
Mostrando entradas de febrero 21, 2016

Congreso Internacional La evolución tras "La Evolución"

Con ocasión del 50 aniversario de la publicación de   La evolución,  el Instituto de Humanidades Ángel Ayala de   la Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera   (Valencia)   está organizando el congreso internacional  LA EVOLUCIÓN TRAS  LA EVOLUCIÓN   con la intención de reevaluar este libro, situándolo tanto en el contexto de su génesis como en la influencia que ejerció. Al mismo tiempo, se pretende ofrecer un foro donde reflexionar sobre el camino transitado por los saberes evolucionistas desde entonces y hasta ahora, y donde discutir sobre los retos científicos y sociales que es necesario encarar en el momento presente, cuando la desconfianza hacia la ciencia y las actitudes hostiles al conocimiento vuelven a contar con cierta audiencia en nuestro medio social. Esta reunión científica se celebrará en Valencia del 26 al 28 de octubre de 2016. PROGRAMA MIÉRCOLES 26 DE OCTUBRE 9:15 – Acto inaugural PRIMERA SESIÓN CIENTÍFICA: HISTORIOGRAFÍA DEL...

New Wellcome Witnesses publication: 'Air Pollution Research in Britain c.1955–c.2000'

A new volume of Wellcome Witnesses to Contemporary Medicine is freely available to download at the History of Modern Biomedicine Research Group website: Air Pollution Research in Britain c.1955–c.2000 http://www.histmodbiomed.org/ witsem/vol58 '… that whole shift in our understanding of how air pollution can have effects on systems beyond the respiratory system has led not only to studies of perinatal outcomes, but to cognitive defects, rheumatoid arthritis, appendicitis. Anything is possible.' Professor Ross Anderson A Witness Seminar on the history of air pollution research in the UK, with discussion on investigations by the MRC Air Pollution Unit at Barts (1955–1978) into impacts on respiratory health, and more recent research into cardiovascular events and other long-term effects of particulate matter, such as lung cancer. Chaired by Professor Anthony Seaton (Aberdeen) with an introduction by Professor Jonathan Grigg (QMUL). Jones E M, Ove...

CfP: Representing scientific results: Forms of knowledge - Workshop, November 18-19, 2016 - University of Kassel, Germany

CALL FOR PAPERS   Representing scientific results: Forms of knowledge Workshop, November 18-19, 2016 - University of Kassel, Germany Organized by Nina Kranke and Robert Meunier   Investigating the forms as well as epistemic and social roles of scientific representations has been an important part of science studies in the last 30 years. Representations in science are as heterogeneous as science itself. Accordingly, the literature is vast and there is no unique definition, but, at best, some family resemblance between the things we address as representations in science. This workshop takes a more specific look at scientific representations, while remaining open to the variety of formats and media used. It focusses on a specific role of representations: Representing results of research.   Representation in research and representing results of research The category of a result of scientific research is at the same time the most obvious and a so...

Call for Chapter Proposals - Media and Disability

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  April 1, 2016 Subject Fields:  Area Studies, Cultural History / Studies, Humanities, Popular Culture Studies, Film and Film History MediAbility: Transforming Disability in the Media Critical disability studies has been a continually growing field of academic study. Its intersectional approach is frequently used in political and philosophical theorizing. However, very few scholars have paid attention to how disability has been constructed by dominant media institutions in the 21 st century. This is true even when scholars focus on the social model of disability since they very often ignore how the social is formed out of the discursive representations that surround society. This collection, designed for publication with McFarland Press, is meant as a correction to this absence. This collection seeks to demonstrate how media images influence disability and people with disabilities are viewed, or underviewed,...

