Call: 2 scholarships for scholars in bioethics from Urkaine
As a practical sign of solidarity with the people of Ukraine, the Academy of Ethics in Medicine (AEM) is offering two scholarships for Ukrainian scientists. Study visits to German university or non-university research institutions are funded. They are intended as start-up or bridging grants, possibly in combination with other grants (see below).
Scientists with Ukrainian citizenship who conduct research in the field of ethics in medicine and healthcare are eligible to apply. The host institution can coordinate the application together with the applicant.
The scholarships extend over a maximum of 6 months and provide funding of EUR 1,000 per month. They can be applied for informally by submitting the following documents
1. Short letter of application (1-2 pages) with the following information:
a. At which institution is the study visit planned?b. How long is the study visit planned for?c. Which scientific project should be realized during the study visit?
2. Curriculum vitae (German or English) naming the most important publications (max. 5)
3. Confirmation from the host research institution that the applicant will be able to study in the specified period, that the appropriate equipment is available (e.g. workplace, access to the library and basic equipment) and that no other funding of the study visit (e.g. employment, project funding) is given.
Applications must be submitted to the AEM office (address below) by March 31, 2022. If there are more than two applications, a selection will be made by the board of the AEM.
If no two eligible applications are received in the first call for proposals, a second call for proposals will take place. This will be announced via the AEM mailing list.
The AEM is aware that the scholarships can only be a kind of start-up financing. We would therefore like to draw your attention to the following additional funding opportunities:
Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung: