
Mostrando entradas de abril 25, 2021

Publicación del Dosier ‘Cultural Histories of Science in Franco’s Spain’ de la Revista Culture & History

Con la participación de un grupo de investigadores implicados en proyectos recientes sobre la historia de la ciencia y la tecnología durante el franquismo, este dosier examina algunas “culturas de la ciencia” que, en una tensión dialéctica más o menos marcada entre tradición y modernidad, se forjaron, fomentaron y/o promovieron durante esta etapa crucial de la historia contemporánea de España. Tomando como referencia los supuestos de la reciente historia cultural de la ciencia y, más concretamente, la consideración de la actividad científico-tecnológica como un agregado siempre heterogéneo de representaciones, significados y prácticas centradas en la producción, la circulación y el consumo de determinadas formas de conocimiento, los diferentes trabajos incluidos en este dosier se centran en el papel y la evolución de los discursos y las prácticas relacionadas con las categorías de ciencia "pura" y "aplicada", en la reformulación de disciplinas y doctrinas emblemátic...

CfP: American Anthropological Association Meetings 2021: Fictive Futures: Land, Labor, Technology External Inbox

  Fictive Futures: Land, Labor, Technology The worldwide scramble by multinational investment firms, international financial institutions, and postcolonial states to render land into a discrete, knowable, and fungible object has been termed by academics and policymakers alike as the “global land rush.” Anthropologists have linked the global standardization of land to transformations in agricultural labor and rural lifeways (Ofstehage 2018), economic liberalization and unprecedented urban dispossession (Searle 2016), and the turn toward transparency, e-governance, and centralized bureaucratic control (Hull 2012). And yet, land is a “strange object” (Li 2014). On the one hand, land’s fixity in space tends to sabotage efforts to convert it into a standardized liquid asset. On the other hand, land’s existence across time holds together relationships between families, communities, and citizens and the state that defy any singular way of being known or valued. As such, scholars have rece...

Special Issue for Energy Policy journal: EU Green Recovery in the post-Covid-19 Period

Call on Energy Policy webpage:   https://www.journals.elsevier.com/energy-policy/call-for-papers/call-for... Abstracts due to guest editors:  30th June, 2021 Decisions sent to the authors:  7th July, 2021 Submission:  15th Nov, 2021  till  15th Feb, 2022 The key policy priority in 2021 for governments around the world has been response to Covid-19. As governments all over the world implemented measures to contain the outbreak of the pandemic (Anderson et al., 2020; Weill et al., 2020), and respond to the ongoing health, social and economic crisis, consequences of these measures impacted economic and social activity (Bonaccorsi et al., 2020), and the energy sector was no exemption (Mastropietro et al., 2020; Sovacool et al., 2020). The ongoing energy transition was obviously also affected by these measures (Klemeš et al., 2020; Steffen et al., 2020; Vaka et al., 2020). While the short-term effects are noticeable (Hosseini, 2020; Salisu et al., 2020),  t...

CfP: Science and the State Governmental Research in War and Peace during the Twentieth Century

Science and the State.  Governmental Research in War and Peace during the Twentieth Century Organized by Simon Große-Wilde, Helmut Maier and Carsten Reinhardt   Arguably, governmental research institutes and their scientific output have been crucial to state activities during the twentieth century. Think of the National Physics Laboratory (UK), the US Geological Survey, the Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’Essais (France), or the Materials Testing Laboratories (Germany). However – perhaps due to an emphasis on university-based, “basic” science and its phenomenal growth toward Big Science in this period, or a focus on “applied” science (or technoscience) and its societal effects and repercussions – the research done at governmental institutes is a topic overlooked by many historians of science and technology. Only recently this has begun to change, with sustained efforts especially by political scientists and economists to give governmental science, often analyzed as reg...

CfP: "Science Popularization as Cultural Diplomacy: UNESCO (1946-1958)"

Organised by the Institut d’Història de la Ciència (IHC), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and the Centre Alexandre Koyré (CAK), CNRS-EHESS-MNHN, Paris. This is a call for participation to an  international  on-line workshop exploring the role of science popularization as cultural diplomacy at UNESCO. From its creation after World War II, UNESCO became a political battleground in which different visions of science and the world order fought for hegemony. As it is well known, Julian Huxley (1887-1975) and Joseph Needham (1900-1995) were the first General Director and the first Director of the Natural Sciences Division. Their administration stressed the "social implications of science" -through the influence of Bernalist Marxism- and the "periphery principle" in international relations. They also included science popularization in its priorities, but UNESCO's popularization program would only start once the Cold War increased in intensity and Huxley and Need...

