
Mostrando entradas de junio 7, 2015

New Website at the British Society for the History of Maths

The British Society for the History of Mathematics would like to announce its new website: http://www.bshm.ac.uk/ It is now so much easier to find out what is going on and contribute.

Máster Interuniversitario en Antropología Médica y Salud Global

Ya está abierta la preinscripción al nuevo Máster Interuniversitario en Antropología Médica y Salud  Global, coordinado por la Universidad Rovira i Virgili , con la participación de la Universidad de Barcelona y de la Institución Milà i Fontanals del CSIC. Podéis encontrar la información a: http://www.urv.cat/masters_oficials/socials_juridiques/antrop_medica/es_master_antropologia_medica.html Hasta el próximo día 19 de junio de 2015 está abierto el primer período de preinscripción. La segunda fase es del 1 al 17 de septiembre (este período se abrirá en caso de que no se hayan cubierto la totalidad de las plazas en la 1a fase). La preinscripción se puede hacer en:   http://www.urv.cat/masters_oficials/es_preinscripcio-online.html También podéis solicitar una beca de estudiantes de máster de la URV, en dos modalidades: la de estudiantes que proceden de universidades españolas y la de estudiantes extranjeros. La información se encuentra en: http://www.urv.ca...

Call for papers: Before Montucla: Historiography of Science in the Early Modern Era, Workshop at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany, March 3/4, 2016

Before Montucla: Historiography of Science in the Early Modern Era Workshop at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany, March 3/4, 2016 During the last decades many new topics, approaches and research agendas emerged in historiography of science. The field extricated itself from descriptive positivism and celebratory Whiggism and began to take account of the various contexts of historical writings, creatively combining methods of the humanities and the social sciences with knowledge of the sciences. Historiography of science, however, still lacks evaluation and interpretation of its own history. In other words, the history of historiography of science has not been written yet. General overviews of the origins of history of science as a discipline usually go back to the end of the 19th century but historiography of science is much older. Some scholars say that it began in classical antiquity, among pupils of Aris...

Educación, promoción de la salud y comunicación. Perspectivas desde la historia y las ciencias sociales, Mahón, 24 y 25 de septiembre de 2015

Educación, promoción de la salud y comunicación. Perspectivas desde la historia y las ciencias sociales  Mahón, Menorca, 24 y 25 de septiembre de 2015 Este encuentro se organiza en el marco de la Escuela de Salud Pública de Menorca. Se puede consultar toda la información sobre el mismo en: http://www.evsp.cime.es/Contingut.aspx?IDpub=4980 La Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina ofrece dos becas de 300 para asistir al encuentro que cubren, parcialmente viaje y alojamiento. El Institut Menorquí d’Estudis exime a los becarios de la matrícula al encuentro Toda la información sobre esta edición de la escuela se puede consultar en: http://www.evsp.cime.es/Contingut.aspx?IdPub=1

ETH ZURICH - Professor of History of Exact Sciences - Closing date: September 30, 2015

ETH ZURICH - Professor of History of Exact Sciences - Closing date: September 30, 2015 http://www.facultyaffairs.ethz.ch/facultypositions/Prof_History_Exact_Sciences Professor of History of Exact Sciences The Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences at ETH Zurich ( www.gess.ethz.ch ) invites applications for the above-mentioned professorship.  The candidate should have an internationally recognized track record in history of formal sciences, e.g. either in history of mathematics, history of physics or history of computer science. Besides, he or she should have an expertise in non-Western scientific traditions (preferably the Islamic World, South Asia or East Asia) and be proficient in at least one non-European language relevant for the region under study. The successful candidate ought to be able to build and sustain an excellent research and teaching program in an interdisciplinary environment. The position is based in the “Knowledge”-...

History of Science: Fully-funded PhD Studentship: Science and Universities: Swansea, 1920-2020

Closing date: 30th June 2015 Key Information With the university’s centenary in 2020 approaching, the Department of History and Classics, Swansea University, invites applications from suitably-qualified UK/EU candidates for a doctoral studentship, funded by the College of Arts and Humanities, to conduct research on the history of the STEM disciplines at Swansea University. Science has always been at the heart of higher education: it has built the reputation of universities; it has been a matter of conflict in policy decisions; and it has raised fundamental ethical concerns. Since its foundation in 1920, Swansea University has boasted a rich tradition in science, technology, engineering and medicine (STEM) research. This ranges from pioneering work on radar during the Second World War, and contributions to the work of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) by the physics department, to world-leading research currently undertaken in engineering. The recipient of the studen...

Casebooks Project: 7,200 additional cases released

The Casebooks Project:  http://www.magicandmedicine.hps.cam.ac.uk Release 9: Richard Napier’s casebooks vols. 12–17 Transcriptions of volumes 12–17 of Napier's casebooks have been released, documenting nearly 7,200 cases from October 1606 to November 1610. Now more than 30,000 of the astrologers’ cases are accessible on the site. A dynamically generated, graphical ‘social relationship network’ feature has been added to the ‘person pages’, and a number of other refinements have been made to the display of Casebooks data. In particular, the ‘Search results summary’ now provides considerably more detailed statistics than it previously did. Please remember that this is work in progress. Feedback and queries are welcome. The project email address is  hpscbs@hermes.cam.ac.uk . For daily cases, follow us on twitter @hpscasebooks. --- Visit  http://www.magicandmedicine.hps.cam.ac.uk/  for the latest updates to the Casebooks Project: A Digital Edition of Simo...