
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 8, 2019

Novedad editorial: El Gigante de Altzo. Un vasco mítico (aunque muy real) en la Europa del Siglo XIX

Autor: Luis Ángel Sánchez Gómez  Se estudia la historia real de Miguel Joaquín Eleicegui (1818-1861), conocido como el Gigante de Altzo, personaje que ha inspirado la película vasca Handia . Más allá de lo que se cuenta en el film, se han documentado las circunstancias vitales del protagonista y su familia y, sobre todo, su intensa dedicación al mundo del espectáculo, a la exhibición de su increíble talla (2,42 m.) en España, Portugal, Francia e Inglaterra. Índice Agradecimientos Nota sobre el uso de términos en euskera Introducción 1. Fascinación por los gigantes 2. Lo que nos han contado 3. El chicarrón de Ipintza y su familia 4. Una gran idea: yo me exhibo, tú me pagas 5. Un guipuzcoano grandón y con turbante (Madrid, 1843-1844) 6. Toros, forcados y amores frustrados (Lisboa, 1844) 7. Pulgarcito y el ogro (París, 1845-1846) 8. Inglaterra a sus pies (1847-1849) 9. El Gigante del Café Mulhouse (París, 1849-1850) 10. El Gigante Guipuzcoano recorre España (1850-1...

Novedad editorial: Las locas.Miradas interdisciplinarias sobre género y salud mental

Autora:  Marisa A. Miranda Resumen Definir la locura: un tema aún pendiente. Si bien desde hace siglos se ha venido reflexionando sobre ella, aún conservan vigencia ciertos interrogantes medulares de antigua data. Es que su concepto mismo pone en juego las más variadas tensiones que, claramente, también incluyen cuestionamientos a quienes (según los diversos contextos históricos y sociales) emiten discursos autorizados desde donde son advertidos los límites mismos entre la normalidad y la anormalidad. En este sentido, existen preguntas fundamentales que oscilan desde la necesidad de deconstruir quienes detentan ese poder (o, mejor aún, biopoder) –circunstancia que también nos invita a indagar el por qué son legitimados sus discursos y praxis concomitantes–, hasta el extremo de reconocer nuestra incapacidad para afirmar con certeza que alguien “está loco”. O más aún, “loca”. Precisamente, sobre estos aspectos este texto se propone abrir preguntas, más que encontrar resp...

CfP: Sexual Violence, Medicine, and Psychiatry Conference, 16-17 April 2020, University of Newcastle (Australia)

‘Sexual Violence, Medicine, and Psychiatry’ An international, interdisciplinary symposium on the relationship between Medicine, Psychiatry, and Sexual Violence 16-17 April 2020 Centre for the Study of Violence |University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia Dear colleagues, The   Sexual Harms and Medical Encounters Research Hub (SHaME)   is pleased to share the CFP for its upcoming international, interdisciplinary symposium, ‘Sexual Violence, Medicine, and Psychiatry’, which will take place at the University of Newcastle (Australia) from 16-17 April 2020. We invite proposals for 20-minute papers, as well as proposals for panel discussions, and other modes of presentation, on a range of topics exploring the role of medicine and psychiatry in understanding sexual violence. We welcome proposals from graduate researchers, and particularly encourage interdisciplinary, cross-cultural and international submissions. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:...

Videos of presentations from 'Narrative Science in Techno-Environments' workshop now available

videos of the presentations given at the 'Narrative Science in Techno-Environments' workshop are now available online via the Narrative Science project website: https://www.narrative-science. org/videos-from-narrative-scie nce-in-techno-environments- workshop.html This workshop was made possible thanks to the generous support of a British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award (grant number BARSEA19\190021). It expanded on the work of the Narrative Science project, a European Research Council funded project based at the London School of Economics (grant agreement No. 694732). It was organised in collaboration with both the British Society for the History of Science and the British Society for Literature and Science. The scholarly network which this workshop established can be found here: https://www.narrative-science. org/directory-and-news-from-na rrative-science-in-techno-envi ronments-network.html A list of the videos now available

Oferta Laboral - Comunicació i Cultura Científica a l'ICMAB!! Per a titulats en periodisme/comunicació audiovisual i interès en la comunicació científica

