
Mostrando entradas de marzo 1, 2015


Els pitjors presagis respecte al destí de la biblioteca de l’institut d’història de la medicina i de la ciència “López Piñero” han estat confirmats ahir. Com sabeu, la biblioteca de l’IHMC és una de les més completes dedicades a la història de la ciència, de la medicina i de la tecnologia. Amb més de 10,000 monografies i desenes de revistes especialitzades. Algunes sèries de revistes s’inicien a principis del segle XX i es mantenien sense interrupció fins a l’actualitat. Ja sabeu que moltes d’aquestes revistes i llibres, de contingut molt especialitzat, no són fàcils de trobar a altres biblioteques del nostre entorn . Per això, la biblioteca desenvolupa una activitat de préstec  als investigadors d'altres institucions i acull habitualment a investigadors de diferents països. Al mes de maig de 2014, el CSIC va denunciar el conveni de col·laboració amb la Universitat de València i s’iniciaren els tràmits per tal de clausurar l’Institut “López Piñero”. Es va crear una comissi...

Biological Discourses Conference, Cambridge, 10-11 April 2015

Biological Discourses THE LANGUAGE OF SCIENCE AND LITERATURE AROUND 1900 VENUE: ST JOHN’S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE FRIDAY, 10 AND SATURDAY, 11 APRIL 2015 Organisers: Robert Craig, Ina Linge and Annja Neumann (Cambridge) Keynote speakers: Heike Bauer (London); Staffan Müller-Wille (Exeter) Panels: Sexology; The Racial Other; Infections and Infestations; Reproductive Issues; The Darwinian Legacy; Psychology and Aesthetics; Literary Transformations PROGRAMME: https://modernlanguages.sas.ac.uk/sites/default/files/files/Events/Biological_%20Discourses%20Prg%20%28Final%29.pdf REGISTRATION: https://modernlanguages.sas.ac.uk/sites/default/files/files/Events/Biological%20Discourses%20Reg%20Form%20%28Final%29.pdf Advance registration required [closing date: 27 March 2015]

2015/16 Visiting Fellowships Scheme at University of Leeds

The School of Philosophy, Religion, and History of Science at University of Leeds invites applications to its Non-Stipendiary Visiting Fellowships scheme for the academic year 2015-16. Visiting Fellows will be provided with full library and information systems access, and with office space where possible. There are no formal duties. Fellows will be expected to pursue their research and to participate in seminars, reading groups, and other aspects of the research life of one or more of the Research Centres affiliated with the School: - Centre for History and Philosophy of Science; - Centre for Metaphysics and Mind; - Centre for Ethics and Metaethics; - Centre for Aesthetics; - Centre for Philosophy of Religion; and - Centre for Religion and Public Life. Fellowship periods can be from a couple of months to one year. Junior and senior applicants are equally welcome, though applicants must hold a PhD. Proposed research projects should clearly mesh with the research interests of members of ...

Call for Papers: Old and New Worlds: Deadline for submission of proposals : 15 April 2015

International Conference Old and New Worlds: the Global Challenges of Rural History Lisbon, 27-30 January 2016 VI Encontro Rural RePort  »  XV Congreso de Historia Agraria de la SEHA Call For Papers: VI Encontro Rural RePort and  XV Congreso de Historia Agraria de la SEHA The Call for Papers is now open. Deadline for submission of proposals : 15 April 2015. Please note that the CFPs are managed directly by the panels’ convenors. If you wish to submit a proposal, start by downloading the Paper Submission Form, and then send it to the convenor of the appropriate panel. Check the list of the approved panels here. Acceptance decisions will be made known by 15 May 2015. Final papers should be submitted (to the panels convenors) by 30 October 2015. Best regards, Secretaria de la SEHA

HSS 2015 Annual Meeting: Call for Papers

HSS 2015 Annual Meeting: Call for Papers San Francisco, California, USA 19-22 November 2015 The History of Science Society will hold its 2015 Annual Meeting in the historic Westin St. Francis hotel in downtown San Francisco, across the street from Union Square. The HSS encourages submissions on all topics. Proposals must be submitted on the HSS Web site (http://www.hssonline.org) or on the annual meeting proposal forms that are available from the HSS Executive Office: info@hssonline.org. Unlike most other academic societies, the HSS does not require that participants be members, but all participants must register for the meeting (organizers who invite speakers should ensure that registration fees are paid). Applicants are encouraged to propose sessions that include diverse participants: a mix of men and women, and/or a balance of professional ranks (i.e., mixing senior scholars with junior scholars and graduate students). Strong preference will be given to panels whose presenters have ...

Metascience-Table of Contents alert

e are pleased to announce the publication of Vol. 24, Issue 1 of Metascience.  Editors: Luciano Boschiero and K. Brad Wray http://link.springer.com/journal/11016/24/1/page/1 In this issue: 1.     Editorial Luciano Boschiero, K. Brad Wray Pages 1-2 Eloge David Oldroyd 1936–2014 Luciano Boschiero, K. Brad Wray Pages 3-4 Book Symposium What-if history of science Alan C. Love, Robert J. Richards, Peter J. Bowler Pages 5-24 Essay Review Pragmatism: An overview Robert Almeder Pages 25-29 Essay Review Representing and measuring: Discussing van Fraassen’s views Michel Ghins Pages 31-35 Essay Review Robustness analysis versus reliable process reasoning Chiara Lisciandra Pages 37-41 Essay Review Monism versus emergence? The one and the many Michael Silberstein Pages 43-48 Book Review Eliminating inconsistency in science Mark P. Newman Pages 49-53 Book Review Overcoming the conceptual barriers to understanding evolution Jonathan Kaplan Pages 55-58 Essay Review A potted his...

Estudios visuales sobre medicina y salud: pasado y presente. Zaragoza (España), Facultad de Medicina, 27 y 28 de noviembre de 2015

Estudios visuales sobre medicina y salud: pasado y presente Visual Studies on Medicine and Health: past and present Zaragoza (España), Facultad de Medicina, 27 y 28 de noviembre de 2015 PROGRAMA CIENTIFICO La representación del cuerpo en su contexto: viernes 27 de noviembre, mañana Uses of images in early modern medicine: a historical and historiographical survey Sachiko Kusukawa , Trinity College, University of Cambridge Libros, modelos y cadáveres: la cultura material de la obstetricia en España, ss. XVIII-XIX Alfons Zarzoso . Museu d'Història de la Medicina de Catalunya y Centre d'Història de la Ciència, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Memoria herida, cuerpos rebelados: interpretando la cartografía corporal del pasado Juan Antonio Rodríguez . Historia de la Ciencia, Universidad de Salamanca. La Historia de la salud y de la enfermedad a través de la filatelia: un estudi...