Conference Panel-- seeking third panelist

Type: Call for Papers Date: March 15, 2016 Location: Iowa, United States Subject Fields: British History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Literature, Popular Culture Studies, Women's & Gender History / Studies I am putting together a panel on science/medicine and popular culture for the Midwest Conference on British Studies, September 16-18, 2016 in Ames, Iowa. I have a panelist and a commentator and I am searching for the third panelist. One panelist is working on masculinity and madness, and I am working on nutrition science and marketing food to women as consumers. I am open to framing the panel broadly to accomodate all panelists' work. Please email lacey.sparks@uky.edu if you are interested in joining.  Contact Info: Lacey Sparks Contact Email:  lacey.sparks@uky.edu

Call for Participation: Evidence, Interference, and Risk, March 31- April 2, 2016 at LMU Munich

The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy invites participation for the following event: Evidence, Interference, and Risk MCMP, LMU Munich March 31- April 2, 2016 http://www.must2016.philosophie.uni-muenchen.de/index.html Methodological issues emerging in the practice of risk prevention and  management in diverse domains are strictly related to philosophical and theoretical problems such as the foundations of statistics and probability, scientific inference and discovery, as well as various accounts of evidence and evidence amalgamation. The conference aims at investigating such interplay and to foster reciprocal inspiration among philosophers and scholars of diverse disciplines from the natural and social sciences, e.g. economics, history, law, environmental studies, climate science, medicine, epidemiology, and in particular pharmacology.  Dates: March 31- April 2, 2016 Registration Deadline: 21 March 2016...

New book announcement: Germ of an Idea

Announcing: The Germ of an Idea: Contagionism, Religion, and Society in Britain, 1660-1730 by Margaret DeLacy, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016  Germ of an Idea shows how a belief in contagion began to spread among a group of medical reformers who had been forced by nationality and religious nonconformity to follow alternative pathways to medical education and professional status in early eighteenth century Britain. It explains how contagionism shaped their ideas about the nature and behavior of diseases such as smallpox, plague, syphilis, and consumption and how it interacted with the belief that diseases were not imbalances, but specific entities. http://www.palgrave.com/us/ book/9781137575272

15th International Conference on Food Processing & Technology

Type: Conference Date:  November 7, 2016 to November 9, 2016 Location: Turkey Subject Fields: Educational Technology, Public Health Conference series feel proud and honored to invite the attendees across the globe to its premier 15th International Conference on Food Processing & Technology (Food Technology-2016) to be held during November 07-09, 2016 at Istanbul, Turkey. With researcher and nutritionist working on the science of future food we will form a traverse between the academic and industry peers. This year agenda will focus mainly on investigating the Interrelationships of Food, Nutrition and Health to feed our Future. With researcher and nutritionist working on the science of future food we will form a traverse between the academic and industry peers. Turkey is considered to be one of the leading countries in the world in the field of food and agriculture. Turkish food sector employs more than 100 thousand registered workers and techn...

AMS Project Grant

Type: Grant Date:  February 16, 2016 to April 19, 2016 Location: Nova Scotia, Canada Subject Fields: Canadian History / Studies, Health and Health Care, Graduate Studies, Public Health Objective The Associated Medical Services (AMS) Project Grant is designed to support small budget proposals on projects in history of health care, disease,  medicine with special interest in, but not limited to, Canadian history of health care, disease, medicine. Such projects might include requests for seed money to develop research initiatives. Proposals are expected to advance an aspect of the history of health, health care or disease or the education of health professionals that could benefit the broader community of practitioners in the field. There is an expectation that during the period of these grants or within a year of their completion, one or more conference papers or publications/presentations will result from this funding. URL:  ...

Extended deadline for applications: "Cities and Science" at the CEU Summer University, 18-27 July 2016

he CEU Summer University has extended the deadline for applications to the course " Cities and Science: Urban History and the History of Science in the Study of Early Modern and Modern Europe "  to take place in Budapest, 18-27 July 2016 .  New deadline for applications: 15 March 2016 This interdisciplinary summer course will bring together senior and junior scholars of urban history, the history of science, and other related fields in order to exchange ideas in developing new research agendas with an aim to expand the “urban variable” in the history of science and to designate a space for the sciences in urban history from the early modern period to the early 20th century. While the summer school will have a distinct interdisciplinary and trans-epochal character, and encourages practitioners of other fields, such as environmental studies, gender studies, literature, science and technology studies, sociology, cultural or social anthropology, to ...

