Gordon Fraser. The Quantum Exodus: Jewish Fugitives, the Atomic Bomb, and the Holocaust. Oxford Oxford University Press, 2012. viii + 267 pp. $45.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-19-959215-9. Reviewed by Roger Chapman (Department of History, Palm Beach Atlantic University) Published on H-War (August, 2013) Commissioned by Margaret Sankey Hitler's Brain Drain?? Gordon Fraser's _The Quantum Exodus_ is an interesting, as well as problematic, book to read. The cover is potentially offensive as it is comprised of a yellow Star of David on top of the Alamogordo mushroom cloud. The title of the work suggests the focus is on the Jewish physicists who fled the Nazi regime and later played a major role in the Manhattan Project, but the sprawling narrative is much broader, including tangents on academics of all kinds, doctors, writers, and intellectuals. The first appendix, for instance, offers a list of one hundred and eleven "emigran...