
Mostrando entradas de febrero 5, 2017

CfP: Nuevas tecnologías para comunicar la historia de la medicina

Juan Manuel Zaragoza (Universidad Miguel Hernández – Grupo HISTEX), jm.zaragozabernal@gmail.com Eduardo Bueno (Universidad Miguel Hernández), ebueno@umh.es Invitamos a todos aquellos que estén llevando a cabo proyectos de historia pública de la medicina usando cualquiera de los medios señalados u otros que hayan quedado fuera, a que envíen sus propuestas (que no excedan una página) a los organizadores del panel ( jm.zaragozabernal@gmail.com  y/o  ebueno@umh.es ), antes del día 15 de febrero de 2017. También aceptamos proyectos en fase de planificación, proyectos fracasados, proyectos que nunca vieron la luz… todas las experiencias son valiosas. En el libro The history manifesto , los historiadores Jo Guldi y David Armitage(1) avisaban sobre la necesidad de repensar la disciplina de la historia. Si queríamos que esta recuperase el prestigio y la influencia perdida, nos decían, debíamos empezar a hacer historia de otra forma . Podemos estar más o menos de acuerdo co...

CfP: "Every Science Should Become Art," SECAC 2017

Please consider applying to and circulating the CFP for the SECAC panel "Every science should become art": Visualizing Science in the Long Nineteenth Century. The long nineteenth century saw the rise and professionalization of the modern sciences, which reshaped how citizens imagined the universe and their places within it. From medicine's professionalization and the establishment of disciplines such as anthropology, pathology, biology, astronomy, and chemistry, to the publications of Charles Darwin, Louis Agassiz, and Rudolph Virchow, the long nineteenth century was transformed by science. Illustrated publications, periodicals, visual materials, artworks, pedagogical tools, including models, instructional charts, and diagrams, alongside organizations, societies, and departments of higher learning, helped to encourage, support, and cement the institutional and disciplinary hegemony of these newly professionalized scientific fields. While science is...

Research travel grant for Yale's Cushing/Whitney Medical Historical Library

The Medical Historical Library of the Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library at Yale University is pleased to announce its tenth annual Ferenc Gyorgyey Research Travel Award for use of the Historical Library:  http://library. medicine.yale.edu/historical/ us/grant The Medical Historical Library, located in New Haven, Connecticut, holds one of the country’s largest collections of rare medical books, journals, prints, photographs, and pamphlets. Special strengths are the works of Hippocrates, Galen, Vesalius, Boyle, Harvey, Culpeper, Priestley, and S. Weir Mitchell, and works on anatomy, anesthesia, and smallpox inoculation and vaccination. The Library owns over fifty medieval and renaissance manuscripts, Arabic and Persian manuscripts, and over 300 medical incunabula.  The notable Clements C. Fry Collection of Prints and Drawings has over 2,500 fine prints, drawings, and posters from the 15th century to the present on medical subjects.  The libra...

CfP: IASC Conference (Lisbon): Crossing Borderlines: Controversies and Interdisciplinarity

In front of the dramatic effect of the problems that humanity is facing today, more and more deep collaboration between scholars of different disciplines is necessary. Problems like deprivation, war, cannot be faced by only one disciplinary domain. They are too big and too complex as to claim for an interdisciplinary approach. However,  interdisciplinarity  ( ID) is a vague concept and a much demanding practice. It claims not only to a mere juxtaposition of theoretical positions, in which any scholar is isolated in her/his own language. ID supposes the continuous search of convergent theoretical perspectives and methodologies, the definition of common spaces and grammars as well as a true dialogical and open mind attitude of the several scholars. For these reasons, ID is closely connected to the  ethics of communication . Before proposing any hypothesis, the scholar must put in place her/his not obvious  listening  attitude, which is...

CfP: Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science. Georges Canguilhem

Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science (ISSN 2526-2270) is pleased to announce a Call for Papers dedicated to Georges Canguilhem. We are expecting to receive submissions related to Canguilhemian History of Science, and the impact it caused in the subsequent historiography. Thus comparative analysis between Canguilhem and other authors is welcomed, as well as case studies that search to evaluate the conception of scientific development advocated by the French author, exploring its current relevance and intrinsic limits. Deadline for paper submission:  December 30th ,  201 7 . Publication of the issue:  June, 2018 . Considering the characteristic of Canguilhem’s unity of thought, articles addressing his philosophy in relation to his epistemological project and history of science will be appreciated. We are also expecting book reviews of Georges Canguilhem’s recent translations or reprints, as well as books about the Canguil...

