
Mostrando entradas de enero 22, 2012

Exposición: Galería de retratos de los Presidentes de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina

Desde el 17 de enero al 16 de marzo se puede ver la exposición: "Galería de retratos de los Presidentes de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina" , realizados por el pintor JOSÉ ANTONIO ÁVILA para esta institución Lugar : Real Academia Nacional de Medicina (C/Arrieta, 12. 28013. Madrid). Horario : -De Lunes a Jueves: 10:00 a 14:00 horas y de 16:00 a 19:00 horas. -Viernes: 10:00 a 14:00 horas. Entrada libre y gratuita.

CFP: Perspective as Practice - MPIWG, Berlin

Call for Papers: PERSPECTIVE AS PRACTICE: An international conference on the circulation of optical knowledge in and outside the workshop  - October 12-13, 2012, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin Organizers: Sven Dupré, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin & Jeanne Peiffer, Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris We invite proposals from scholars in the history of science and technology, the history of art, technical art history and conservation science and other related disciplines for an international conference on the production and circulation of optical knowledge in workshop and design practices of the visual and decorative arts and (garden) architecture between the fourteenth and seventeenth century. This conference addresses both the practical optical knowledge produced in the context of artists’ workshops and artists’ appropriation and use of the science of optics (perspectiva), which included questions of psychology, physiology, anat...

FPR-UCLA 2012 Conference on Culture, Mind, and Brain

5th FPR-UCLA Interdisciplinary Conference Culture, Mind, and Brain: Emerging Concepts, Methods, Applications October 19–20, 2012 UCLA Website:   http://www.thefpr.org/conference2012/index.php       Description Many lines of research on culture, mind, and brain can no longer be neatly separated. Some questions run together, thanks to our growing understanding of the genome, the biological roots of human sociality, and the mutual constitution of cultures and selves, as well as the complex interactions between the physical, cultural, and social environments underlying health and illness. The aim of this 2-day conference is to highlight emerging concepts, methodologies and applications in the study of culture, mind, and brain, with particular attention to: (1) cutting-edge neuroscience research that is successfully incorporating culture and the social world; (2) the context in which methods are used as well as the tacit assumptions tha...

Durham: Funding for HPSM PG Degrees

DURHAM UNIVERSITY FUNDING FOR POSTGRADUATE COURSES IN THE PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT (including history and philosophy of science and medicine degrees) The following funding opportunities are available for postgraduate students beginning degree courses in autumn 2012: •       1 AHRC Doctoral Award •       A number of Durham Doctoral Studentships (distributed throughout all departments in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities) •       A number of MA Scholarships (distributed throughout all departments in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities) •       For the first time in 2012, the Philosophy Department also offers a newly inaugurated Butler-award of £3,000 p.a. for a period of three years, for outstanding PhD applicants who have no other external source of funding. Information on the AHRC awards, the Durham Doctoral studentships and the MA Scholarships including guidel...

New STS programme now accepting applications

Apologies for cross-posting The new University of Glasgow MSc Programme in Environmental Science, Technology and Society (E-STS) is accepting applications for its first entering class (autumn 2012). This postgraduate degree programme addresses the wider social and political dimensions behind our scientific and technological choices concerning the environment. Teaching is at the Dumfries campus in southwest Scotland, situated in proximity to a natural living laboratory, relevant non-governmental organisations, renewable energy companies and a range of partnership organisations. Much more information can be found at:  http://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/environmentalsciencetechnologysociety/ Dr Sean Johnston Programme leader for the MSc in Environmental STS School of Interdisciplinary Studies College of Social Sciences University of Glasgow Rutherford-McCowan Building Bankend Road Dumfries, DG1 4ZL, UK Tel +44 (0) 1387 702038 www.glasgow.ac.uk/interdisciplinar...

Call for Papers: The Two Cultures: Visual Art and Science c.1800-2011

Call for Papers: The Two Cultures: Visual Art and Science c.1800-2011 In his 1959 lecture "The Two Cultures" C.P. Snow asserted that the intellectual life of western society was increasingly being split into two polar groups: the sciences, and the humanities. The notion that visual artists and scientists are two entirely isolated strata of human activity and experience has proliferated since the nineteenth century, and continues to plague academic institutions and political policy today. The term "scientist" was coined in 1834 as a means of designating those who worked professionally in the various sciences. The "scientist" was described by direct analogy to the artist; suggesting that these now seemingly dichotomous areas of scholarship were in fact intended to exist in direct relationship to one another. This conference seeks to challenge Snow's separatist assertion, and explore the ways in which visual artists have acknowledged, appropriated and...

