
Mostrando entradas de abril 24, 2022
Open Access book publication:   https://muse.jhu.edu/book/98273 Rens Bod, “World of Patterns: A Global History of Knowledge”, JHU Press, 2022. A comprehensive account of the methods of knowledge production throughout human history and across the globe.The idea that the world can be understood through patterns and the principles that govern them is one of the most important human insights—it may also be our greatest survival strategy. Our search for patterns and principles began 40,000 years ago, when striped patterns were engraved on mammoths' bones to keep track of the moon's phases. What routes did human knowledge take to grow from these humble beginnings through many detours and dead ends into modern understandings of nature and culture? In this work of unprecedented scope, Rens Bod removes the Western natural sciences from their often-central role to bring us the first global history of human knowledge. Having sketched the history of the humanities in his ground-breaking A ...
Acaba de salir en la editorial Iberoamericana-Vervuert el libro Tras las huellas de Torres Villarroel quince autores de almanaques literarios y didácticos del siglo XVIII , que contiene quince estudios monográficos sobre otros tantos escritores de almanaques del XVIII, en su mayor parte carentes de bibliografía específica previa. Los datos, el índice y la introducción pueden consultarse en la página de la editorial, donde también se puede adquirir tanto en formato digital como en papel: https://www.iberoamericana-vervuert.es/FichaLibro.aspx?P1=204129&ISBN=9788491922650&TITULO=Tras%20las%20huellas%20de%20Torres%20Villarroel%20:$bquince%20autores%20de%20almanaques%20literarios%20y%20did%C3%A1cticos%20del%20siglo%20XVIII%20/$cFernando%20Dur%C3%A1n%20L%C3%B3pez%20(coord.) . Este libro es uno de los resultados principales del proyecto Almanaques literarios y pronósticos astrológicos en España durante el siglo XVIII: estudio, edición y crítica (ALMA-18), del Ministerio de Economía, I...

CfP: Disability at the Intersection of History, Culture, Religion, Gender, and Health

Deadline: May 6, 2022 Disability is a living human experience. It is not merely a medical or biological phenomenon, and it is not only the subject of sciences. Perspectives on disability have evolved historically, theologically, and medically. Academics and disability activists have increasingly come to view disability as more than an individual medical diagnosis, often highlighting it as an issue of social justice and equity. As such, there is a need for further collaboration between the sciences and the humanities to deepen our understanding of disability in all of its complexities. Using interdisciplinary approaches to examine disability as fluid and dynamic condition can help us understand it as an identity and as social construct. The aim of this Special Issue is to encourage interdisciplinary research that offers critical analysis of how disabilities have been viewed in historical terms, the complexities of the religious meanings of disability, disabilities as social/cultural con...

CfP: International Society for Intellectual History 2022 Conference in Venice

Histories of Knowledge:  Political, Historical and Cultural Epistemologies in Intellectual History Ca’ Foscari University of Venice,  12-15 September 2022 The International Society for Intellectual History is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for its 2022 conference to be held in Venice. The conference addresses the knowledge-power entanglement in intellectual history, including at the level of historiography. In recent years, the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, the growth of global inequalities, and the emergence of global conspiracy theories have brought to the fore the political dimensions of knowledge by eliciting debates on issues such as post-truth, the crisis of expertise, and the control of data and information. Drawing inspiration from the pressing issues of today’s world, #ISIH2022 will use the lens of intellectual history to explore the mutual influence of ideas stemming from the political and cultural realms, ranging from philosophy to the sciences, the ...

Libre acceso a los volúmenes de la colección "Técnica e Ingeniería en España"

De acuerdo con el plan establecido en octubre de 2020, se han ido rescatando para su libre descarga los volúmenes I a V de la colección Técnica e Ingeniería en España, obra conjuntamente coeditada por la Real Academia de Ingeniería (RAIng), la Institución «Fernando el Católico» (IFC) y Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza (PUZ). Procedemos a liberar el volumen VI:  El Ochocientos. De los lenguajes al patrimonio (2011, 832 págs.) De este modo, se puede acceder, desde las tres instituciones editoras, de forma íntegra a los seis primeros volúmenes (4.300 págs.). Con ello, partiendo del Renacimiento, pasando por el Siglo de las Luces, se llega a la tercera entrega de la serie sobre el Ochocientos (son cinco tomos). Todos estos volúmenes se pueden bajar uno por uno o por capítulos, pero no solo. En efecto, como siempre, del resto se pueden descargar los índices, los estudios introductorios, los anexos, y los inicios de todos los capítulos. El conjunto de anexos dedicado a Apuntes biogr...