A l'Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), un centre de recerca en materials avançats ubicat al campus de la UAB, ​​busquem una persona per incorporar-se a treballar a l'Oficina de Comunicació i Divulgació, en Comunicació i Cultura Científica. Es tracta d'un contracte de 2 anys, gràcies a una subvenció del Fons de Garantia Juvenil. L'oferta es tramitarà a través del CSIC. La titulació requerida és periodisme o comunicació audiovisual, i es valorarà també formació en comunicació científica (postgrau, curs, màster...).  Les candidatures es poden presentar fins al dia  26 de setembre de 2019 . Si coneixeu algú que pugui interessar-li, li podeu enviar aquests enllaços: http://icmab.es/a-position-in- science-communication-and- outreach-is-open-as-part-of- garantia-juvenil-csic-2019-at- icmab   https://sede.csic.gob.es/ servicios/formacion-y-empleo/ convocatorias-personal/-/ convocatoria/37560   (al'Annex I, és a la pàgina 16) A l...

PhD studentship, University of Bayreuth (Germany)

The University of Bayreuth’s professorship of English Literature is seeking a researcher for a three-year project on “ Cosmopoetic form-knowledge: astronomy, poetics, and ideology in England, 1500—1800 ,” funded by the German Research Foundation ( www.englit.uni-bayreuth.de/ en/research ). The project considers ‘form-knowledge’ as a crucial factor in the history of science alongside ‘thing-knowledge’ and ‘people-knowledge’ (cf. Shapin,  A Social History of Truth ). Specifically, it examines the ways in which astronomical knowledge and the forms used for its mediation acquired, and utilized, ideological and poetological meaning in early modern England. The successful candidate will conduct a diachronic study of popular pragmatic and didactic genres in which early modern English readers encountered astronomical knowledge, such as the almanac or the astronomy textbook. They will produce a monograph on the ways in which astronomy, in these texts, was linked with political and ideol...

Journal for the History of Knowledge - Call for Proposals, Special Issue Fall 2021

Journal for the History of Knowledge - Call for Proposals, Special Issue Fall 2021 The Journal for the History of Knowledge, to be launched in 2020, includes an annual special issue, compiled by guest editors, which explores a theme central to its scope (see the journal website,  www.journalhistoryknowledge.or g , and below). We are currently accepting proposals for the Fall 2021 Special Issue. Proposals should contain the following: • A description of the proposed theme (1500-2000 words) highlighting its significance for the history of knowledge • A table of contents (typically 8-12 articles, more is negotiable) • Abstracts of the articles • Two-page CVs of the editors; short biographiess of the contributors • An outline of the production process up to manuscript submission. All manuscripts must be submitted to the journal by Summer 2020. Please send your proposal to all three editors: Sven Dupré; Ilja Nieuwland, and Geert Somsen. Proposal dead...

CfP: SPSP Eighth Biennial Conference; 7–10 July 2020; East Lansing, Michigan, USA

Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP) Eighth Biennial Conference 7 – 10 July 2020 Michigan State University (MSU), East Lansing, Michigan, USA https://www.philosophy- science-practice.org/events/ spsp2020-east-lansing   Keynote speakers: Karen Barad, University of California at Santa Cruz; Till Grüne-Yanoff, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm *Keynote MSU panel on “Epistemologies of Science”: Kristie Dotson (Philosophy and African American and African Studies); Sean A. Valles (Lyman Briggs College and Philosophy); Kyle Whyte (Philosophy and Community Sustainability) *In collaboration with the Consortium for Socially Relevant Philosophy of/in Science and Engineering (SRPoiSE) biennial meeting (see details below) On-line submission site for paper or session proposals:  https://easychair.org/ conferences/?conf=spsp2020 Abstract submission deadline: 10 January 2020 Notification of acceptance: 2 March 2020 Main Contact: Ala...