CFA: Postdoctoral Research Fellow - The University of Sydney -Unit for History and Philosophy of Science

Postdoctoral Research Fellow - The University of Sydney - Unit for History and Philosophy of Science Faculty of Science Reference No. 2055/1111  *   Explore the history and philosophy of time throughout the sciences  *   New grant funded research project  *   Full-time, 2 year fixed term, attractive remuneration package: $92.6K p.a. (which includes salary, leave loading and up to 17% super) The University of Sydney has received a prestigious grant from the John Templeton Foundation<http://www.templeton.org/> to explore the nature of time and streamline worldwide academic research on the subject. The project, entitled New Agendas for the Study of Time: Connecting the Disciplines, will focus on asking which aspects of time belong to which disciplines in order to reinvigorate, and perhaps resolve, age- old puzzles. In achieving this, a new clarity will be brought to the study of time in a global sense, setting the agenda for ...

Geography,Science and Machines c. 1750-1960- RGS-IBG. AnnualConference, Edinburgh, 3-5 July 2012

RGS-IBG Annual Conference, Edinburgh, 3-5 July 2012 Organisers: Jochen F. Mayer and Luise Fischer ( University  of Edinburgh ) Call for Papers Geography, Science and Machines c. 1750-1960 This session is concerned with the role of machines within the history and geography of scientific knowledge-making c. 1750-1960. Our proposal is informed by the belief that scholarship within historical geography and the work on the geography of science has largely neglected the material and technological bases to scientific knowledge-making and to the ordering of the social world more broadly.  Scholarship has been interested in the technology and instruments of exploration on earth (Driver 2001) , and in outer-space (MacDonald 2007) . There has been less attention, however, to historical and sociological work that emphasised the role of material infrastructure in the organisation of state power and the role of material cultural practice in the manufacture of scientific knowledge (...

Science Studies Dissertation Reviews: New review online

A new review has been posted on Science Studies Dissertation Reviews: - Alistair Kwan, "Architectures of Astronomical Observation: From Sternwarte Kassel (ca. 1560) to the Radcliffe Observatory" (1772), reviewed by Rebekah Higgitt Previous reviews include: - Bonnie Evans, "Mental Defectives, Childhood Psychotics and the Origins of Autism Research at the Maudsley Hospital, 1913-1983", reviewed by Stephen Casper. - Salim Al-Gailani, "Teratology and the Clinic: Monsters, Obstetrics, and the Making of Antenatal Life in Edinburgh, c.1900", reviewed by Tatjana Buklijas. - Michal Meyer, "Speaking for Nature: Mary Somerville and the Science of Empire", reviewed by Claire Jones. Please visit us at www.dissertationreviews.org. To contribute a review, or to have your dissertation reviewed, please email dissertationreviews@gmail.com With best wishes, Leon Rocha (University of Cambridge) Tom Mullaney (Stanford University) -- Dr Leon Antonio...

Centro de Estudios Andaluces: Abierto el plazo de la VIII Convocatoria de Proyectos de Investigación 2012

El Centro de Estudios Andaluces abre, del 18 de enero al 14 de febrero, la plataforma on line para la presentación de solicitudes. Entre las principales novedades, se encuentran la propuesta de nuevas líneas de investigación, así como la ampliación del plazo de ejecución de proyectos, hasta una duración máxima de 18 meses, y de la cuantía de las ayudas a solicitar hasta 30.000 euros. Se adjunta enlace para más información: http://www.centrodeestudiosandaluces.es/?mod=actividades&id=2398&cat=22&idm =

The Co-Production of Knowledge: Social Media, STS and... - 18-20 July 2012, Ron Cooke Hub, University of York, UK

Call for Papers (deadline 29 February 2012): The Co-Production of Knowledge: Social Media, STS and ... 18-20 July 2012, Ron Cooke Hub, University of York, UK The ubiquitous social and cultural adoption of social media, such as Twitter, Wikipedia, YouTube and Facebook can be seen to present a significant example of scientific and technological innovation in many contemporary societies. While some studies of social media and, more specifically, Web 2.0 platforms built around user-generated content, have made reference to the importance of the field of science and technology studies (STS) for understanding their development and diffusion, scholars working within this academic framework have yet to fully turn their focus on this area. This three-day symposium is intended to explore the intersection between STS and social media inquiry, with a specific focus on how Web 2.0 is both generative and challenging of different forms of knowledge (co-)production and the authority ...

ESHS Athens 2012 - Symposia

The list of accepted ESHS symposia for ESHS Congress, Athens 2012: http://5eshs.hpdst.gr/symposia •    Deadline for grant application: January 20, 2012 (Notification of acceptance by 27 April 2012) •    Registration fees and opening: http://5eshs.hpdst.gr/registration •    Deadline for early registration: May 4, 2012 •    Opening: November 1st, 2012 Best Wishes, Raffaele Pisano European Society for the History of Science http://www.eshs.org Inter-divisional Teaching Commission of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science http://www.idtc-iuhps.org/officers "Thought does not respect national frontiers. Yet scientific ideas are far from stateless citizens". (Thackray, A. (1970). Atoms and Powers. An Essay on Newtonian Matter and the development of Chemistry. Cambridge MA: The Harvard University Press, p. 4, line 4). _________________

Entrevista a Simon Schaffer

Està disponible entrevista a Simon Schaffer, realitzada per Clara Florensa per a UABDivulga, arran de les conferències impartides per Schaffer a Barcelona al setembre de 2011. Vegeu també el vídeo produït per l’Institut de Ciències de l’Educació i Àrea de Comunicació i de Promoció de la UAB. Trobareu els enllaços a: http://blocs.iec.cat/arban/2012/01/18/entrevista-a-simon-schaffer-per-clara-florensa/

Science Studies Dissertation Reviews: New review online

A new review has been posted on Science Studies Dissertation Reviews: - Bonnie Evans, "Mental Defectives, Childhood Psychotics and the Origins of Autism Research at the Maudsley Hospital, 1913-1983", reviewed by Stephen Casper. Previous reviews include: - Salim Al-Gailani, "Teratology and the Clinic: Monsters, Obstetrics, and the Making of Antenatal Life in Edinburgh, c.1900", reviewed by Tatjana Buklijas.   - Michal Meyer, "Speaking for Nature: Mary Somerville and the Science of Empire", reviewed by Claire Jones. Please visit us at www.dissertationreviews.org. To contribute a review, or to have your dissertation reviewed, please email dissertationreviews@gmail.com . With best wishes, Leon Rocha (University of Cambridge) Tom Mullaney (Stanford University) -- Dr Leon Antonio Rocha Research Fellow, Emmanuel College Department of History and Philosophy of Science University of Cambridge Free School Lane Cambridge CB2 3RH United Kingdom LAR2...

Plaza para un doctorado en Berna: ‘We’re hibernating! An artistic and social scientific exploration of the human - animal boundaries in zoological gardens'

The Bern University of the Arts (BUA) unites a multitude of artistic disciplines under one roof and develops multi-discipline perspectives in teaching and research. It offers a programme of courses and further education in the fields of Design and Fine Arts, Conservation and Restoration, Music, Opera/Theatre and Literature. The inter-disciplinary research focus ‘Intermediality’ is part of the research department. It tests translation processes between different mediums and, in particular, explores interferences between scientific and artistic methods of approach and representation. Within the framework of a three-year interdisciplinary project ‘We’re hibernating! An artistic and social scientific exploration of the human - animal boundaries in zoological gardens, funded by the Swiss National Fund and affiliated with the ‘Intermediality’ research focus, we are looking for a doctorate student (in the social sciences) starting from 1.3.2012 or by arrangement. The aim of the project i...

Arnau de Vilanova Tractat sobre amor heroic

Benvolguts col•legues, Us faig arribar una notícia bibliogràfica d'una novetat apareguda amb data de 2011, en el setè centenari de la mort d'Arnau de Vilanova Arnau de Vilanova, Tractat sobre l'amor heroic, introducció i text llatí de Michael McVaugh, traducció i notes de Sebastià Giralt, Barcelona, Barcino (Biblioteca Barcino, 7), 2011, 81 pp. Edició del text original llatí i traducció catalana en pàgines oposades, acompanyades d'un extens estudi, de Tractatus de amore heroico, el primer tractat llatí de què és té constància dedicat monogràficament a l'amor hereos o amor heroicus. Així s'anomenava en la medicina medieval la malaltia de l'amor-passió, de la qual parlaven els poetes medievals i que es considerava potencialment mortal. El tractat d'Arnau explica les causes els símptomes d'aquesta malaltia d'acord amb les teories mèdiques de l'època i proposa alguns remeis per curar-la. http://www.editorialbarcino.cat/index.php/tractat-s...

