
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 19, 2010

Casa de Oswaldo Cruz abre inscrições para mestrado e doutorado acadêmicos

O Programa de Pós-graduação em História das Ciências e da Saúde aceita inscrições até 19 de novembro para o mestrado (18 vagas) e doutorado (12 vagas). Candidatos que residam fora do Estado do Rio de Janeiro podem se inscrever pelos correios até 12 de novembro. Confira o documento da Chamada Pública para Seleção Mestrado e Doutorado - Concurso 2010. As três linhas de pesquisa são História das Ciências Biomédicas; História da Medicina e das Doenças, e História das Políticas, Instituições e Profissões em Saúde. As aulas dos cursos de mestrado e doutorado começarão em 14 de março de 2011.

Eat, Drink, and Learn! Food for Tomorrow Symposium

Food for Tomorrow A Lemelson Center Symposium at the National Museum of American History November 5 - 6, 2010 Join us for our annual New Perspectives on Invention and Innovation symposium. This year's event features an array of activities exploring the inventions and innovations that have shaped and will shape "Food for Tomorrow." Inventors, writers, historians, farmers, and scientists come together in conversations and demonstrations about ways that invention has been and still is part of our daily menu. How do invention and innovation shape the ways we grow, prepare, and enjoy food? Discover the history and future of food and related technologies. Along the way, eat, drink, and learn! Continue reading, or visit our website< http://go.si.edu/site/R?i=ULVDqz3jKhwRbcZ4nsHtxw.. >, for full program information. [http://go.si.edu/images/content/pagebuilder/18166.jpg]For Starters: Truck Farm! Movie Sneak Peak & Homegrown Mixology Film...

CFP reminder: European Association for the History of Medicine and Health

Body and Mind in the History of Medicine and Health European Association for the History of Medicine and Health (EAHMH) 2011 Biennial Conference Utrecht, The Netherlands 1-4 September 2011 Co-organized by the Descartes Centre for the History and Philosophy of Sciences and the Humanities and by the University Medical Centre Utrecht. Keynote speakers: Floris Cohen, Jacalyn Duffin, Annemaire Mol and Roger Smith Deadline for proposals: 1 December 2010 Call for Papers The EAHMH welcomes submissions for its biennial meeting, to be held in Utrecht, The Netherlands from 1-4 September 2011.  In the city whose name is closely linked to Rene Descartes, the Association welcomes abstracts on the general theme 'Body and Mind in the History of Medicine and Health'. This theme encompasses research in any area where body and mind (and their interaction) were pivotal subjects in the creation of concepts, practices and institutions in the lived experience of health and disease.  Papers add...

History of Electricity grants

THE EDF FOUNDATION *HISTORY OF ELECTRICITY* *GRANTS FOR 2010 / 2011* *APPLICATION FORM* * * The EDF Foundation offers grants to graduate students. Four grants of 2500 euros each and three to six grants, varying from 1250 up to 2500 euros each, will be awarded under the supervision of the Committee for the History of Electricity of the EDF Foundation. *The selection will be based on the following criteria: originality of the subject, preparation and quality of presentation of the project.* *The project must deal, at least partly, with the history of electricity in France, Europe or elsewhere in the world (but with a comparative approach with Europe in this case).* The payment of the grant will be conditional upon the signature of an agreement. The thesis or dissertation will be written either in French, English, German, Spanish or Italian. A 10-page summary in French will be required for the works which won’t be in French. The...