F. Flückiger (Frédéric Bonté, Bernard Kuballa, Annelise Lobstein) Notes de lecture Petites annonces Nouveautés en librairie OSNI (Objets Scientifiques N...

Call for Contributions – Celebrating 70 years: Reimagining Human Relations in our Time

http://tihr-archive. tavinstitute.org/ contributions-70-years/ Taking place over four days, Reimagining Human Relations in our Time will be a multi-sited event taking place in the public domain. Its aims are: To engage and expand research interest in the Tavistock Institute’s archive material that is being catalogued at the Wellcome Library. To invite creative participation in our programme of work; our philosophical approach; applied methodologies and their potential in tackling current societal challenges. To offer activities consistent with the Tavistock Institute’s history and practice that will support an improved understanding of wellbeing- in its individual, organisational and societal dimensions. The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) applies social science to contemporary issues and problems, in relation to group and organisational behaviour. The Institute is currently in the process of uncovering and cataloguing its extensive and rich ar...

CfP: The Material Realities of Energy Histories: A Call for Proposals for a Special Issue of the Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’histoire (CJH/ACH)

The appropriation and control of the flow of energy from the sun and stocks of energy stored beneath the surface of the Earth influenced changes to human societies in the past. Ideology, cultural norms, scientific knowledge, and technology informed how people used energy, and the use of energy transformed relationships between people, and between humans and the natural world. Over time, people devised more efficient ways of harnessing and directing energy, while at the same time breaking the constraints of older patterns of use by adopting new energy sources and fuels. And despite moments of scarcity or crisis, the scale of energy used by humans has always tended toward ever-greater amounts. Energy history has grown considerably from a largely overlooked sub-field to an important and relevant line of historical enquiry. Responding to the realization that human energy use has been directly responsible for monumental social, cultural, political, economic, and env...

CfP: Research Policy: insights from Social Epistemology

DEADLINE:  June 31, 2017 (issue on line expected December 2017) "How do we best design social institutions for the advancement of learning?  The philosophers have ignored the social structure of science. The point, however, is to change it". Through this Marxian-flavoured plea, 27 years ago the philosopher Philip Kitcher invited philosophers to care about the social structure of science. Kitcher’s invitation had both a descriptive and a normative purpose, by aiming not only to understand how science works, but also how to modify and ameliorate its functioning. Accepting Kitcher’s challenge, this special issue aims at making social epistemology interact with research policy, taking a critical-normative stance towards actual practices. In particular, it aims at bridging philosophical analysis with political concerns about research  policies, by including for example research evaluation, scientific communicat...

CFP Science in Public panel 24: Bonding with Our Immediate Public: (Non)Human Dimensions of STS research

11th Annual Science in Public Conference in Sheffield (July 10th-12th 2017)   "Bonding with Our Immediate Public: (Non)Human Dimensions of STS research" In many ways Science and Technology Studies (STS) scholars are a part of ‘the public’ for life scientists, and life scientists are in a sense the STS scholars’ most immediate and direct ‘public’. We are each ‘Other’ to some extent to each others’ worlds, as at the same time we can in our interactions become each others’ audience in Goffman’s sense. Yet to understand each others’ world making to what extent must we engage with each other at an affective, even intimate level? We invite contributions that consider the human and nonhuman dimensions of the bonds that STS scholars establish with their research subjects. We seek papers that analyse the characteristics of this bonding, including relations between STS scholars and humans (dead or alive) and non-humans (i.e. animals, documents, plants, instrume...