Call for papers: Childhood, Youth and Emotions in Modern History

Call For Papers: Childhood, Youth and Emotions in Modern History Max Planck Institute for Human Development, November 29 to December 1, 2012 The emotional upbringing and education of children is a topic of acute historical as well as contemporary concern for policy makers and politicians. The main goal of this conference is to draw together new research in the history of childhood and youth, in the history of education and the important interventions from the emerging discipline of the history of the emotions.  The conference seeks to build a comparative history of the education of the emotions through an exploration of formal and informal educational contexts of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The intent of the conference is to focus broadly on both formal and informal educational strategies, both inside and outside of the family, and at the level of the State. How far did the State exercise control over the education of the emotions? To what extent did governmental st...

Announcement: The Society of Automotive Historians (SAH) Student Paper Award, 2012

THE SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE HISTORIANS RICHARD SCHARCHBURG  STUDENT PAPER AWARD, 2012 In order to encourage research and writing effort among university students in the area of automotive history, the Society confers its annual award for the best student paper in the auto history field. The award is named for Richard Scharchburg, the late Professor of History at Kettering University, eminent automotive historian, and past president of the Society of Automotive Historians. Persons submitting papers must be enrolled at educational institutions (upper-class undergraduate or graduate level) at the time of submission.  This competition is international in scope, but papers must be in the English language.  Papers already published or scheduled for publication will not be accepted. Manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words, and should be double-spaced.  An abstract is requested.  Judging criteria include clear statement of purpose and testable hypothesis, accura...

IHPST january newsletter

The January issue of the IHPST Newsletter is now available on the web at: http://ihpst.net/newsletters Its Contents are listed below. Regards, Michael Matthews CONTENTS                 Editorial: Can Write Better 1.            Science & Education Journal, Volume 21 Number 1 2.            Science & Education Journal, Report (a) Rationale and Purpose of the Journal (b) Journal on the Web (c) Manuscript Submissions (d) Copyediting Assistance Required for Manuscripts from Non-Anglo Authors (e) Article Downloads (f) Journal Indexing (g) Thematic Issues (h) Journal Reviewing 3.         Journal Special Issue: Science & Literature 4              Journal Special Issue: Ene...

Postgraduate Funding Opportunities at the University of Leicester

The School of Historical Studies at the University of Leicester has a number of PhD and Masters funding opportunities available for 2012 entry.  Details are at http://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/historical/postgraduate/funding/scholarships The school includes a number of scholars with interests in HSTM who would welcome enquiries.  We do not offer a specific masters programme in HSTM but our MRes degree allows students to write an extended dissertation on an HSTM topic. Sally Horrocks

CFP: Literature & the Philosophy of Technology

Please consider this CFP for a Special Session for MLA 2013, Boston: "Literature and the Philosophy of Technology" Description: Approaches to literature drawing from philosophy of technology or critical theory of technology. Literary critical responses or challenges to theories of technology. Submission requirements: 400-word proposal, brief bio Deadline for submissions: 1 March 2012 Contact person information: Jessica Kuskey (jekuskey@syr.edu

Atlanta history of medicine and science meeting

The 14th annual meeting of the Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science-SAHMS- will be held in Atlanta, GA, March 2-3, 2012 on the campus of Emory University.  This will be a very full two days of papers covering the broad scope of the history of medicine and science. Full registration materials for this meeting can be found at: http://www.sahms.net/HTML/2012_conference.html For a complete SAHMS program listing email me directly at erlen@pitt.edu. Please share this information with your colleagues and students.  This is a unique opportunity to learn from some of the leaders of the CDC about the history of AIDS, as well as the evolution of the CDC as an institution. If you have any questions about this meeting please contact me directly. I hope to see many of you in Atlanta at this meeting. Jonathon Erlen, Ph.D. Outreach Chair Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science