
Mostrando entradas de junio 3, 2018

CfP: Science and Spiritualism, 1750-1930

The Leeds Centre for Victorian Studies is pleased to announce a two-day conference, to take place at Leeds Trinity University on 30 and 31 May 2019 . We are delighted to have Professor Christine Ferguson (University of Stirling), and Professor Roger Luckhurst (Birkbeck, University of London) as our keynote speakers. Description : Since the emergence of modern mediumship in the middle of the nineteenth century, science and spiritualism have been interwoven. Sceptics and believers alike have investigated spirit and psychic phenomena to determine its legitimacy. This two-day interdisciplinary conference will explore the history of the intersection of science and spiritualism during the long nineteenth century. Key scholarship includes: Ferguson, Christine, Determined Spirits: Eugenics, Heredity and Racial Regeneration in Anglo-American Spiritualist Writings 1848-1930 , Edinburgh University Press, 2012. Lamont, Peter, Extraordinary Beliefs: A Historical Appr...

Post-doc researcher: Rural and Environmental History, Wageningen University

Url:  http://www.ruralhistory.eu/newsletter/2018/rhn-2018-079 Post-doc researcher in global economic and social history, Rural and Environmental History Group at Wageningen University Closing date for applications: 29 June 2018 We are looking for a post-doc researcher in global economic and social history who will receive a free role in the research program of the Rural and Environmental History Group at Wageningen University. He/she will be able to develop his/her personal research CV and will co-lecture two or three courses in economic, global and/or environmental history to social science students. We ask You are an ambitious and enthusiastic scholar, and a team player devoted to research and education in a highly international and interdisciplinary academic environment. You also have: - a PhD in history, economics or any other social science with a clear historical character. - published internationally in refereed scientific journals. - s...

CfP: Technical Cultures of Repair, from prehistory to the present day (Paris, June 2019)

Les réparations, de la préhistoire à nos jours:  cultures techniques et savoir-faire.  Colloque international.  Paris, 17-18 juin 2019 La réparation est un moment particulier de la «  biographie d’un objet  » (Appadurai, Kopytoff), qui, sorti du circuit du marché lors de son achat, revient dans le monde des échanges à la suite d’un accident, de l’usure ou d’un défaut, en raison des pénuries ou des engagements politiques en faveur de la consommation durable. Cette mobilité engendre des savoirs et des savoir-faire, mobilise des professions et des sociabilités, souvent genrées, révèle l’organisation d’un système de production, largement appuyé sur des réseaux de sous-traitance et des ateliers décentralisés, y compris à l’époque contemporaine. Même au cœur des processus électroniques, censés pourtant mal se prêter aux appropriations, se nichent des savoir-faire incorporés complexes, ciments culturels de milieux professionnels établis (Callén). Le...

Bursaries to support attendance of participants at ESHS 2018

The DHST Historical Commission on Science, Technology and Diplomacy has three bursaries available to support travel and attendance of participants at the ESHS meeting in London this September. These awards will be of $500 (US Dollars). If there are more than three candidates, a selection in conferring the award will be made on the following basis: Career stage; with preference given to graduate students and early career researchers Residence; with preference given to those living in countries with lower GDP ranking Participation; with preference given to those presenting at the Commission symposium (n. 43) or other symposia and panels. Please email Sam Robinson ( sam.robinson@york.ac.uk ) a short statement, including, in case, details of your paper presentation at the ESHS. The deadline for applications is the 30th June 2018.

Expression of Interest: ERC Advanced Grant CIRGEN: Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment: Ideas, Networks, Agencies

Url:  https://eshorizonte2020.es/expressions-of-interests/monica-bolufer Brief description of the institution: The University of Valencia (UV) stands out as one of the main public research organisations in Spain, with more than three thousand researchers integrated in 90 departments, 19 institutes and other research units belonging to social, biomedical, human, experimental and formal sciences. Along with human resources, the UV state-of-art premises and facilities, guarantee the quality of a vast scientific and technological offer available to the service of society. The UV is a leading academic organisation at national level. Shanghai 2014 ranks UV among the top 200-300 universities in the world, and 4th best university in Spain. As per URAP 2014, the University of Valencia ranks third among all Spanish universities, first in Valencia region and 193th in the world. University of Valencia is participating in several European projects un...

