
Mostrando entradas de marzo 23, 2014

Notches: (re)marks on the history of sexuality


Points: The Blog of the Alcohol and Drugs History Society

Points (n.)   1. marks of punctuation. 2. something that has position but not extension, as the intersection of two lines. 3. salient features of a story, epigram, joke, etc.:    he hit the high points.   4. (slang; U.S.) needles for intravenous drug use. http://pointsadhsblog.wordpress.com/  

Clystere n° 29 - Avril 2014

Clystère n° 29 – Avril 2014 est paru, à télécharger sur www.clystere.com (ou http://clystere.pagesperso-orange.fr/ ) pensez à actualiser la page de votre navigateur si vous ne voyez pas le numéro 29 dans le menu à gauche. Commentaires, articles etc.. bienvenus. Bonne lecture Bien amicalement Clystere N 29 - April, 2014 is appeared, to download on www.clystere.com (or http://clystere.pagesperso-orange.fr/ ) Think of updating the page of your browser if you do not see the number 29 in the menu to the left. Comments, articles etc. welcome. Good reading Very friendly Clystère n ° 29 - abril de 2014 es aparecida, que hay que cargar sobre www.clystere.com (o http://clystere.pagesperso-orange.fr/ ) Piense actualizar la página de su navegador si usted no ve el número 29 en el menú a la izquierda. Comentarios, artículos etc bienvenidos. Buena lectura Muy amistosamente -----------------------------------------------------------

The BSHS Pickstone Prize

The British Society for the History of Science (BSHS) is pleased to announce the establishment of a new prize. The BSHS John Pickstone Prize will be awarded every two years to the best scholarly book in the history of science (broadly construed) in English, alternating with the Dingle Prize for the best popular book.   The Pickstone Prize is very much in keeping with the Society’s mission to promote excellence in the academic field of history of science, technology and medicine. The winning book should mark a major advance in the understanding and interpretation of the scientific past.   There are no restrictions on the form of the book; specialist monographs and synthetic works, whether singly or multi-authored, are welcome.   Edited volumes, however, are excluded. The value of the Pickstone Prize is £300.   The winner may also have the opportunity to give a presentation, sponsored by the BSHS, on the subject of the winning book. The prize has been established to

CFP: "Science as Profession" (Helsinki, 21-22 August 2014)

Call for Papers: the 26th International Baltic Conference in the History of Science // 21st –22nd August2014, Helsinki   Deadline (new) for abstracts: Tuesday 22nd April, 2014 Contact e-mail for information: bahps2014@gmail.com <mailto:bahps2014@gmail.com> Information online at: http://www.oppihistoriallinenseura.fi/balticconference2014/ and http://www.bahps.org/helsinki-2014   The 26th International Baltic Conference in the History of Science      will take place from the 21st to 22nd of August, 2014 in Helsinki.  The tradition of the Baltic Conferences on the History of Science is long,  the first conference taking place in Riga in 1958. All 25 previous events  have taken place in the three Baltic countries: Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania  ( www.bahps.org <http://www.bahps.org> ).     This is the first time when the Baltic Conference in History of Science  will be held outside of the borders of these three countries.  You are heartily welcome to Helsinki!

Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry Awards Scheme 2014

The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry invites applications for its award scheme for 2013. Two types of award are available: support for research into the history of chemistry or history of alchemy by New Scholars and support for Subject Development of either history of chemistry or history of alchemy. The New Scholars Award is open to post-graduate students (both masters and doctoral students) and those who have obtained a PhD within five years of 1 January of the year in which the application is made. Awards of up to £1000 will be made to cover research expenses, including travel, accommodation, subsistence, the reproduction of documents, and library fees. Applications may also include the costs of reproducing images for publication. The scheme will not fund the purchase of equipment or course fees. In addition, post-graduate students only may apply for the costs of travel to conferences and accommodation, but only in order to give a paper. The schem