
Mostrando entradas de febrero 15, 2015

CFP: Connecting Technology's Peripheries

CFP for Panel "Connecting technology's peripheries", Society for the History of Technology conference, Albuquerque, 8-11 October 2015. Connecting Technology’s Peripheries Organizer : Joshua Grace, University of South Carolina, USA To propose a paper for this panel , contact gracejr@mailbox.sc.edu Borrowing inspiration from John Staudenmaier’s T echnology’s Storytellers , this session will examine the stories about technology that are less commonly told at SHOT or in the history of technology more broadly. It seeks a group of area studies scholars whose research represents diverse geographic locations, time periods, and disciplines to explore the analytic boundaries and openings that challenge or inspire their work. In the mid ‐ 2000s, as SHOT and Technology and Culture broadened their regional scopes, William Storey warned of creating a ‘weak multiculturalism’ in which scholarship from area studies remained outside the core literature and theories in ...

11th ESSHC March 30 - april 2, 2016 Valencia, Spain

The European Social Science History Conference 2016 is organized by the International Institute of Social History in co-operation with the University of Valencia. The aim of the ESSHC is bringing together scholars interested in explaining historical phenomena using the methods of the social sciences. The conference is characterized by a lively exchange in many small groups, rather than by formal plenary sessions. The conference welcomes papers and sessions on any historical topic and any historical period. It is organized in 27 thematic networks. The deadline for paper and session proposals is 1 May 2015. Prof. Jan Lucassen Award PhD students are invited to enter their paper for “the Prof. Jan Lucassen Award for best paper by a PhD student in the conference programme”. For more information on the prize and how to enter visit esshc.socialhistory.org More information For information about the European Social Science History Conference, the conference fee and registration, please go to ou...

Intersecciones: Ciencia y traducción en el mundo hispánico

Los próximos 6 y 7 de mayo se celebrará en Verona el encuentro  "Intersecciones: Ciencia y traducción en el mundo hispánico". El programa es el siguiente: 6 de mayo: 9.30 – Apertura Roberta Facchinetti (Directora del Departamento de “Lingue e Letterature Straniere”, Università degli Studi di Verona) / Matteo De Beni (Università degli Studi di Verona)  10.00 – Botánica, traducción y lexicografía  Antoni Nomdedeu Rull (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) Botánica y lexicografía en el siglo XVIII: diccionarios tournefortianos y diccionarios linneanos  Teresa Gil García (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) Tecnicismos en los primeros vocabularios bilingües español-italiano (siglos XVI y XVII)  11.30 – Saberes científicos y patrimonio bibliográfico antiguo  Oreste Trabucco (Università degli Studi “Suor Orsola Benincasa” di Napoli) Filologia e ittionimia: il Nomenclator aquatilium animanti...

SIS grants - application deadline approaching

Dear all, