Seminars at the Institute for the History of Medicine & Science, University of Valencia, Feb-May 2017


22 February. Workshop: “Stethoscope and auscultation in Historical Perspective”

  • 16 h. Joan Lloret (IHMC): Presentation of the Seminar, Commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the invention of the stethoscope by the French physician René Laënnec
  • 16.30 h. Josep Lluis Barona (IHMC):“Stethoscope, patient examination and medical profession”
  • 17 h. Melissa Van Drie, Bibiliothèque nationale de France. Paris. Cambridge University. “How we learn to listen in medicine: Situating pedagogical transmission of auscultation and stethoscopic knowledge (19th-20th century)”
  • 18 h. Jakalyn Duffin. Professor Hannah Chair of the History of Medicine. Queen’s University, Kingston Ontario Canada. "Stethoscope: revolutionary instrument, obsolete now?"


8  March. 16h. Nuria Valverde (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Unidad Cuajimalpa) “Singular y común. Límites e interpretaciones del electroencefalograma en México, 1940-1950”.
10 March. 9 h. Workshop on History of Chemistry. Final program will be published at the website:
22 March. 16 h. Carlos Sanhueza (Universidad de Chile) “Objetos naturales en movimiento”
29 March.  16h. New exhibition “Training to eat during the Franco dictatorship” (“Ensenyar a menjar. El programa EDALNU”). Introductory talk and movie: “Cómo alimentarse mejor”


5 April. 16 h. Mariluz López and Carolin Schmitz (Ingenio (CSIC-UPV))  “Se fueron al corredor, muertas de risa, haciendo burla de la desaojadera [..]". Construyendo identidades colectivas de sanadores en la España barroca.
26 April. 16 h. Tiago Saraiva (Drexel University) “Fascist Pigs: Technoscientific Organisms and the History of Fascism”. Online: <>.


4-5 May. II International Meeting on “Critical Thinking and Pseudo-Science”. Organized by Valeriano Iranzo and Angelo Fasce (Departament of Philosophy, UV). More details in
5-6 May. “Science in action”. III Workshop on “History and Science Education”.  Organized with the support of the Center of Teacher Education, Valencia.
10  May. 16 h. Workshop: “Alimentación. Hábitos de compra y consumo”.

For more details on the seminars and other activities of the Institute, see <>

For details on the master and doctoral programs see <>