Romantic Feelings. Continuities and Discontinuities in the History of Emotions (From the Aftermath of the French Revolution to the Revolutions of 1848)", 16 – 18 September 2013, University of Geneva
Preliminary Program
Monday, 16 September
14:00 - 14:30
Welcome and Introduction by Dolores Martín Moruno - IHMS, Geneva University, CH
Welcome and Introduction by Dolores Martín Moruno - IHMS, Geneva University, CH
14:30 - 16:00
Feeling with the Brain
Chair: Colin Jones - Queen
Mary University of London, UK
Keynote lecture by Fay Bound-Alberti - Queen Mary University of London, UK
Organs of Emotion / Emotional Organs
Organs of Emotion / Emotional Organs
Nike Fakiner - CCHS/CSIC,
Totalanschauung in wax: The aesthetic composition of Gustav Zeiller’s anatomical brain
Zanetta -
Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Geneva University, CH
La manière de sentir : Baudelaire et les émotions romantiques
La manière de sentir : Baudelaire et les émotions romantiques
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 - 18:30
Thinking with the Heart
Chair: Damien
Nellis - Faculty of Letters, Geneva University, CH
Patrizia Lombardo - Faculty
of Letters, Geneva University, CH
Les romantiques, eux,
ils en ont du cœur!
Pitteloud - Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Geneva
University, CH
syndrome de Stendhal: participation affective et émotion esthétique
Noëlle Schurmans -
Faculty of Psychology, Geneva University, CH
L’ambivalence du sentiment amoureux :
une approche socio-historique
Tuesday, 17 September
09:30 - 10:45
Reading Disease in Romantic Bodies
Chair: Elisa
Andretta - IHMS, Geneva
University, CH
León Sanz - Universidad de Navarra, ES
The influence of the passions in the production and modification of disease as a literary genre
The influence of the passions in the production and modification of disease as a literary genre
Thomas Dodman - Boston College, USA
Dying of nostalgia in the Age of Romanticism
10:45 - 11:15 Coffee Break
Micheline Louis Courvoisier - Institute of
Biomedical Ethics, Geneva University, CH
La mélancolie dans la chair : récit de malades « ordinaires » au 18e siècle
La mélancolie dans la chair : récit de malades « ordinaires » au 18e siècle
Ordóñez - UAM, ES
Suicide épistémique
Suicide épistémique
12:20 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:30
Reading Disease in Romantic Bodies
Chair: Marc J.
Ratcliff - Faculty of Psychology, Geneva University, CH
Rigoli - Faculty of Letters,
Geneva University, CH
Le Coeur de la folie
Moscoso - CCHS-CSIC, ES
Romantic Jealousy and the Logic of Suspicion
Romantic Jealousy and the Logic of Suspicion
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30
Montiel - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ES
“The yes and the no of Psykhe”: the feelings in the psychological theory of
the doctor and magnetizer Joseph Ennemoser (1787-1854).
Guillermo de Eugenio -
Universidad Carlos III, ES
The Powers of Imagination on 18th century medicine:
the case of John Haygarth’s Pamphlet
20:00 Conference
Wednesday, 18 September
09:00 - 10:30
Romantic Feelings in Body politics
Chair: Matteo
Borri - IHMS, Geneva University, CH
Botella - UAM, ES
Animal Feelings and International Law in the early 19th century
Animal Feelings and International Law in the early 19th century
Rachel Hewitt -
University of Oxford, UK
The Age of Despair? Representations of disillusionment in 1790’s Britain’
The Age of Despair? Representations of disillusionment in 1790’s Britain’
Lorenzo Santoro - University of
Callabria, IT
The feelings of the new society: Fear and Happiness in
the Vincenzo Cuoco’s Reflection upon Politics
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30
Natural languages / Languages of Nature: Feelings in
Romantic music, literature and science
Chair: Alberto
Fragio - IMGWF, Lübeck
Vesna Elez - University of
Belgrade, Serbia.
Le coeur,
ses raisons et la rasion : L’Education sentimentale de Flaubert
Dhombres - EHESS,
Paris, FR
Galois, Cauchy and Gauss: romantic and anti-romantic heroes in the mathematical sciences
Galois, Cauchy and Gauss: romantic and anti-romantic heroes in the mathematical sciences
Bernardino Fantini - Geneva University, CH
Music as the language of emotion and the romantic theory of life in the age
of Goethe
Closing remarks
Fragio - IMGWF (Lübeck)
Martín Moruno - IHMS, Geneva University, CH