SCHCT. Propostes programa 2016-2017

Benvolguts i benvolgudes, Des de la Comissió de Col·loquis de la Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica hem començat a planificar el programa del proper curs 2016-2017, continuant amb el format de cicles temàtics curts.  Com cada any, us demanem que ens feu arribar les vostres propostes per al programa de l’any vinent. A partir d’ara, obrim un període de gairebé tres mesos en què podeu enviar les vostres propostes. Podeu triar el format que més s'adigui al tema que voleu tractar: seminari, petit cicle de col·loquis, taula rodona... Adjunt trobareu el formulari per fer-nos arribar la vostra proposta, que us demanem que ompliu amb deteniment. Les propostes seran seleccionades en funció de la descripció que allí s'hi faci. Com més explicada i detallada, millor. ...

Mathematical Biography Conference- Call For Papers

'Mathematical Biography: A Celebration of MacTutor' St Andrews, Scotland, on 16-17 September 2016. The conference is organised by the British Society for the History of Mathematics, and the Mathematics Department of St Andrews University. Papers are invited. Details below. The deadline for submission is 31 March 2016. Conference website: www.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/mathbiog/ The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive is a website maintained by John J. O'Connor and Edmund F. Robertson and hosted by the University of St Andrews. It contains detailed biographies on many historical and contemporary mathematicians. Founded in 1994, as of 2015 it has biographies on over 2800 mathematicians and scientists. In 2015, O'Conner and Robertson won the Hirst Prize of the London Mathematical Society for their work.  The citation for the Hirst Prize calls the archive "the most widely used and influential web-based resource in history of mathematics". ...

Isaac Newton UNESCO designation

UNESCO recently recognised the collection of Isaac Newton's papers at the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem: http://www.timesofisrael.com/ israels-isaac-newton-papers- gain-unesco-recognition/ The entire manuscript collection has been digitised and is available on the NLI website. Most of the theological papers have been transcribed by the Newton Project and Newton Project Canada and can be found on the Newton Project website.

Coyle collection uploaded to Medical Heritage Library

The collection consists of a mug, photographs, and papers from Zelma "Suzie" Coyle, who served as a nurse on the USS Haven (AH-12) hospital ship during the Korean War. Scanned and online here are instructions to medical officers upon joining the Haven, her letters home to her mother and her photographs.  72 items are available at this link - https://archive.org/details/ SCN0024 Unfortunately the link was autogenerated, so doesn't make much sense in as a human term. Only part of the collection was digitized and uploaded. Coyle's service record and her annotated copy of the Haven's cruise book have not been scanned. The originals of her letters remain with her family and BUMED was provided with digital copies.

SummerSchool ICOHTEC 2016 (deadline February 29):"Rethinking Technology, Innovation, and Sustainability", Lisbon and Porto,Portugal

Theme Rethinking Technology, Innovation, and Sustainability: Historical and Contemporary Narratives Target Audience PhD students and recent post-doctoral researchers Dates July 23 to July 25, 2016 (Part 1, Lisbon) July 26 to July 30, 2016 (Part 2, Porto) Venues in Lisbon Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon Faculty of Science and Technology, NOVA University Venue in Porto Faculty of Humanities, University of Porto (ICOHTEC Meeting) Subject area(s) History of Technology Environmental History History of Science Fees 80 Euros Including ICOHTEC registration fee, accommodation, meals and transportation Lisbon-Porto. Students will be lodged at the Universities’ Halls of Residence. ICOHTEC’s travel grants program will be available for Summer School applicants. Admission Applications will be accepted by email until February 29, 2016 (see details below). Results will be communicated to the applicants by March 15th 2016. Overview ICOHTEC/CIUHCT Summer School is an in...

Associate Professor/Professor in the History of Medicine

The Institute for the Medical Humanities (IMH) at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB), invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position, with rank negotiable based on experience. The successful candidate will join a multidisciplinary faculty in ethics, history, law, policy, literature, religious studies, and visual studies who engage in research and teaching of students in the health professions and graduate students in the biomedical sciences and humanities. The IMH also offers an ethics consultation service in the university’s hospitals. The IMH is home of the nation’s only Ph.D. program in medical humanities. Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in history with specialized interest in history of medicine or a related field. The candidate should be interested in teaching and research within a setting of interdisciplinary scholarship in medical humanities, ethics, social science and health policy. The successful candidate will be expected to teach ...