
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 24, 2017

Dynamis. Volumen 37(2). 2017

DOSSIER PROFESIONALIZACIÓN Y ESPECIALIZACIÓN SANITARIA EN CHILE Y ARGENTINA, SIGLOS XIX Y XX Editado por María José Correa y María Soledad Zárate Historizar la profesionalización sanitaria: perspectivas desde Chile y Argentina María José Correa y María Soledad Zárate . 263 «¿Quiénes son los profesionales?» Justicia, profesionalización y ejercicio médico en el Chile urbano de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX María José Correa 273 1.—Introducción. 2.—Los médicos y su diversidad. 3.—La defensa de lo profesional y la ilegalidad del charlatán. 4.—Conclusión: los matices de la profesionalización. El papel de la prensa en la lucha contra la consolidación de la profesión médica en Buenos Aires, 1890-1900 Mauro Vallejo 295 1.—Introducción. 2.—Octubre de 1891: El «manosanta» Mariano Perdriel y un hipnotizador español. 3.—Los magnetizadores y Onofroff, «un hermoso pedazo de naturaleza». 4.—Consideraciones finales. «Formar enfermeras, no empleadas domésticas». La...

CfP: Leprosy and the Leper Reconsidered

Url:  https://leprosyandtheleper.wordpress.com/ We are pleased to announce the call for papers for Leprosy and the Leper Reconsidered, which will take place at McGill University in Montréal, Canada. This is an interdisciplinary and trans-historical conference which seeks both to unite and to broaden the discourse on leprosy sufferers and leprosy. In this way, this conference aims to highlight and discuss the presence of leprosy not only across time, but also across physical borders and spaces. Indeed, this conference aims to erase such boundaries in order to foster a more encompassing discussion of such a global disease.  Finally, and perhaps most importantly, there is a growing need to address leprosy within an interdisciplinary framework in order to expand our understanding of changing discourse, medical, social, and popular, surrounding the disease and the afflicted.  The ...

CfP: BSHS Postgraduate Conference: CHSTM, University of Manchester (4th - 6th April 2018)

We are pleased to announce that the next British Society for the History of Science Postgraduate Conference will be held at the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHSTM), University of Manchester, on 4th - 6th April 2018. We welcome abstracts from postgraduate students researching any aspect of the history of science. Postgraduates in the philosophy of science, science communication, and science and technology studies should also feel welcome to submit abstracts. Please submit your abstract by the end of the day on Monday 6th November 2017 by sending a single document including your abstract (max. 250 words), name, institutional affiliation, and contact details to bshspg2018@gmail.com Presentations should last between 15-20 minutes. Places will be limited, and we aim to notify prospective speakers by mid-December. Please also note that members of the BSHS may apply to the Butler-Eyles Fund for support to travel to this conference. Appl...

Hakluyt Society Essay Prize

The Hakluyt Society has announced the next round of its annual essay prize competition: https://hakluytsociety. wordpress.com/2017/09/17/ hakluyt-society-essay-prize- 2018-deadline-30-november- 2017/ The Society's published volumes have recently contained much material related to the history of science, for example its very recent volumes on Banks and on Flinders, and essays related to travel in our discipline would be very welcome.

CfP: Medicine and Madness in the Long 18th Century, 23-24 Feb 2018, SCSECS, Oxford MS

For the 2018 meeting of the South Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, proposals are invited on any topic regarding medicine, madness, the medicine of madness, the madness of medicine, or the care and treatment of any illnesses, physical, mental, or emotional during the long eighteenth century. All disciplines and geographic areas are welcome. 150-word abstracts by 11/30/18.  Electronic submissions, please. Judith Broome Department of English William Paterson University of New Jersey broomej1@wpunj.edu Contact Info:  Judith Broome Department of English, William Paterson University of New Jersey

CfP: Broadcasting health and disease. Bodies, markets and television, 1950s-1980s

Throughout the age of television health and body-related subjects have been presented and diffused into the public sphere via a multitude of forms, ranging from short films in health education programmes to school television, from professional training to TV ads, from documentary and reality TV shows to TV news, but also as complementary VHS and similar video formats circulating in private and public spheres. From live transmission of daunting surgical operations or accounts of medication scandals in the 1950s and 1960s to participatory aerobic workouts or militant AIDS documentaries, bodies and health on television and more genuinely the interrelationship of the history of health and bodies and the history of the various TV formats has not been extensively researched. Our assumption is that such audio-visuals are not conceived merely as a mirror or expression of what is observed, but that visuals should be regarded as a distinct, interactive performative power of mas...

Call for thematic issue – HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology

The editors of  HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology  are looking for proposals for a thematic issue to be published in 2019 ( HoST  volume 13). The volume should be prepared by a guest editor and include four research papers. HoST  is an open access, on-line peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the History of Science and Technology, published in English by a group of Portuguese research institutions and De Gruyter ( https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/host ). HoST  encourages submissions of original historical research exploring the cultural and social dimensions of science, technology, and medicine (STM), both from a local and a global perspective.  Past thematic issues have dealt with topics as diverse as  circulation, communication of science and the relationships of science with fascist regimes.  Future issues might deal with  both established and emerging areas of scholarship. Proposals might consi...

CfP: "Naming Logics II" | Workshop organized @ UNILOG'18

Blaise Pascal famously claimed: “Je ne dispute jamais du nom pourvu qu’on m’avertisse du sens qu’on lui donne” (I never quarrel about a name, provided I am apprised of the sense it which it is understood), Les Provinciales. However to find the right word for the right thing is a sophisticated art.  Modern logic has been qualified by various expressions: “symbolic logic”, “formal logic”, “mathematical logic”, “metamathematics”. What does all this mean? For example “mathematical logic” is typically an ambiguous expression since it can mean both logic treated in a mathematical way or/and the logic of mathematics. “Symbolic logic” is also a mixture of different things, it can make reference to the use of some formal mathematical signs, or some true symbols, like Venn’s diagrams. “Formal logic” is an expression put forward by Kant but ironically it has been often used to denote modern mathematical logic by opposition to traditional logic. “Metamathematics” was coined by ...

Launch of Sexing History Podcast

URL:  http://www.sexinghistory.com Sexing History: a new podcast that examines how the history of sexuality shapes present day cultures and politics. This podcast, the first of its kind, is hosted by historians Gillian Frank and Lauren Gutterman. Sexing History uses oral histories, archival sound clips, commentary and analysis, and interviews with other scholars in the field to tell compelling stories about the past to illuminate our present. Our first episode looks at the story of Aaron Fricke. In 1980, Aaron sued his Rhode Island school district after they prohibited him from bringing his same-sex partner to prom. We are delighted that Aaron shared his story with us and you can access the episode on our website. The second episode, which will be released later this month, tells the story of Dr. Kenneth Edelin, an African American abortion provider in 1970s Boston. You can subscribe to our podcasts through iTunes,  https://itunes.apple.com/...


Les invitamos cordialmente a presentar propuestas de trabajo al Coloquio Ciencia y Justicia. Construir la nación, siglos XIX-XX, el cual se realizará los días 13 y 14 de junio de 2018 en el Museo Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna, Santiago de Chile.   El Coloquio busca reunir a investigadores e investigadoras que, a partir del estudio de fuentes judiciales, reflexionen acerca de los cruces entre la ciencia y la justicia durante los siglos XIX y XX, abordando los cambios producidos en el aparato judicial, en sus actores y usuarios e instituciones relacionadas, en el contexto de los procesos de construcción de nación. LÍNEAS TEMÁTICAS (no exhaustivas) - Ciencia y pericia judicial. - Saberes y disciplinas científicas y su relación con la justicia. - Expertos, especialistas y profesionales del ámbito científico en la justicia. - Lecturas científicas sobre el cuerpo y los comportamientos: taxonomías y patologías. - Medicina-legal y criminología. - Nuevas justicias e instr...

CfP: HISRESS - June 8 -9, 2018, University of Zurich

This two-day conference of the Society for the History of Recent Social Science (HISRESS) will bring together researchers working on the history of post-World War II social science. It will provide a forum for the latest research on the cross-disciplinary history of the post-war social sciences, including but not limited to anthropology, economics, psychology, political science, and sociology as well as related fields like area studies, communication studies, history, international relations, law and linguistics. We are especially eager to receive submissions that treat themes, topics, and events that span the history of individual disciplines.    The conference aims to build upon the recent emergence of work and conversation on cross-disciplinary themes in the postwar history of the social sciences. While large parts of history of social science scholarship still focus on the 19th and early 20th centuries and are attuned to the histories of individual discip...

Turriano ICOHTEC Prize - Book prize of ICOHTEC

The Turriano ICOHTEC Prize for books on the history of technology (formerly ICOHTEC Prize for Young Scholars) is sponsored by the  Juanelo Turriano Foundation  and consists of 2,500 Euro. The prize-winning book will be presented and discussed at a special session of the next ICOHTEC symposium, in Saint-Étienne, France, from 16-22 July 2018 ( http://www.icohtec.org/ annual-meeting-2018.html ). An additional 500 Euro is available to the winner in support of travelling to the conference to receive the prize. ICOHTEC, the International Committee for the History of Technology, is interested in the history of technology, focusing on technological development as well as its relationship to science, society, economy, culture and the environment. The history of technology covers all periods of human history and all populated areas. There is no limitation as to theoret...

PhD fees and stipend studentship, history of nursing, University of Nottingham

3-Year Faculty of Arts PhD Studentship Department of History, University of Nottingham In connection with: ‘Florence Nightingale Comes Home for 2020: an Historico-Literary Analysis of her Family Life’ Applications are invited for a Faculty of Arts funded PhD studentship granted in connection to a recent AHRC Standard Grant: 'Florence Nightingale Comes Home for 2020: an Historico-Literary Analysis of her Family Life’ awarded to Professor Paul Crawford (Health Sciences) and Dr Anna Greenwood (History).  The successful candidate will be given some latitude as to the scope and approach of their doctorate, but the subject matter should fall into the general topic area: ‘Nursing Care at the Time of Nightingale’. Applicants should show they have developed an original research question, have scoped the availability of relevant archival materials and should demonstrate an in-depth engagement with relevant historiography. This full-time studentship, wh...

CfP: Sociology & Anthropology of Logic

Sociology and Anthropology of Logic: Past and Present Workshop organized by Julie Brumberg-Chaumont (LEM/CNRS/PSL, Paris Research University) and Claude Rosental (CEMS/IMM/CNRS/EHESS/PSL) The workshop "sociology and anthropology of logic: past and present" intends to explore the various ways in which logic can be approached from a sociological or anthropological point of view. We will look into how various actors and peoples concretely define and practice logic. Logic will not be apprehended according to a fixed definition of what it is or what it should be in order to assess its various definitions and practices. Instead, we will analyze their possible plurality. We will focus on both past and present definitions and practices of logic. Historical investigations are welcome. In particular, we will discuss how philosophy and history of logic might benefit from various methodological approaches developed by historians and sociologists of mathematics an...

Recurso web: "Les procès-verbaux du Bureau des longitudes (1795-1932)"

Some new transcriptions of the Bureau des longitudes’ minutes are now on-line: this work has been realized by Julien Muller for the ANR ( Agence nationale de la Recherche ) project : “BDL 1795-1932” ( Le Bureau des longitudes (1795-1932): de la Révolution française à la Troisième République ). You can now make some textual researches on the minutes from 1795 until the 26th December 1855. Further transcriptions will be progressively put on line during the next months. On the website you can also find a new rubric “Focus” with some short contributions on the history of the Bureau des longitudes. At the moment, three focuses are on-line: - Frédérique Rémy « L’hiver 1820 », - Marina Rieznik « El Bureau des longitudes y el Observatorio de La Plata », - Guy Boistel « Les rédacteurs de la Connaissance des temps, et leurs principaux collaborateurs, de 1795 à 1932 ». This rubric will be monthly enriched: if you wish to contribute (even in English), don’t hesitate to c...