
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 27, 2015


L’IHMC desenvolupa tot els anys cicles de seminaris d’investigació al voltant de la història de la ciència, de la medicina i de la tecnologia, on participen alguns dels més coneguts especialistes internacionals d’aquests temes. Aquest any els seminaris tindran lloc a la sala de conferències de l’IHMC a partir de les 16h. També hi ha cicles amb col·laboració amb altres institucions que tenen altres horaris i llocs. Totes les sessions són obertes al públic amb les limitacions d’espai de la sala de conferències. Els seminaris estan coordinats pel professor Ximo Guillem (Ximo.Guillem@uv.es) Conferència inaugural 15 d’octubre Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent (Universitat de París 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne): Chemistry: The Impure Science Cicle: “Els drets sobre la propietat intel·lectual en ciència i tecnologia” (amb el cofinançament de la SCHCT) 4 de novembre Dominic Berry (University of Edinburgh) Scientific innovation in IP: the challenges of agroecology and synthetic biology in the UK 18 de novem...

Call For Panelist/Commentator: Regulation across Borders (Conference on Policy History, June 2016)

Colleagues, We are looking for a third presenter and a commentator to round out our panel proposal for next year’s Conference on Policy History. The panel will focus on various aspects of regulatory diffusion across political borders. One paper looks at Cecil B. DeMille’s role as policy entrepreneur in the spread of Right-to-Work laws in the United States between 1944 and 1960, while the other addresses the diffusion of international standards for aircraft registration and operation into the United States in the years immediately following World War I. Papers on a multitude of subjects within the area of regulatory diffusion would work well with this panel. Information on the conference and the CFP can be found at https://jph.asu.edu/2016-about , and you can reach me at seanseyer@ku.edu . Proposals are due December 4, 2015.

CFP: SSHM 2016 - Medicine in its Place: Situating Medicine in Historical Contexts

Medicine in its Place: Situating Medicine in Historical Contexts Society for the Social History of Medicine Conference 2016 7 - 10 July 2016 Canterbury, England, United Kingdom Hosted by the Centre for the History of Medicine, Ethics and Medical Humanities, University of Kent http://www.kent.ac.uk/history/events/conferences/sshm2016.html The Society for the Social History of Medicine hosts a major, biennial, international, and interdisciplinary conference. In 2016 it will explore the theme of place. The committee conceives 'place' in its broadest sense – from political, spatial, and cultural spaces, to the narrow confines of a patient's hospital bed. The biennial conference is not exclusive in terms of its theme, and reflects the diversity of the discipline of the social history of medicine. Call for Papers Proposals that consider all topics relevant to the history of medicine broadly conceived are invited, but the 2016 committee encourages pro...

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in the History of Modern or Contemporary Physics

The Department of the History of Science at Harvard University seeks to appoint a tenure-track assistant professor in the history of modern or contemporary physics. A Ph.D. is required by the expected start date. The Department is especially interested in candidates who show exceptional promise as scholars, teachers, and mentors, and can offer broad courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels that will complement those of the current faculty. The appointment is expected to begin on July 1, 2016. Applications should include a curriculum vitae, an outline of present scholarly projects and future plans, a statement of teaching experience and approach, a writing sample, and the names and contact details of three persons who will write letters of recommendation. All materials should be submitted directly to the Harvard academic positions site at: https://academicpositions.harvard.edu/postings/6442 .   Harvard is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer, and we...

Novembertagung on the History of Mathematics, Turin 26-28 November 2015

Il  26 °  Novembertagung on the History of Mathematics , incontro  rivolto ai dottorandi e ai neo-dottori di ricerca,  dedicato al tema  Transfer of Mathematical Knowledge in Journals, Correspondence and Scientific Societies,  si terrà a Torino nei giorni 26-28 novembre 2015,  presso il palazzo del Rettorato dell’Università (Via Po 17 – Via Verdi 8), nella Sala Principi d’Acaja. Tutte le informazioni logistiche, le scadenze per la registrazione, per l'invio degli abstract, ecc. si trovano sul sito  www.novembertagung2015.unito.it

Call for Applications: 2016 UCLA Library Special Collections Short-term Research Fellowships

2016 UCLA Library Special Collections Short-term Research Fellowships www.library.ucla.edu/special-collections/about/short-term-research-fellowships The UCLA Library Special Collections Short-term Research Fellowships Program supports the use of special collections materials by visiting scholars and UCLA graduate students. Collections that are administered by UCLA Library Special Collections and available for fellowship-supported research include materials in the humanities and social sciences, medicine, life and physical sciences, visual and performing arts, and UCLA history. THE FELLOWSHIPS James and Sylvia Thayer Short-term Research Fellowships Thayer fellowships provide support for research in any collections administered by UCLA Library Special Collections. Stipends range from $500 to $2,500 and vary yearly; grants in 2014 averaged $1,530 and in 2015 averaged $1,300. Awards are funded by an e...