CfP: Double-Helix History: DNA and the past

University of Manchester, 17-18 January 2019 Keynote speakers: Turi King (University of Leicester) and Catherine Nash (Queen Mary, University of London) Ancient-DNA analysis, DNA for genealogy, Cheddar Man, Richard III, the ‘Golden State Killer’, DNA and IQ – the use of genetic science is extremely high profile at the moment, discussed around the world in academic journals and popular publications alike. This conference, part of the AHRC-funded  ‘Double-Helix History’  project, seeks papers discussing the role and impact of genetic science on the understanding, imagining, and use of the past.  Key questions include:  ·        Does genetics change the way we think about history, and of the human? ·        How is genetic science presented and understood in popular culture? ·        How does direct-to-consumer genetic testing affect our understand...

PhD position in the history and/or philosophy of programming

Call for a PhD candidate in the history and/or philosophy of computer programming. The PhD will be supported by the ANR-funded project PROGRAMme and the candidate will be a member of the research team of the project. More details can be found here: https://programme.hypotheses.o rg/call-for-application-phd-ap pel-a-candidature-doctorat

MÀSTER INTERUNIVERSITARI SEMIPRESENCIAL A DISTÀNCIA: Història de la Ciència i Comunicació científica

El Màster d'Història de la ciència i Comunicació científica és un programa de postgrau oficial impartit per professors i professores de la Universitat d'Alacant, la Universitat Miguel Hernández d'Elx i la Universitat de València, adscrits a l'Institut d'Història de la Medicina i de la Ciència López Piñero, així com per professorat convidat d'altres universitats espanyoles i estrangeres. El Màster d'Història de la Ciència i Comunicació Científica, forma a investigadors i professionals en història de la ciència i en comunicació científica. Té dues especialitats, una acadèmica, que orienta cap al doctorat i a la recerca, i una altra professional, encaminada al treball en museus i mitjans de comunicació científiques. Els cursos s'imparteixen utilitzant diferents mètodes docents: les classes i els seminaris, el treball autònom, la col•laboració i el debat, les tutories i l'orientació personalitzada o l'ús d'una àmplia varietat de re...

CfP: Health and Disease in Popular Culture - PCA-ACA 2019

For information on PCA/ACA and the conference, please go to http://pcaaca.org DEADLINE:  OCTOBER 1, 2018 The "Health and Disease in Popular Culture" area for the 2019 Popular and American Culture Association meeting in Washington DC invites proposals related to the portrayal of health, illness, and health care in the discourses of popular and American culture.  Proposals representing perspectives in the humanities and the arts (e.g., film, history, literature, visual arts), social sciences (e.g., anthropology, cultural studies, sociology), and mass media (e.g., print or electronic journalism) in historical or contemporary contexts are welcome. Proposals should clearly establish what connections the presenter intend to draw between their chosen topic and popular and American culture.  Subject areas might include but are not limited to: Narratives of illness told from the perspective of patient and/or provider in contemporary pop culture media: fi...

Associate Lecturer, History of Medicine Module

Goldsmiths, University of London - Department of History Location: London Salary: £8,784 inclusive of London weighting allowance Hours: Part Time Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract ...

BJHS Books for Review

The British Journal for the History of Science has recently received a large number of books for review. Many of the titles on our April 2018 and December 2017 lists have yet to find good homes. If you are interested in reviewing any of these then please do get in touch with me with information about the title which might best intersect with your interests/expertise. You will find details of the books here: https://www.cambridge.org/ core/journals/british-journal- for-the-history-of-science/ information/books-received . For information for prospective reviewers, please see: https://www.cambridge.org/ core/journals/british-journal- for-the-history-of-science/ information/book-review- information .