
Mostrando entradas de febrero 26, 2017

On line: Conferència de Jacalyn Duffin

Url:  <http://mmedia.uv.es/ buildhtml/47988> Jacalyn Duffin, professora canadenca, especialista d'història de la medicina i particularment en la biografia de René Laënnec, descobridor de l'estetoscopi, va donar una  interessant conferència a l'Institut d'Història de la Medicina i de la Ciència "López Piñero" el dia 22 de febrer de 2017, dins del cicle d'activitats de l'exposició organitzada pel professor Joan Lloret: " Auscultar per escoltar ". La conferència va servir per a repensar l'atribució de descobriments, els usos dels sentits dins de la medicina, els processos d'arribada de nous instruments per al diagnòstic mèdic i els canvis dins de les relacions entre doctors i pacients, a més de moltes altres qüestions que varen animar el debat posterior. La conferència impartida per la professora Jacalyn Duffin respecte a l'estetosc...

CfP: Villes, sociétés urbaines et syphilis en Méditerranée et au-delà (XVIème-XXIème siècle)

Venue du fond des âges, plus que toute autre maladie contagieuse peut-être, la syphilis (associée aux autres pathologies vénériennes) incarne les tensions d’un monde qui se mondialise à partir du XVI e siècle avec une phase d’accélération au XIX e siècle. Si l’on suit Alain Corbin dans la description qu’il donne de « l’image composite du péril vénérien, spectre inédit, dont les traits originaux […] ne s’effaceront pas avant les années médianes du XX e siècle », alors s’impose à notre étude une épidémie lente dont Peter Baldwin saisit la dynamique entre « prostitution et promiscuité » et met en lumière les « velléités de régulation » qui tentent de se superposer aux dynamiques de circulations. Le colloque souhaite donc conjuguer une pluralité de contexte (colonial, métropolitain …) et une perspective de temps long avec l’expérience contemporaine d’une épidémie de syphilis qui connaît une recrudescence. Avec près de 500 cas diagnostiqué...

ESHHS 2017 – Second call

The European Society for the History of the Human Science s (ESHHS) invites submissions to its conference to be held from July 12 to July 14, 2017 , at the Seminar for the History of Science, University of Bari ‘Aldo Moro’ , Italy. Sessions, papers, workshops, round-tables and posters may deal with any aspect of the history of the human, behavioural and social sciences or with related historiographic and methodological issues. However, this year’s conference will pay particular attention to: history and new trends in historiography of human sciences circulation and popularization of scientific knowledge history of the body comparative studies and cultural hegemonies in history of science laboratory science and professionalization theories and practices in the historical development of human sciences Submissions: must be received by March 17, 2017. For more information please see the second call for papers . We looking forward to your applications! Url:  htt...

CfP Material Histories of Time: Objects and Practices, 14th-18th centuries (La Chaux-de-Fonds, Musée international d’horlogerie)

CfP: Material Histories of Time: Objects and Practices, 14th-18th centuries La Chaux-de-Fonds, Musée international d’horlogerie November 30 – December 1, 2017 DEADLINE: April 21, 2017 ORGANIZERS: Gianenrico Bernasconi (University of Neuchâtel), Susanne Thürigen (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich) French version below The historiography of timekeeping is traditionally characterized by a dichotomy between research that investigates the evolution of technical devices on the one hand, and research that is concerned with the examination of the cultures and uses of time on the other hand. The former engages with the improvement of clocks and watches’ mechanical movements, the biography of prominent clockmakers, the study of technical knowledge and the organization of production. The latter examines the various forms of temporal organization and coordination, and the ways they became internalized. One of the main consequences of this dichotomy has been the sc...

Call for proposals special issues of Centaurus for 2018 and 2019

Regularly  Centaurus,  the Official Journal of the European Society for the History of Science, publishes issues dedicated to a special theme. They are the result of an annual Call for Proposals. Past issues include: Russian Scholarship on the History of Science in Russia. Electricity and Imagination How Do Writings in the Early Astral Sciences Reveal Mathematical Practices? In the pipeline: Scoops, Scams and Scuffles. The Construction of Prehistoric Knowledge in Newspapers. Artisanal Culture in the Early Modern Iberian and Atlantic World. “A High Kind of Natural Magic”: Francis Bacon and Giovanni Battista Della Porta. Selected for publication in 2017 and 2018 Tercentenary of D’Alembert’s Birth (1717-1783). A Review of the Latest Research. The Promises of Science. Historical Perspectives . Now, the editorial Board of  Centaurus solicits proposals for special issues for 2018 and 2019. Proposals should include the following: A description of the top...