CfP: Science as a Public Good - deadline October 15,2019

The Second Congress of Russian Society for History and Philosophy of Science (RSHPS)   September 25-27, 2020, Saint Petersburg, Russia. The Organizing Committee cordially invites historians, philosophers and all scientists interested in HPS to participate in the Second Congress of Russian Society for History and Philosophy of Science (RSHPS)   Science as a Public Good   on September 25-27, 2020, in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The Congress is organized by the Russian Society for History and Philosophy of Science and Saint Petersburg State University. Organizing Committee: I. T. Kasavin (Head), D.A. Bayuk, V.A. Bazhanov, I.N. Griftzova, T.G. Leshkevitch, I.D. Nevvazhai, V.Yu. Perov,  A.V. Rodin, A.Yu. Sevalnikov, E.E. Chebotareva (Secretary), E.O. Trufanova, V.E.Terekhovich, G.L. Tulchinsky, M.M. Shakhnovich, L.V. Shipovalova Program Committee: S.I. Dudnik (Head), I.T. Kasavin, V.A. Lektorsky, V.I. Markin, V.V. Mironov, V.N. Porus, B.I...

Fellowships at Greenwich

https://www.rmg.co.uk/ research-collections/research- fellowships    As we approach the 350th anniversary of the Royal Observatory’s foundation in 2025, we are pleased to offer two Research Fellowships to help us look beyond traditional histories of astronomy. We welcome applications from scholars interested in the history of science in its broadest sense who are interested in exploring how their research expertise can provide us with new perspectives on our site’s institutional history, people stories, architecture, scientific instruments and associated collections. Full details can be found at the link above. Please send any enquires to  research@rmg.co.uk   The deadline for applications is  6th October 2019 .

Call for Contributions Disability History Conference

London Metropolitan Archives is proud to present its annual Disability History Conference on 22 November 2019  entitled   All  W ork and  N o  P lay .    It will focus on  the themes  of leisure, pleasure and purpose,  inviting  discussion and opening ideas on th e ir   history and  the  historical contingency  of today.      Topics may include but are not limited to:   Sporting, artistic and cultural pursuits   Venues and spaces    Play and playfulness    The amateur    Efficiency, usefulness and utility    Consumption, productivity and status    Idleness    If you would like to offer a talk, a workshop, run a stall, show a film or do anything else  that explores these ideas then please get in touch.  We’re very keen to present a day which is celebratory but also challenging an...

Post-doctoral Research Associate Position

Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Minnesota AOS: Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Cognitive Science          AOC: Open Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States Position duration: two years, beginning on or after 15 May 2020 (start date negotiable) Application deadline : 15 November 2019   Applicants should have a Ph.D. in philosophy or a related field with a background in the biological and/or cognitive sciences, demonstrated interest in evolution and development, and evidence or promise of scholarly achievement. The successful candidate will: (a) carry out an original philosophical research program under the supervision of Alan Love at the University of Minnesota focusing on aspects of the creative role of stress in evolution and development, and (b) work in close collaboration with the project team at Yale University on empirical, theoretical, and conceptual questions related to the creative role of ...

AmateurS – Amateurs in Science (France, 1850–1950) – Research blog and Facebook

Research blog dedicated to the works of r esearchers who are part of the national programme ANR-18-CE27-0027-01 ‘AmateurS – Amateurs in Science (France, 1850–1950): A History from Below’. This programme wishes to contribute to the history of amateur practices and individuals, in order to echo the questions that have emerged around participative and citizen sciences, as well as sciences in the digital age. The project benefits from the participation of historians of three different fields: astronomy, archaeology and health sciences.   Here is the link to the blog:  https://ams.hypotheses.org/ . Here is the link to the Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/ AmateurS-sciences- 117154939661627/ .

CfP: Study Day AmateurS (Le Mans, 14 January 2020)

Appel à communications pour une journée d’étude du programme AmateurS — Amateurs en sciences (France 1850-1950) : une histoire par en bas. Elle se tiendra à l’université du Mans le 14 janvier 2020. Les propositions d’une quinzaine de lignes accompagnées d’un court CV sont à envoyer à Hervé Guillemain ( herve.guillemain@univ-lemans. fr ) avant le 25 octobre 2019. L’ANR AmateurS  propose de produire une histoire non surplombante des amateurs en science, privilégiant une perspective « par en bas » qui ne soit pas subordonnée aux jugements que les savants professionnels portent sur eux ni aux hiérarchies que solidifient les institutions scientifiques. S’il ne s’agit pas de nier que la catégorie amateur se soit largement constituée dans la confrontation aux savants professionnels et ait souvent été le fruit de mécanismes d’exclusion qui ont désigné d’en haut ceux qui étaient les « amateurs », le projet propose de placer les amateurs au centre des investigations, de resti...