
Mostrando entradas de marzo 6, 2022

Call for Proposals Special Issue 2024

Journal for the History of Knowledge – Call for Proposals, Special Issue 2024 The Journal for the History of Knowledge features an annual special issue, compiled by guest editors, which explores a theme central to the journal’s scope. The special issues of previous years have been Histories of Bureaucratic Knowledge (2020) and Histories of Ignorance (2021). We are currently accepting proposals for the 2024 Special Issue. Proposals should contain the following: •       A description of the proposed theme (1500-2000 words) highlighting its significance for the history of knowledge •       A table of contents (typically 8-12 articles of 8000 words) •       Abstracts of the articles •       Two-page CVs of the editors; short biographies of the contributors •       An outline of the production process up to manuscript submission. All manuscripts must be submitted to the journal by May 2023. Pl...

CfP: Scientific journal "Social Ecology" - Special Issue on "Food Sovereignity"

SOCIAL ECOLOGY. Journal for environmental thought and sociological research ISSN (print): 1330-0113; ISSN (online): 1849-0360   SPECIAL ISSUE: FOOD SOVEREIGNTY IN EUROPE About the special issue: Despite the growing levels of income in European countries, the issues of food scarcity, inequalities and sovereignty are increasingly relevant in times of climate crisis and the global COVID-19 pandemic. The issues of food distribution and prices have only grown as the climate crisis intensifies. To determine the key actors responsible in national and global food policies, as well as identifying guidelines for further action, more sociological research is needed. Access to sustainable, healthy, and affordable food, in today’s networked and globalized world, is not a national issue, but a global one. Therefore, we kindly invite you to submit your theoretical and empirical scientific papers on the issues related to food sovereignty for possible publication in the scientific journal   So...

Call for Papers: Southeast Chapter of Society of Architectural Historians Annual Meeting

The Southeast Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians (SESAH) will host its hold its 40 th  annual conference in Memphis, Tennessee, from November 2-5, 2022. As with all SESAH conferences, papers and sessions may address  any  aspect of the history of the built environment as well as any geographical region, historical period, or scale. We encourage papers and sessions focused on such themes as the Landscapes and Architectural Resources of the Civil Rights Movement, Landscapes/Architecture of Minority Communities, Post-World War II Architecture in the American South, Twentieth Century Urban Planning in the American South, and the Legacy of the Southern Music Industry on the Cultural Landscape. We also expect sessions on subjects related to European, Historic, Medieval, and Southern Architecture. SESAH is now accepting abstracts for individual papers or proposals for session panels, consisting of three papers and a chair. Participants need not work in, resi...

Call: 2 scholarships for scholars in bioethics from Urkaine

As a practical sign of solidarity with the people of Ukraine, the Academy of Ethics in Medicine (AEM) is offering two scholarships for Ukrainian scientists. Study visits to German university or non-university research institutions are funded. They are intended as start-up or bridging grants, possibly in combination with other grants (see below). Scientists with Ukrainian citizenship who conduct research in the field of ethics in medicine and healthcare are eligible to apply. The host institution can coordinate the application together with the applicant. The scholarships extend over a  maximum of 6 months  and provide funding of  EUR 1,000 per month . They can be applied for informally by submitting the following documents 1. Short letter of application (1-2 pages) with the following information: a. At which institution is the study visit planned? b. How long is the study visit planned for? c. Which scientific project should be realized during the study visit? 2. Curricul...

FEM ciència? Entrevista a Adriana Minor

 FEM ciència?, propuestas de la SCHCT para repensar el feminismo, la historia y la cultura científica 5ª entrega de la 2ª edición de “FEM ciència?” Entrevista a Adriana Minor García “Hay una instrumentalización o cosificación de la mujer proyectada en los instrumentos.”  En esta entrevista hablaremos con Adriana Minor García del papel del género en les relaciones científico-técnicas entre países, en la cultura material y en los distintos espacios donde se produce y moviliza el conocimiento. https://blogs.iec.cat/schct/fem-ciencia/ https://youtu.be/GBm_ofJV7_U Adriana Minor García es investigadora y profesora al Centro de Estudios Históricos de El Colegio de México. Es licenciada en Física por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y doctora en Filosofía de la Ciencia por la misma universidad. Sus temas de estudio se centran en los distintos protagonistos históricos que forman elementos articuladores globales de la ciencia en América Latina, principalmente México, al siglo ...

Distribución LLULL Vol. 44 (nº 89) 2021 y alojamiento en distintas plataformas

  El 4-01-2022 se distribuyó por correo postal desde Zaragoza el SEGUNDO número de   LLULL Vol. 44 (nº 89) 2021. Transcurridos los dos años de embargo, se encuentra ya disponible a texto compl eto el  LLULL Vol. 42 (nº 86) 2019  en: RECYT [ http://recyt.fecyt.es/ index.php/LLUL/issue/archive ] DIALNET [ https://dialnet. unirioja.es/servlet/revista? codigo=1511 ] También el resumen de los artículos de  LLULL Vol. 44 (nº 89) 2021  se encuentra disponible en las plataformas de RECYT y DIALNET citadas y está ya en SCOPUS (para los indicios de calidad de Llull). El texto íntegro de los dos números de  LLULL de 2021 se encuentra en  la plataforma de pago EBSCO.

CfP History of Mathematical Analysis, 14 May

  CfP deadline 30 March Birkbeck College and the British Society for the History of Mathematics invite paper proposals for their meeting on the history of mathematical analysis. Topics may range from the "prehistory" of analysis, through analysis in non-Western mathematics, to the 20th century. Already confirmed speakers and titles are:   Jeremy Gray, "Differential Equations – the real (and complex) reasons for Analysis" Niccolò Guicciardini, "The birth and reception of the Newtonian and the Leibnizian calculi" Brigitte Stenhouse, "Mary Somerville’s abandoned manuscripts and the promotion of analytical mathematics in 1830s Britain" Kenneth Falconer, “Fractal Geometry through the 20th Century”   Proposals should be for presentations of 20 mins + 5 mins for questions. Brief abstracts (c.100 words) and very short biographical details, should be sent to the organiser, Sarah Hart by  30 March   The event will be held at Birkbeck College, University of...

CfP: Children's Museology edited book

Submissions are invited from researchers, curators, museum practitioners, artists, and other interested parties for an edited book on the emergent field of Children’s Museology, defined as “the production of museum content and programming not just for or about children, but also by and with children in ways that engage them as valued social actors and knowledge-bearers” ( Patterson 2020 ).  Deadline for submissions:  March 30, 2022 Contact email:  childrensmuseologyvolume@gmail.com   Link to call:   https://carleton.ca/childrensmuseology/call-for-papers-for-an-edited-book/ Editors: Monica Eileen Patterson Assistant Director, Curatorial Studies, Institute for the Comparative Study of Literature, Art, and Culture/ Associate Professor, Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies (Childhood and Youth Studies)  Carleton University Ceciel Brouwer Research Associate Research Centre for Museums and Galleries School of Museum Studies University of Leicest...