Collaborative doctoral award on powered machinery, education and display, Manchester

Power-assisted learning? Exhibiting, interpreting and teaching on technology in the twentieth-century industrial city An AHRC-funded Collaborative Doctoral Award with the University of Manchester and the Museum of Science and Industry We invite applications for a 3.5-year fully funded PhD studentship, beginning in October 2017, to explore the history of model engines and other demonstration equipment in education and museum display. The project is a collaboration between the University of Manchester, UK, and the Museum of Science and Industry (MSI) in Manchester, and is funded by the Science Museums and Archives Consortium within the Arts and Humanities Research Council Collaborative Doctoral Partnership Scheme. About the project Model devices and demonstration equipment have found a wide variety of uses as to...

PhD opportunity: medieval astronomy, Paris

Shaping a European Scientific Scene: Alfonsine Astronomy Call for Applications: 3 years PhD position in the history of late medieval astronomy in Europe ALFA ( https://alfa.hypotheses.org/ ) is an ERC funded project (2017-2022, 60 month, Consolidator grant 2016 agreement 723085) dedicated to the study of Alfonsine astronomy which flourished in Europe from the second half of the 13th century to the middle of the 16th century. Relying on approaches from the history of astronomy, history of mathematics, and history of manuscript cultures to study astronomical tables, instruments, theoretical and mathematical texts, ALFA’s main objectives are to: Retrace the development of the corpus of Alfonsine texts from its origin in the second half of the 13th century to the end of the 15th century by following, on the manuscript level, the milieus producing and using these codices; Analyse Alfonsine astronomers’ practices, their relations to mathematics, to the natural wor...

CfP: 33rd Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science - Metaphysics and the Laws of Nature

October 13-15, 2017,  University of Colorado in Boulder   Keynote Speakers:  David Albert, Alyssa Ney, & Michael Tooley We invite submissions on any historical or contemporary topic, from either a scientific or philosophical perspective, regarding the laws of nature. Aiming for both depth and breadth, we welcome cutting-edge work at any level of specificity or generality. Faculty interested in presenting are invited to submit an abstract of 500-1000 words. Graduate students are invited to submit full papers of 3000-4000 words. All submissions should be prepared for blind review, and should be suitable for 30-40min sessions. Submissions are due  June 1, 2017  and should be sent as an email attachment in pdf format to  heather.demarest@colorado. edu .  Acceptances will be announced by  July 15, 2017 . For additional information, please check the conference website:  www.colorado.edu/ philosophy/chps/conference.htm ...

CfP: Colors in Technology – Technology of Colors

The 40th History of Technology Conference will be held at the Klostergut Paradies in Schlatt near Schaffhausen, Switzerland on 17 and 18 November 2017. The Conference has served as an out-standing platform for the exchange of ideas between research, teaching and industry since 1978. The speakers and the invited guests come from universities, libraries, collections and museums or contribute their business and industrial experience. The conferences are renowned for the breadth and topicality of the papers presented. You can find information on previous conferences at: www.eisenbibliothek.ch . This international and interdisciplinary event is organized by the Iron Library (Eisenbibliothek), Foundation of Georg Fischer Ltd. Responsibility for the content of the conference is in the hands of a scientific advisory board consisting of Dr. Gisela Hürlimann (ETH Zurich), Prof. Reinhold Reith (University of Salzburg) and Prof. Friedrich S...

Call for Pittsburgh Summer Program, Deadline Approaching

The Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh is pleased to announce a call for applications for the 2017 PSP1: A Summer Program in Philosophy of Science for Underrepresented Groups, which will be held in the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh from July 10 to July 14, 2017 ( www.pitt.edu/~pittcntr/ Events/All/psp/psp1.html ). We invite applications from North American female undergraduates, LGBTQIA+ undergraduates, disabled undergraduates, undergraduates from racial and ethnic backgrounds, and other undergraduates from groups underrepresented in philosophy of science. Exceptions may be granted to undergraduates not in these groups on a case-by-case basis (can be explained in a cover letter). Past coursework in philosophy of science is not a prerequisite for application to the Summer Program. The Summer Program will feature two daily graduate seminars and some shorter lectures about core issues and cutting-edge ...