Call for 5 Postdoctoral Fellowships in Climate and Global Change

Url:  http://ictaweb.uab.cat/MdM_opportunities.php?setLanguage=ca ICTA, the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB) offers 5 two year post-doc fellowships for research on climate change within the ICTA-UAB Unit of Excellence ‘María de Maeztu’. Minimum requirements are a Ph.D. degree obtained before the beginning of the contract, with a maximum of seven years since completion of the PhD (not including maternity leaves or other health-related breaks of career). Only very strong candidates with a very promising research trajectory and excellent capabilities will be considered. The successful applicants will become core members of the ‘Unit of Excellence’ funding programme (which will include research supervisors, 19 PhD students, the 5 postdoctoral researchers, and a research manager). They will have full freedom to develop their research agenda, a competitive salary for Spanish sta...

Seminars at the Institute for the History of Medicine & Science, University of Valencia, Feb-May 2017

February 22 February. Workshop: “Stethoscope and auscultation in Historical Perspective” 16 h. Joan Lloret (IHMC): Presentation of the Seminar, Commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the invention of the stethoscope by the French physician René Laënnec 16.30 h. Josep Lluis Barona (IHMC):“Stethoscope, patient examination and medical profession” 17 h. Melissa Van Drie, Bibiliothèque nationale de France. Paris. Cambridge University. “How we learn to listen in medicine: Situating pedagogical transmission of auscultation and stethoscopic knowledge (19th-20th century)” 18 h. Jakalyn Duffin. Professor Hannah Chair of the History of Medicine. Queen’s University, Kingston Ontario Canada. "Stethoscope: revolu...

CfP: The role of health and social welfare policies in European inclusion and exclusion processes: historical perspectives on contemporary issues

Call for papers: The role of health and social welfare policies in European inclusion and exclusion processes: historical perspectives on contemporary issues. 6-7 April 2017, University of Evora, Portugal Organizing committee: Laurinda Abreu, University of Evora    Sally Sheard, University of Liverpool     Francisco Javier Martínez, University of Evora Health risks created by population movement, and policy responses to them, have been an integral part of European history since the early modern period. They have helped to shape wider cultural ideas on economic risks, attitudes to integration, and enlargement of the EU. Twenty first century Europe is addressing new questions and challenges: how to live together, and include new territories and new populations and cultures without compromising our health, both personal and economic. These have contemporary policy implications. Our aim is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the ...

CfA: XXVIII Baltic Conference of the History of Science, Tartu, May 18-20

The 28 th Baltic Conference on the History of Science “On the Border of the Russian Empire: German University of Tartu and its first Rector Georg Friedrich Parrot” May 18-20, 2017 Tartu Estonian Association of the History and Philosophy of Science cordially invites you to the 28 th Baltic Conference on the History of Science (BCHS), which will take place from May 18 to 20, 2017 in Tartu, Estonia. The conference is dedicated to the 250 th anniversary of Georg Friedrich Parrot (1767-1852). Parrot was the initiator of the reopening of the University of Tartu in 1802 and the first Rector. He is known as an organizer, educator and scientist who was among the very first to introduce the ideas of the Enlightenment into the Baltic region. The Baltic conferences on the history of science share a long tradition, which stretches back to the year 1958 when the first conference took place in Riga. The following conferences were held in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. In 20...

CfP: Segundo Congreso Internacional Verniano con el tema Los viajes extraordinarios de Jules Verne

Se gundo Congreso Internacional Verniano   con el tema   Los   viaje s extraordinarios de Jules Verne , que se realizará en la ciudad de La Habana, Cuba, los días 28, 29 y 30 de junio de 2017 y que tendrá como sede la   Casa Víctor Hugo , sita en calle O’Reilly #311 e/ Habana y Aguíar, en la Habana Vieja.                  Se anima a las personas interesadas en la figura y la obra de Jules Verne a participar en este Congreso, y también a presentar comunicaciones sobre investigaciones acabadas o en curso.   Convocatoria para presentar propuestas de comunicaciones   El Congreso toma como referente la figura de Jules Verne, novelista francés considerado como un hombre adelantado a su época, al poseer una intuición y talento con los que supo presentir y materializar en el campo de la fantasía, muchas de las conquistas que habría de alcanzar la ciencia moderna con el correr de los años. Esta ...

