
Mostrando entradas de marzo 15, 2015

Durham: Hume and Naturalism

July 16th-17th, Grey College, Durham University, UK. A workshop will take place on Hume and Naturalism at Durham University, July 16th-17th, 2015. We invite submissions of abstracts, 500 words max., for papers to present at the workshop.  The deadline to submit Abstracts is: 13th April, 2015. The deadline for registration for the workshop is: 18th June, 2015. Invited contributors: Dr. Lorenzo Greco (University of Oxford) Dr. Peter Kail (University of Oxford) Prof. Jacqueline Taylor (University of San Francisco)  Prof. Saul Traiger (Occidental College) Hume’s work has been regarded by many as a strong influence on the formation of philosophical naturalism, and it is clear that naturalism informs Hume’s work on epistemology, philosophy of mind and ethics, amongst other topics. More generally some influential interpretations regard Hume’s naturalism as helping to lay the foundations for a ‘disenchanted’ conception of the world. However, recent w...

Call for Papers for a 4S Open Panel: The Epistemology of Code and Computation

4S http://www.4sonline.org/meeting/ Denver, Colorado 11-14 November 2015 Abstracts due March 29, 2015 Organizers: Evan Buswell, UC Davis ( ecbuswell@ucdavis.edu ), Clarissa Ai Ling Lee, UCSI University in Kuala Lumpur ( leeal@ucsiuniversity.edu.my ) In the mathematical and scientific community, computers appear not as a collection of applications but as tools for running computations to produce knowledge. In certain respects, then, code has taken the place of mathematics as the epistemic basis and the medium of expression of knowledge. While code can be reasoned about mathematically, such that the correctness of a given program can be mathematically established, this is rarely done in practice. This has led to a miscognition and  misapplication of concepts such as "stochastic," "analytics," "probabilistic," "modeling," "optimization," and others. It is this panel’s goal to disrupt, dismantle, and dislocate these hyper-po...

CfP for SHOT 2015 Panel: "Outside Technologies"

Outside Technologies: Instruments and their Users in the Field Sciences Society for the History of Technology, Annual Meeting, 8-11 October 2015, Albuqerque, NM This panel will focus on the use and users of technologies in the field sciences from the second half of the nineteenth to the second half of the twentieth century. Following recent calls to pay more attention to the material context of scientific field work, the papers will address the ways in which practitioners from different disciplines selected and worked with scientific instruments in different places around the globe to gather environmental information and data. What kind of criteria did scientists employ in their choice of available technologies on expeditions into foreign environments? What kind of training and preparation did specialists and lay practitioners go through before setting out with their instruments? How did practitioners deal with the issues of adjustment and calibration in different and changing env...

Science & Religion Workshop: ECR/PhD Bursaries, 26th-28th May 2015, York University, Toronto

Science and Religion: Exploring the Spectrum  Workshop York University Toronto, 26 th -28 th  May 2015 Early Career Researcher Bursaries: We have a number of bursaries available for Canada based PhD students and Early Career Researchers to attend and participate in the  Science and Religion: Exploring the Spectrum   workshop. These bursaries will cover the cost of your registration, accommodation, all workshop meals and a significant contribution to some or all of your travel costs up to a value of $650 CAD. ‘Early-Career Researcher’ is defined as up to five years post-PhD (or equivalent taking into account career breaks for childcare etc.) We welcome applications from researchers who are just starting to develop an interest in this field as well as those who existing research directly relates to the project content. To apply for a Travel Bursary for the workshop at York University, Toronto please send a short 2 -3 page co...

History of science/history of medicine Ph.D. opportunities at University of Glasgow: deadline 03/04/15

" Collections": 5 fully funded Ph.D.s at the University of Glasgow, including history of medicine and history of science projects in collaboration with the University Archives, Special Collections, and The Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery. http://www.gla.ac.uk/colleges/arts/graduateschool/fundingopportunities/leverhulmetrustscholarships/ The Leverhulme Trust: "Collections" Scholarships Collections: an Enlightenment Pedagogy for the 21st Century It is well known that in the three hundred years since the Enlightenment, knowledge worldwide has made giant steps - but that at the same time, this knowledge has become compartmentalised. Increasingly narrow specialisms deliver insight and technological advances - at a price. Knowledge reflects depth, but rarely, a breadth of understanding. All too easily, the various disciplines of the modern academy lose touch with each other, when there remains much that they might share. Clinicians, scien...