
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 3, 2013

2 Postdoctoral Fellowships (Max Planck Institute for theHistory ofScience, Berlin)

MPIWG, Berlin, 01.09.2014-31.08.2016 Bewerbungsschluss: 31.01.2014 The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Department II (Lorraine Daston), announces two two-year Postdoctoral Fellowships, starting date September 1, 2014. Outstanding scholars no more than three years past the award of their doctorates are invited to apply. The fellowships will be awarded in conjunction with the research projects of the Department: http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/en/research/projects/department2 Candidates should hold a doctorate in the history of science or a related field at the time the fellowship begins; the quality and relevance of the project rather than the discipline in which the doctoral degree was awarded will be decisive in the award of fellowships. The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science is an international and interdisciplinary research institute ( http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/en/index.html ). It is expected that candi...

AHRC PhD Studentships in the School of Philosophy, Religion, and History of Science at the University of Leeds for 2014-2015

Following the announcement that the White Rose College of the Arts & Humanities (WRoCAH) has received £19m from the AHRC to establish a Doctoral Training Partnership that will create over 300 PhD studentships and join the expertise of the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York, we are delighted to announce a range of AHRC-funded PhD opportunities in the School of Philosophy, Religion, and History of Science. We encourage applications for PhD study in all areas of research expertise within the school; for more details concerning our expertise in the history and philosophy of science, technology and medicine consult http://www.leeds.ac.uk/arts/info/40006/ .   Those interested in applying are strongly encouraged to attend the university’s Postgraduate Open Day on 29 November 2013 ( http://www.leeds.ac.uk/info/125154/ ), when they will have opportunity to meet potential supervisors, current postgraduates, and the postgraduate team, or to visit the school at another time...

AHRC funded research studentships to support majorGalleries, Museums, Libraries, Archives and Heritage Organisation

55 AHRC funded research studentships to support major Galleries, Museums, Libraries, Archives and Heritage Organisations to start in October 2014 Deadline - December 13th 2013 The museums, galleries, archives and learned societies that are holders of Arts and Humanities Research Council funded Collaborative Doctoral Partnerships (CDPs) are pleased to announce their individual competitions for the next round of research studentships to start from October 2014. All the CDP-holding organisations welcome approaches from colleagues in UK Universities and HEIs to discuss possible collaborations for these Collaborative Doctoral Award (CDA) students and to explore possibilities for future years. The 12 organisations or consortia awarded Collaborative Doctoral Partnerships together will be looking to allocate a total of 55 AHRC funded CDA studentships to start in the 2014/2015 academic year to research subjects that will support their organisations’ work and objectives. Collab...

2014-2015 Fellowships at Philadelphia Area Center for History of Science

Fellowships Available for the 2014-2015 Academic Year The Philadelphia Area Center for History of Science invites applications for short-term Research Fellowships and nine-month Dissertation Writing Fellowships in the history of science, technology and medicine, broadly construed. The Center offers a vibrant, challenging and collegial community. Our fellows participate in many public and scholarly events, as well as informal reading and writing groups, held at the Center and throughout the region. The Center is a consortium of educational and cultural institutions promoting academic and public understanding of the history of science, technology and medicine. Consortium institutions offer rich opportunities for research, with a combined total of more than 17 million scientific specimens, 20 million manuscript items, 2.5 million images, and rare books dating back to the 15th century. Look on our website at www.pachs.net for further information, an online application for...

Recent dissertations in history of medicine

November 6, 2013 Colleagues: You can view the latest batch of recent doctoral dissertations harvested from the September, 2011 issues of _Dissertation Abstracts_ pertaining to the history of medicine and science at the following URL: http://www.hsls.pitt.edu/histmed/dissertations Please share this information with your colleagues and students. As always your comments and corrections are always welcome. Jonathon Erlen, Ph.D. History of Medicine Librarian Health Sciences Library System University of Pittsburgh 412-6488927