CfP: Thinking about Space and Time: 100 Years of Applying and Interpreting General Relativity

Bern (Switzerland), September 12 – 14, 2017 webpage: http://www.philosophie.unibe. ch/news/spacetime2017/index_ eng.html About one hundred years ago, in late 1915, Einstein came up with his gravitational field equations of the General Theory of Relativity. This is often celebrated as one of the most momentous events in the history of science, but at that time, a new theoretical understanding of gravitation had really only begun. No exact solutions to the field equations were known, and the implications of the theory were almost unexplored. It is no surprise, then, that the publication of the field equations gave rise to pioneering research – think of Karl Schwarzschild's black hole solution to the equation s, Einstein's discussion about gravitational waves or his first relativistic world model. Since the theory has far-reaching implications for our understanding of space and time, the discovery of the field equati...

CfP: History & Pedagogy of Mathematics

The Americas Section of the International Study Group on the Relations Between the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics (HPM-Americas) is pleased to announce a meeting from Friday, March 31, to Sunday, April 2, 2017, on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia.  We seek a variety of talks on relations between the history and pedagogy of mathematics. At this meeting  we hope to feature a special session on the history and pedagogy of mathematics in engineering.  We encourage submissions of paper proposals in this area.  Talks will be about 25 minutes long, followed by abundant time for discussion.  Abstracts of proposed talks need to be received by March 1, 2017. URL:  http://www.hpm-americas.org/upcoming/

CHSTM, Manchester: graduate studentship in the history or biology or medicine

Williamson graduate studentship in the history of biology and/or medicine: 2017 competition Deadline for applications: Friday 26 May 2017 These details are also available online at http://www.chstm.manchester. ac.uk/postgraduate/research/ funding/williamson-2017.aspx The Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHSTM) at the University of Manchester offers a fully funded studentship (including maintenance allowance) for graduate study in the history of the biological sciences and/or medicine after 1800. The position is supported by the Williamson Fund, which was established to further the study of these subjects at the University. Candidates may apply for a studentship in either of two schemes: (a) Master’s plus PhD study. This scheme is...

EPSA Fellowships: Call for Institutional Partners

The European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) is looking for institutional partners to participate as host institutions in its scheme of “EPSA Fellowships for junior philosophers working in Central and Eastern Europe”. Participating institutions would host a fellow for approximately one month in the academic year 2018/19, and they would cover his/her travel, accommodation and living expenses during that time.  The aim of the scheme is to foster contact and collaboration between philosophers of science working in Eastern Europe with their colleagues in Western Europe. Fellowships are aimed at philosophers of science who have been awarded their PhD no more than ten years prior to the application deadline and who work in one of the following countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukra...

CfP: The British Post Office in the Telecommunications Era

This is a call for papers for a workshop which will explore the history of the British Post Office from its monopolisation of the telegraph service in 1869 under control of the state until the privatisation of the telecommunications business as British Telecom. The history of the Post Office’s communication networks has, until recently, long been one of state monopoly, and the twentieth-century Post Office was both one of the UK’s largest state bureaucracies and largest employers. However, in contrast, it is apparent that histories of the Post Office are as disconnected as they are diverse, and so this workshop will synthesise these approaches and foreground the Post Office. We are influenced by numerous histories where the Post Office is explored on diverse registers. For example, Duncan Campbell-Smith (2012) explores the history of the Post Office as a business organisation since its inception, whereas Patrick Joyce (2013) loc...

CfP: Acta Baltica Historae et Philosophiae Scientiarum

Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum, a journal recently approved by Scopus, is receiving applications for its regular spring issue Vol. 5, No. 1. Please see www.bahps.org for previous issues. Submission deadline April 15 .

CfP: special issue of the Journal of Urbanism: "Food and Urbanism"

The focus of this special issue of the Journal of Urbanism is to explore and extend our knowledge and understanding of the ways that food and urbanism interconnect in diverse urbanism contexts worldwide. As is increasingly clear, food is a critical aspect of urbanism: an insight sharpened by the connected and worsening issues of inequality and climate change we face globally. The complex roles food plays are now the object of research in a number of disciplines, as well as in cross-disciplinary work, in urban design, planning, architecture, geography, sociology, anthropology, urban history, gastronomy, political economy and more. For this special issue, we call for papers that explore, generally through a primary research focus, the ways that food influences placemaking and can help or hinder sustainable urbanism outcomes. The aim is to add to the body of knowledge about food and urbanism with a view to advancing both conceptual and theoretical frameworks and showcas...