Webinar Invitation: Exploring Victorian Popular Entertainment

Bringing the darkened halls, spectacular shows, bawdy burlesque and spiritualist seances of the Victorian era to life, this webinar delves into the theatrical world of Victorian popular entertainment. On February 8 th , join us with Phil Wickham, Curator of the Bill Douglas Cinema Museum , to explore the rare and unique primary sources from  Victorian Popular Culture . Register now:  http://www.amdigital.co.uk/m-products/product/victorian-popular-culture/... DURATION: 30 minutes       DATE: Wednesday 8th February 2017 TIME:  8am PST / 9am MT / 10am CST / 11am EST / 4pm GMT       URL: http://www.amdigital.co.uk/m-products/product/victorian-popular-culture/webinar/

CfP: "Race and Medicine"

We are looking for a panelist for a panel on race and medicine at the 2018 AHA. Our panel explores how the inclusion of race in an intersectional historical analysis provides new perspectives on and new insights in familiar topics in the history of medicine. One talk is on the role of race in the medicalization of intersex in mid-20th century America, the other on African-American doctors and eugenics. Please send a short description of your talk to s.eder@berkeley.edu by  Thursday February 9.  The deadline for panel submission is February 15. Contact Email:  s.eder@berkeley.edu

CfP - 7th International Workshop on the History of Human Genetics

7 th International Workshop on the History of Human Genetics - “50 years of Human Genetics in Europe: discoveries, challenges and the foundation of the ESHG”. This meeting will take place as a satellite meeting of the European Human Genetics Conference from May 25-27, 2017 in Lund, Sweden and Copenhagen, Denmark. Please note that the abstract submission deadline is February 17, 2017. You can submit your abstract here .   7 th International Workshop on the History of Human Genetics - “50 years of Human Genetics in Europe: discoveries, challenges and the foundation of the ESHG”   50 years after the first European Human Genetics Conference we will meet again in Copenhagen for The European Human Genetics Conference 2017 and the 7 th International Workshop on the History of Human Genetics, starting with a meeting of Mendel Society in ...

CfA: Conference "Formal Models of Scientific Inquiry", Bochum, July 18-19, 2017

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Formal Models of Scientific Inquiry   When: July 18-19, 2017 Where: Institute of Philosophy II, Ruhr-University Bochum   Conference website:  http://homepage.ruhr- uni-bochum.de/defeasible-reaso ning/Conference-Formal-Models. html   Description: Throughout the last two decades philosophical discussions on scientific inquiry have increasingly utilized formal models. This has been especially fruitful for the investigation of social aspects of scientific inquiry, such as the division of cognitive labor, social factors that influence scientific decision making, etc. To this end a variety of formal models have been developed, starting from analytical ones to agent-based models that provide computer simulations of scientific inquiry. One of the main advantages of formal approaches is that they help us to understand these issues precisely and to form normative generalizations that are difficult to obtain in view of traditional ...

Travel Scholarships Available for the Bernard Becker Medical Library Special Coll

Travel Scholarships Available for Archives and Rare Books Collections Use The Bernard Becker Medical Library at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis is fortunate to have robust collections in archives and rare books that document the history of medicine from the late 15th century up to the present. Subjects in which the library’s holdings are particularly strong include ophthalmology and optics, neurology, deaf education, and the history of dentistry. In order to encourage researchers living more than 100 miles from St. Louis to use these collections, Becker Library will offer grants up to $1,000 to help defray the costs of travel, lodging, food and photo reproductions. Covered expenses will be reimbursed at the conclusion of the visit. Eligible applicants are students enrolled in graduate degree programs (master’s and above), faculty and independent scholars. Applications will be reviewed by Becker Library’s rare book librarian and archivists. Pref...