CfP: Synthese Topical Collection, Digital Studies of Digital Science

Guest Editor(s): Charles H. Pence and Luca Rivelli, Université  catholique de Louvain Following our recent DS² 2021 conference, we are now opening submissions  for a Topical Collection at Synthese covering the same subjects, in  addition to including the papers presented during the meeting. We hope to bring together scholars working on two separate trends. First, the products of science themselves have increasingly become digital – from big data produced in laboratory contexts to the increasingly dominant roles of social media and preprints in the dissemination of results. Second, the methods that we use to study those products have also become digitized – scholars including philosophers, historians, linguists, and sociologists have turned to tools like network and citation analysis, textual analysis (and other tools of the digital humanities), and modeling and simulation, in our attempts to understand science and its changes o...

Call for Abstract - 1st Graduate Conference (Online) of the Italian Association for Cognitive Science

Url:   http://www.aisc-net.org/home/ next-conference/ Natural &/or Artificial Minds.  September, 13 th  (late afternoon) & 14 th  (morning) Since its early days, cognitive science has been characterized by analogies between the human and other minds, be them (non-human) biological or artificial. The consideration of non-human minds has played, and still plays, its role in many ways. Non-human minds can be inspiring metaphors; they can work as theoretical or empirical models; they can be used to simulate the human mind; and even those who minimize their similarity with human minds are somehow exploiting one of their functions, albeit a negative one, as sources of potentially informative disanalogies.  In this workshop, we seek to hear the perspective of younger scholars from the disciplines of cognitive science (broadly construed), and to provide them with constructive feedback on their research. PhD students and early career researchers (up to ...

PhD studentship: Scientific Grant-making in Britain, 1849-1914

AHRC-funded Collaborative PhD Studentship with the University of St Andrews and The Royal Society Scientific Grant-making in Britain, 1849-1914   The  School of History  at the University of St Andrews and  The Royal Society  invite applications for a fully-funded AHRC studentship to investigate the processes, policies and beneficiaries of grant-making in late nineteenth-century science. The award will enable a student to pursue doctoral research in a world-class History department in a beautiful coastal town; and to gain hands-on professional experience working with the Library and Grants teams at The Royal Society in London   The student will use the rich archival records of The Royal Society to investigate the ways in which scientific research was evaluated between 1849 and 1914, and the diversity – or not – of people, institutions and subject areas that benefitted from research grants. This was a period when few sources of funding were availab...

CfP: Pursuitworthiness in Science SI Extensio

We are soliciting papers for a special issue in  Studies of History and Philosophy of Science, Part A , on the topic “Pursuitworthiness in Scientific Inquiry”. The special issue will be co-edited by Dunja Šešelja (TU Eindhoven) and Jamie Shaw (University of Toronto). The topic of pursuitworthiness in scientific inquiry received a lot of attention throughout the last decades of the 20th century. While this theme draws its roots from Peirce’s ‘economy of research’ and discussions that followed Reichenbach’s distinction between the context of discovery and the context of justification, pursuitworthiness became an explicit topic of philosophical accounts in the post-Kuhnian literature. Starting from Laudan’s (1977) ‘context of pursuit’, to McMullin’s (1976) ‘heuristic appraisal’, to Anne-Whitt’s (1992) ‘indices of theory-promise’ different accounts aimed at explicating ways of evaluating the promising character of scientific inquiry. The importance of distinguishing the ‘comparative ev...

Premis SCHCT [TFM + Ens. Sec.]

  La SCHCT té el plaer d'anunciar l'obertura de la nova convocatòria anual dels seus Premis: * A millor Treball de Fi de Màster d'Història de la Ciència (orientacions acadèmica i professional) - termini 30 de novembre de 2021 * A millor treball de recerca en ensenyament secundari obligatori i postobligatori - termini 30 de setembre de 2021 Més informació sobre la convocatòria i els premiats en edicions prèvies: https://blogs.iec.cat/schct/pr emis/premi-a-treballs-de-maste r/ https://blogs.iec.cat/schct/xi x-premi-antoni-quintana-i-mari -2/