CfP: Environment and Society: Restoration
Guest Editors: Jessica Vandenberg and Annet Pauwelussen Restoration practice and technologies are emerging as a dominant tool for addressing degrading ecologies globally. This increased popularity is reflected through growing calls for the prioritization and legitimization of restoration as a practice for not only preventing but also reversing ongoing degradation. For example, the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration has established ambitious goals to “heal the planet” in 10 years’ time focusing on restoration efforts of forests, farmlands, wetlands, oceans and even cities. Restoration has featured centrally in discussions of changing climates, biodiversity loss, and food security, and restoration technologies in particular have gained significant support. Coral reefs, mangrove forests, riparian systems, and oyster beds, among many other habitats, are not only seen as nature worth “healing,” but as critical natural infrastructures for addressing ongoing human-induced environmental crises...