
Mostrando entradas de enero 27, 2019

CfP: 5th International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing

Url:  https://hapoc2019.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/6 For HaPoC 2019, we welcome contributions from scholars who intend to participate in the debate on the impact of computers on culture, science, and society from the perspective of their area of expertise, and who are open to engage in interdisciplinary discussions across multiple fields. Topics include but are not limited to: History of computation , computers, algorithms, programs, paradigms, software and hardware companies and communities, … Philosophy of computation , philosophy of the mind in relation with computer science, ethics of computer science,  epistemology of computer science, … Foundational issues of computation , limits of computability, the Church-Turing thesis, formal systems,  semantic of programs, … Computation in the Sciences , experiments and simulations with computers, big data analytics, epistemological issues, … Computation in Society , social netwo...

PhD post in philosophy of science at Bielefeld University

Fully funded PhD post in philosophy of science over 3 years available at Bielefeld University :   Applications are invited for a fully funded (65% TV-L 13) PhD-position for three years (fixed term) in philosophy of science at Bielefeld University (beginning April 15, 2019). The post is part of a DFG-funded project on research in the context of practice. The project is supposed to inquire into the practical fruitfulness of heuristic strategies. This question will be addressed by analyzing a pool of practically relevant research projects from the sciences and comparing their goals and accomplishments. The pertinent projects are driven by societal demand but aim to gain scientifically relevant knowl­edge in addition. Deadline for applications: February 21, 2019.   The material to be analyzed is in German. Therefore, command of German is required. Url:  http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/Universitaet/Aktuelles/Stellenausschreibungen/Anzeigen/Wiss/wiss19001...

CfP: ARTEFACTS meeting, 20-22 Oct 2019, Edinburgh

The National Museums Scotland Science & Technology Department and Surgeons Hall announce that the next meeting of ARTEFACTS will be held in Edinburgh, 20–22 October 2019. ARTEFACTS is an association of historians of science and technology, mostly in museums and academic institutions, who share the goal of promoting the use of objects in historical studies. See www.artefactsconsortium.org . The theme of the 2019 meeting (the 24 th since the first in 1996) is DIVERSITY , and we encourage 20-minute papers or short presentations concerning both philosophical and concrete examples of how an explicit attention to diversity can enrich both our understanding and our practice in museums. We characterize ‘diversity’ broadly, encompassing both objects and people; but all proposals should have an explicit focus on the material culture of science, technology and/or medicine. Examples might include, but are not limited to: Diversity of makers, scientists and users of arte...

CfP: Conference Budapest 4-6 July

The European Society for the History of the Human Sciences (ESHHS) invites submissions to its conference to be held from July 4 to July 6, 2019. The conference is hosted by the Department of Cognitive Science, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, and organized in collaboration with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Oral presentations, posters, sessions or workshops may deal with any aspect of the history of the human, behavioural and social sciences or with related historiographic and methodological issues (including those related to digital history). This year we plan two featured topics for the conference: relations between the history of psychoanalysis and social and cultural history at large, and the genesis of modern infancy research, the latter being one of the specialties of the hosting department at CEU. Guidelines for submission Any submission should include the following: name, email and institutional address ...

CfA: 29th Baltic Conference on the History of Science

THE 29th BALTIC CONFERENCE ON THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE 19-21 September 2019 Vilnius, Lithuania CALL FOR ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS The Lithuanian Association of the History and Philosophy of Science, the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and Vilnius University cordially invite you to the 29th Baltic Conference on the History of Science (BCHS), which will take place from September 19-21, 2019 in Vilnius, Lithuania. The conference is dedicated to the 440th anniversary of the founding of Vilnius University in 1579, and its main theme will be Science and the University . Science played an important role in all of the different historical periods of Vilnius University: mathematics, physics and astronomy at the Jesuit Vilnius University (1579-1773); the natural sciences and medicine during the Age of Enlightenment at the Main School of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1773-1803) and at the Imperial Vilnius University (1803-1832); astronomy, physics, mathematics and medicine at the Pol...

