
Mostrando entradas de febrero 20, 2022

ESHHS Conference 2022: Berlin Call for Papers

The European Society for the History of the Human Sciences (ESHHS) invites submissions to its 41st conference to be held from August 30 to September 2, 2022. The conference is hosted by the Sigmund Freud Private University Berlin, which is located at the former airport building Berlin Tempelhof, and will be held in person. Oral presentations, posters, sessions or workshops may deal with any aspect of the history of the human, behavioural and social sciences or with related historiographic and methodological issues. Guidelines for submission Any submission should include the following: name, email and institutional affiliation of the first author. Please indicate clearly on the top of the page the submission type: oral presentation, poster, session or workshop. Proposals for oral presentations should contain a 500-600 word abstract in English plus a short bibliography. If the presentation itself will be given in another language, please indicate this in your proposal. Proposals for post...

FEM ciència?, propuestas de la SCHCT per repensar el feminismo, la historia y la cultura científica: Entrevista a Darina Martykánová

4ª entrega de la 2ª edición de “FEM ciència?” Entrevista a Darina Martykánová: “Los profesionales científicos tienen que ser conscientes de la inmensa repercusión social de su práctica y la deben gestionar.” En esta entrevista hablaremos con Darina Martykánova sobre la masculinización de la ciencia y las profesiones científicas y la importancia de la historia de la ciencia en les acciones políticas y en la sociedad. https://blogs.iec.cat/schct/fem-ciencia/ https://youtu.be/Jhef6p3F_SM Darina Martykánová es investigadora al grupo de Historia Social y Cultural Contemporánea de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y profesora a la misma universidad. Es licenciada en Estudios Turcos en la Universitas Carolina de Praga y doctora europea en Historia Contemporánea por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.  En la su trayectoria ha trabajado en numerosas universidades europeas y ha publicado artículos especializados en la historia de las profesiones tecnocientíficas, en la producción y circulació...

CfP: Special Issue of ArtefaCToS. Philosophy of Organismal Biology

Philosophy of Organismal Biology: From Ontogeny to Ecology and Evolution  Guest editors: Alejandro Fábregas-Tejeda (Ruhr University Bochum) & Mariano Martín-Villuendas (University of Salamanca-ECyT)  Submission deadline: 29.07.2022  The notion ‘philosophy of organismal biology’ is an apt term to characterize a heterogenous, yet overlapping set of debates inside the landscape of contemporary philosophy of biology that stand in connection with recent advances and controversies of the biological sciences, but that are usually treated separately within scholarly work (e.g., the broader discussions on what constitutes ‘biological individuality’ in contrast to ‘organismality,’ the metaphysics of symbiosis and holobionts, debates revolving around the consequences that obtain by highlighting the role of organisms as agents and contributors in ecology and evolution, controversies on the boundaries between ‘development’ and ‘reproduction,’ and discussions pertaining to levels o...

Call for abstracts: Hi-Phi International Conference > Lisbon, 23-24 June 2022

Submission deadline: February 28, 2022 The Hi-Phi International Conference aims at fostering the debate between the History of Science and the Philosophy of Science communities by integrating not only independent studies of both disciplines, but also those that stand at the interface of History and Philosophy of Science. The idea for this conference stems from the joint forces of the two research units – the Centre for Philosophy of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (CFCUL) and the Interuniversity Centre for the History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT) – associated to the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (Ciências ULisboa). This conference will be held in Lisbon on June 23-24, 2022. The goal of this meeting is to re-link different communities and facilitate the dialogue between senior and junior researchers, but also between historians and philosophers that often work apart. Therefore, the dialogue between Histo...

CfP: Labor Network, Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, 11/17-20/2022

Please consider submitting a paper abstract or session proposal to the Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association (SSHA), scheduled to be held in Chicago on November 17-20, 2022. The final deadline for submissions is Friday, March 4, 2022. By that deadline, the Labor Network welcomes individual paper submissions, full paper panel submissions, book ('author-meets-critic') sessions, and roundtable sessions. The submission portal, through which you may submit proposals, is here: https://ssha2022.ssha.org// Details for conference can be found here: https://ssha.org/conference/ The Conference Theme, “Reverberations of Empire: Histories, Legacies & Lineages” and SSHA-wide call can be found here: https://ssha.org/files/2022_SSHA_CFP.pdf The Labor Network of the Social Science History Association (SSHA) brings together scholars interested in work, labor, and working-class and labor movements, as they interact with and are formed by class, race, and gender identities a...

Lisa Jardine Grant of the Royal Society - history of science travel grant

The Lisa Jardine Grant of the Royal Society is designed to offer the opportunity for early career scholars to exploit history of science collections, including the Royal Society’s own, in support of their research in the field of intellectual history.  (closing deadline Weds 2 March 2022, 3pm). Full details here:  http://bit.ly/LJRSMai The grant is available to support travel for PhD students and early career researchers in history of science, and other interdisciplinary studies combining humanities and the natural sciences. The scheme offers funding for: Extended research trips for UK and overseas-based researchers to use the Royal Society’s own rich historical collections (up to £8,000 available for travel and subsistence costs depending on destination and length of research, 1 - 3 months (£2,000 international travel, £2,000/month subsistence)). UK based students wishing to travel overseas to carry out short, exploratory archival research trips (up to £2,000 available for tr...

CfP: Participatory Experiments in Urban Policy: Values, Coalitions, Tools, Impacts

 Participatory Experiments in Urban Policy: Values, Coalitions, Tools, Impacts. Call for papers for a special issue of Studia Humanistyczne AGH. Contributions to Humanities. Guest-editors: Siarhei Liubimau, European Humanities University, Laboratory of Critical Urbanism (Vilnius, LT) Jacek Gądecki, AGH University of Science and Technology (Krakow, PL) In many parts of the world, societies are facing systemic destabilization of the relations between knowledge and democracy. At the same time, societies tend to generate more demands for transparency and accountability of policies. These conditions require innovations in the way we generate knowledge about prevalent political strategies, as well as in the procedures of backing political strategies with research-grounded knowledge. Thus, participatory action research is increasingly attracting attention in view of its potential to re-set coalitions and scopes for academic knowledge, as well as to provide new approaches to sharing resear...

CfP: Science, Technology and the State in India (deadline 28/2/22)

Date: 23rd March 2022. This will be an online event. This interdisciplinary workshop will focus on the relationship between Science, Technology and the State in India. India’s emergence as a vaccine manufacturing hub during the present pandemic has highlighted the importance of science and technology. India has also seen a remarkable reach and widespread adoption of a variety of technologies from the mobile phone to pharmaceuticals. In this context it is worth assessing the importance of scientific and technological change in modern India from the perspective of Politics and History. Has India's embrace of technology transformed it into a modern state? What roles have science and technology played in Indian statecraft? How have the ordinary lives of Indian people been affected by leaps in technological progress? What are the challenges that new technologies pose to Indian society? The aim of the workshop is to discuss emerging research in the fields of politics and history on the r...