
Mostrando entradas de agosto 22, 2010

Conference on Geological Collectors and Collecting

*Conference on Geological Collectors and Collecting -- April 4 - 5, 2011* The History of Geology Group (HOGG), a group affiliated with the Geological Society of London, will be holding a conference about Geological Collectors and Collecting. The conference will take place on 4-5 April 2011 at the Flett Theatre at the Natural History Museum in London, and is timed coincide the Christies planned sale of natural history artefacts. Convenors include John Henry (HOGG member, and proprietor of 19^th Century Geological Maps), Sarah Long (Head of Palaeontology Collections at the Natural History Museum in London), and Nina Morgan (Science writer and HOGG committee member). This two day event will include talks, exhibitions, workshops and behind the scenes tours on topics of interest to collectors of geological material of all kinds, including books, maps, minerals, and fossils. It will also include discussions about historical collections and policy issues related to collections and care o...

History of the Present, a new journal of critical history, Call for Articles

History of the Present, a Journal of Critical History is a new peer-reviewed journal published by the University of Illinois Press . The editors (Joan Wallach Scott, Andrew Aisenberg, Brian Connolly, Ben Kakfa, Sylvia Schafer and Mrinalini Sinha) invite submissions that approach history as a critical endeavor for publication in volume 2 number 1 (summer 2012). We are particularly interested in essays that press the boundaries of history’s disciplinary norms. In that spirit, we also seek submissions from scholars thinking through the past in fields outside of history. We welcome articles that: -examine the historical construction of categories of knowledge. -analyze how relationships of power are established and maintained, and how history has served to legitimize or challenge them. -are explicitly theorized without being restricted to the discipline’s conventional categorizations of method and subject (i.e. social, cultural, intellectual, legal, or political history). Manuscrip...

FINAL CALL FOR AUTHORS: Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society

Greetings, We are inviting academic editorial contributors to a new reference work on the role of mathematics in everyday life to be published by Salem Press in 2011. This comprehensive encyclopedia will be marketed and sold to high-school, college, public, and academic libraries and includes 3 volumes of approximately 500 articles. Mathematics is a fundamental part of society, yet many people may not be aware of the interconnections between what they have learned in school and their everyday lives. In its Curriculum Guide (MAA, 2004), the Mathematical Association of America's Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics (CUPM) recommends that mathematics programs lead people "to learn mathematics in a way that helps them to better understand its place in society: its meaning, its history, and its uses." In keeping with this philosophy, the editors chose topics for inclusion based on one or more of the following criteria: (1) the topic is currently timely an...


Call for Papers Exploring Empire: Sir Joseph Banks, India and the ‘Great Pacific Ocean ’ – Science, Travel, Trade & Culture 1768–1820 A two-day conference held in conjunction with the National Maritime Museum , London   24–25 June 2011 Plenary speakers: Professor Simon Schaffer, University of Cambridge Dr Jeremy Coote, Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford In 1768, Sir Joseph Banks sailed around the world with Captain Cook and in doing so inaugurated a new era in British exploration, empire and science.   As a botanist, man of science, adviser of the monarch and of ministers, and as President of the Royal Society, Banks became a central figure in the expansion in discovery and settlement that took place in the Indo-Pacific region from 1768 to 1820. Through his correspondence with fellow men of science and with government agents, Banks promoted the exchange of knowledge about flora, fauna and human cultures new to Europeans. He was a prime mover in the de...

Convocatoria: Anthropologie des connaisances

“CIRCULATION ET CONNEXITE MONDIALE DES SAVOIRS : éléments d’anthropologie des connaissances en Amérique Latine / Circulación y vinculación mundial de conocimientos : Elementos de la antropología de los conocimientos en y sobre América Latina”. Hay dos puntos que comentar: 1. Los textos serán publicados en francés en la revista Anthropologie des Connaissances y en español en la revista REDES, Revista de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia. 2. Los artículos pueden ser enviado en español o portugués para su dictaminación y la versión final deberá ser enviada por los autores en versión francesa a Anthropologie des Connaissances, los artículos seleccionados en francés para ser publicados en Anthropologie des Connaissances serán enviados en español o portugués para la publicación en la Revista Redes, Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Segunda época. 3. Todos los artículos serán dictaminados, tal y como es la política de ambas revistas. El calendario de este número es el siguiente: Juillet 2010 –...

Segona circular Trobades Alacant 2011

TROBADES DEL SEMINARI D’ESTUDIS SOBRE LA CIÈNCIA (Universitats d’Alacant, Jaume I, Miguel Hernández i València) L’oci, el turisme i la salut als municipis valencians Alacant, 5/6 de maig de 2011 SEGONA CIRCULAR (Pròrroga de terminis) Presentació El Seminari d’Estudis sobre la Ciència, amb la col·laboració de les universitats públiques valencianes, ha estat organitzant des de 1995, les trobades sobre “Salut i malaltia en els municipis valencians. Una perspectiva històrica”. Al llarg de tots aquests anys, els municipis de València, Forcall, Benissa, Alcoi, Sueca, Ontinyent i Gandia, han acollit les diferents trobades i han col·laborat en l’organització i l’edició de les monografies col·lectives que recullen els treballs seleccionats. Volem destacar el caràcter interdisciplinar de les trobades. Junt amb la participació dels professionals que treballen als arxius locals, solen assistir investigadors que pertanyen a les àrees de coneixement de la història, la història de...

Stanford Humanities Center External Faculty Fellowships

Stanford Humanities Center External Faculty Fellowships Location: California , United States Announcement of Faculty Fellowships at the Stanford Humanities Center External Faculty Fellowships The Stanford Humanities Center invites applications for 2011-12 academic-year residential fellowships. The Humanities Center is a multidisciplinary research institute located at the heart of Stanford University . Since its founding in 1980, the Center has provided a collegial environment for faculty who are undertaking innovative projects in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. Fellows participate in the intellectual life of the Center and the broader Stanford community, sharing ideas and work in progress with a diverse cohort of scholars and benefitting from a wide variety of campus resources. Fellowship term: September 2011 – June 2012 Application deadline: October 1, 2010 Eligibility Applicants must have a PhD and should be at least three years beyond receipt of ...

CFP: "Imagining Iberia in the 18th Century"

“Imagining Iberia in the 18th Century” This panel will explore the ways Spain and Portugal were “imagined” in Britain , the Americas , the Caribbean, or other cultures from which the Iberian peninsula was geographically isolated. Papers may approach the topic from a variety of disciplines, calling on resources such as travel narratives and journals by individuals, accounts in periodicals, or commentary on law, religion, or medicine . The working question is, how was Iberia imagined outside the peninsula? 250-word abstracts, electronic submission preferred, by 15 September 2010 to broomej1@wpunj.edu    Judith Broome William Paterson University Department of English 1-973-720-3065 broomej1@wpunj.edu