CfP: Revista Cosmotheoros: Los Horizontes de la Imaginación Simbólica en el Mundo de la Naturaleza

Tenemos el placer de anunciar la apertura del plazo para presentar artículos orientados al segundo número de la Revista Internacional de Epistemología Ambiental Cosmotheoros. Esta vez, su temática principal se adentra en las raíces simbólicas que se hallan y, al mismo tiempo, estructuran los incontables imaginarios en torno a la naturaleza que cabe dar cuenta a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad. De esta manera, prestamos atención a una vía de acceso, como es el símbolo (y su relación con la realidad natural), que ha sido, por lo general, ignorado o postergado en los escenarios contemporáneos donde se da preeminencia al discurso eco-político o a ciertas visiones dominantes de lo natural establecidos bajo criterios económicos o tecno-científicos. En este sentido, se observa, salvo honrosas excepcionas (Carl Gustav Jung, Ernst Cassirer, Pavel Florenskij, Paúl Ricoeur, Edwin Panofsky, Nathan Söderblom, Rudolf Otto, Mircea Eliade, Gilbert Durand, etc.) una ausencia en la literatura ac...

7a entrega de la 2ª edición de “FEM ciència?”: Katya Mitsuko Zuquim Braghini

FEM ciència?, propuestas de la SCHCT para repensar el feminismo, la historia y la cultura científica ( https://blogs.iec.cat/schct/ fem-ciencia/) 7a entrega de la 2ª edición de “FEM ciència?” Entrevista a Katya Mitsuko Zuquim Braghini“El proceso de escolarización es una tecnología social muy poderosa y ampliamente aceptada e incluso naturalizada.” En esta entrevista hablaremos con Katya Braghini sobre la importancia de aplicar la perspectiva de género y social a la educación y a su historia, la mercantilización creciente de la enseñanza y el impacto que tienen los juguetes científicos en la educación de las niñas y niños. https://youtu.be/4ChWPpOwpVY Katya Mitsuko Zuquim Braghini es investigadora y profesora a la Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Es licenciada en Historia por la Universidade de São Paulo y doctora en Educación por la Universidade Católica de São Paulo. En su trayectoria ha colaborado con universidades a nivel internacional y ha estudiado temas relacionados...

CfP: The Routledge History of the Senses

Co Editors: Andrew Kettler, Kenyon College William Tullett, Anglia Ruskin University Prompt: The Routledge History of the Senses, contracted and expected to be in print for 2024, will summarize the existing field of the history of the senses and provide a space for explorations of ongoing research. The history of the senses became prominent within historical study during the 1990s and was methodologically based upon earlier inspirational work that combined anthropological questions of cultural learning with the radical tones of social history. As it has expanded, the field has provided – and continues to provide – a considerable space for the exploration of diverse historical topics through the lens of sensory experience and phenomenological interpretation. The central focus of this edited volume is a global history of the senses. As such, this CFP desires a wide range of authors working in Sensory History and Sensory Studies. We are specifically looking for authors interested in writi...

CfP: Lived Space - Moving Image, Past and Present

Dates: 01-03 December 2022 Abstracts: 01 July 2022 (Round 1) | Nb. 05 October 2022 (Round 2) Place: Virtual German psychotherapist Karlfried Graf von Dürckheim coined the term “lived space” (der gelebte Raum) in 1932 to refer to the experiential and perceptual characteristics of space rather than its visuality and physicality. It has recently been popularised by Finnish architect and writer Juhani Pallasmaa who encourages us to think about space in terms of atmosphere and sensation, and the design of spaces from the perspective of how they will be “lived” and perceived. In many ways, he captures ideas relevant across multiple disciplines. Narrative practices and memory-making processes in art and cultural projects help us signify the implications of “lived space” in physical settings. Mediated arrangements of space through the visual arts abstract lived experience, bringing it to our attention but also inviting us to question our relationship to various spaces. Installation art has...

CfP: Technology Justice: The Theories and Practices of Freedom Conference

The Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC) invites you to their annual conference, this year on the theme of ‘Technology Justice: The Theories and Practices of Freedom’. This event will take place at Coventry University over the course of two days, with keynote speakers, panel sessions, research showcases, and networking events. There will be limited remote and hybrid access for those who want to attend virtually, although we anticipate all panels and keynotes to be held in person. Conference theme: While the concept of liberation technology has often been defined by the opportunities for democracy enabled by Web 2.0 content creation, cyber utopias, social media and mobile tech, we are interested in thinking through liberation as both theory and practice, to open up a platform for interrogating, imagining, and doing together in a way that both resists injustice, but also calls forward new questions such as: Which are/remain/will be the technologies of liberation? What is/continues to b...

CfA: Technology in Human and Nonhuman Animals

Technology in Human and Nonhuman Animals is a one day PG led interdisciplinary conference on the use and production of tools and our relationship with them, in both human and nonhuman animals. It will take place on Friday the 10th of June in Durham, UK. The conference is co-organised by Marco Pavanini, Elena Collaro, Alessandro Armigliato and Inga Hamilton, doctoral students in Philosophy, Evolutionary Anthropology, Archaeology and Arts and Creative Industries (Durham, Newcastle, Sunderland). The event is sponsored by AHRC Northern Bridge Consortium and the MLAC Department at Durham University. The event will be open to the general public, there is no conference fee but registration is required to attend. In consideration of the conference’s transdisciplinary aim, we encourage researchers from all disciplines and backgrounds to answer our call, and especially welcome contributions coming from doctoral students and early career scholars. We seek abstracts covering, but not limited to, t...

CfP: History of NASA + Environment Conference

Please see below regarding the History of NASA and the Environment Conference. The two-day conference will take place at Georgetown University on September 29-30, and presenters will receive two nights of funding for hotel accommodations in Washington, D.C. The deadline for proposals is July 1, 2022. Conference Description: To more critically analyze the historical connection between NASA and the environment, the NASA History Office and Georgetown University invite proposals for papers to be presented at a two-day symposium, from September 29-30, at Georgetown University, Washington, DC. Diverse scholars at every seniority level are encouraged to apply, and the organizers are pleased to provide funding for hotel accommodations for two nights near the university. Possible topics for papers include, but are not limited to the following:

CfP: Artefacts 2022 Munich

Call for Proposals for the conference:  ARTEFACTS XXVII “Objects of Science and Technology in Motion” ARTEFACTS is an international network of academic and museum-based scholars of science, technology and medicine interested in promoting the use of objects in research. The network was established in 1996 and since then has held annual conferences examining the role of artefacts in the making of science and technology and related areas. While the last two annual meetings had to be held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the next conference will be held at the Deutsches Museum in Munich, Germany, October 16–18, 2022. It will be "in person" and no longer virtual. The conference is connected to the Global Summit of Research Museums II, a gathering of directors of some 200 museums around the globe to be held at the Deutsches Museum on October 17-19 on the theme of “Objects in Motion”, but will have its both distinct and discrete program. For further information on the Global ...

CFA (7th Panhellenic Conference on Philosophy of Science, Athens, December 1-3, 2022)

The Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens organises the 7th Panhellenic Conference on Philosophy of Science to be held in Athens on December 1-3, 2022. The thematic sections of the Conference include all areas of philosophy of science (general philosophy of science, philosophy of special sciences), as well as areas of philosophy (metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, history of philosophy, political philosophy) to the extent that they are related to issues concerning science. Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Alexander Bird (University of Cambridge) Federica Russo (University of Amsterdam) The Conference welcomes Contributed Papers and Symposia and is open to all members of the academic community, to PhD candidates as well as to postgraduate students. Presentations of Contributed Papers will be in Greek, and in English for non-Greek speakers. Symposia can be held in Greek or English.

Fellowships at the Institute Vienna Circle in Vienna, September 2022 until February 2023

Research-Fellowships from September 2022 until February 2023 The Institute Vienna Circle offers fellowships for visitors who wish to do research at the Institute. The maximum length of a fellowship is six months. Normally a fellowship pays €1800 brutto per month (approx. €1500 netto). Successful applicants will not normally reside in Vienna already. The on-going Covid-19 pandemic might make it difficult for us to guarantee all fellows full-time office space. The application procedure is as follows: (1) Applicants send the following documents to office.wienerkreis@univie.ac.at -- by the deadline of May 31st:

CfP: Revista CS (No. 40, 2023) | Metrics, impact and appropriation: contemporary challenges in the valuation of the scientific production in social sciences and humanities

The scientific production in higher education institutions or research centers fulfills at least two functions. On the one hand, it reflects the diversity of knowledge fields in which the generation of new knowledge is inscribed. On the other hand, it is the input for analyzing and understanding the institution’s research capabilities. In that sense, depending on the volume of the scientific results, more or less will be the amount of information available in the different academic circuits. This information is used to generate various reports that are supposed to account for the quality and impact of the research. At the international level, mostly, hierarchical listings of universities and research centers are created according to criteria related to productivity and citation impact. At the national level, MinCiencias in Colombia, CONACYT in Mexico, CONICET in Argentina, CNPq in Brazil, and CONICYT in Chile are examples of institutions with evaluation systems and measurement models t...