Col·loquis de la SCHCT (2018–2019). On line

Cicle: “Hazards at the Workplace / Els Perills del Treball”  “Scientific Ignorance and Public Inaction: the government of toxic exposures at work” Dia : Dimecres 6 de febrer de 2019, 16h .  Lloc:  Sala de conferències del Palau de Cerveró (IHMC).  Plaça Cisneros 4, València. Ponent: Emmanuel Henry (Université Paris-Dauphine, França). Resum del cicle: La història dels tòxics als treballs, particularment al món industrial, és un camp ben establert a la intersecció de la història social del moviment obrer i de la industrialització. A les darreres dècades ha esdevingut una “zona de contacte” amb altres especialitats històriques com la història de la medicina (salut laboral i seguretat al treball), la història de la tecnologia i la historia mediambiental. Aquest renaixement de la salut i la seguretat laborals com a tema important de la història ha introduït tot un ventall de protagonistes implicats: treballadors, experts mèdics, científics, asseg...

Call for Book Chapters: The Discourse of Sustainability in Europe: Climate Change, Clean Energy, and Justice

The term sustainability has a broad meaning, including sustainable peace building. This edited collection brings researchers in the field of sustainable development together and aims to analyze the associated environmental and social issues. The focus of the book is sustainable solutions, including Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), offered by the European Union. By February 25 , please submit your CV and an abstract (approximately 300 words) to Dr. Dmitry Kurochkin  dkurochk@tulane.edu  and/or Dr. Elena Shabliy  eshabliy@tulane.edu . Topics covered by the volume include: Climate Change: Global Warming, Water, Health Renewable Energy: Wind, Solar, Biomass, Hydro, Renewable Transport, Green Buildings etc. Sustainable Society: Education, Gender Equality, and Justice Contact Email:  dkurochk@tulane.edu URL:  http://www.palgrave.com

CfP:Political Science - Annals of the Ovidius University of Constanta - Political Science Series

Annals of the Ovidius University of Constanta (Romania) - Political Series is a peer reviewed academic journal, currently indexed in three international databases (CEEOL, Index Copernicus and ERIH PLUS), now entering its 8th year of publication. We are looking forward to articles from a broad range of topics and perspectives pertaining to political science. We do not impose spatial or temporal limitations to the topics covered by the authors. We rather seek to encourage diversity and innovative approaches, and to support researchers at all levels. Articles should be original, unpublished works, between 20.000-30.000 characters, sent electronically to the provided email address, after being formatted according to the paper template available on our site. For more details, please visit the journal's homepage. There is no fee for submitting manuscripts. Contact Email:  anale_stiintepolitice_ct@yahoo.ro URL:  http://annals-politic...

CfP: International Network for the Study of Science and Belief in Society, first Annual Conference

Thursday 4 th July – Saturday 6 th July 2019.  Edgbaston Park Hotel, Birmingham, UK.  Please note: support for attendance is available. Organised by the Science and Belief in Society Research Group at the University of Birmingham, UK this is the first conference launching the new, International Network for the Study of Science and Belief in Society. In the last decade there has been significant growth in social scientific scholarship on science and religion, complementing the more established historical research into the subject. Greater attention is being paid to the varied ways in which perceptions of science are influenced by religious and non-religious belief, identity, community and conflict in different geographical, cultural and historical contexts. The purpose of this international conference is to bring together researchers with backgrounds in sociology, science and technology studies, psychology, political science, history, social anthropology, and related...

CfP: RDIPS 2019 Lausanne 5-6 November 2019

En vue de favoriser les échanges entre jeunes chercheur(se)s en philosophie des sciences et de participer à la constitution d’un réseau de jeunes chercheur(se)s au niveau international, la  Société de philosophie des sciences  ( http://www.sps- philoscience.org ) organise chaque année des  Rencontres doctorales internationales en philosophie des sciences  (RDIPS). Ces rencontres se tiendront à l’ Université de Lausanne  (Suisse), du mardi  5 novembre  au mercredi  6 novembre 2019 .  Olimpia Lombardi  (Universidad de Buenos Aires) et  Vincent Lam  (Universität Bern) seront les conférenciers invités. Des doctorant(e)s, ainsi que de jeunes docteur(e)s ayant soutenu depuis moins de deux ans à la date de soumission, présenteront aux RDIPS leurs travaux relevant de la philosophie des sciences comprise au sens large (philosophie générale des sciences, philosophie de la logique, philosophie des mathématiques, philosophie de ...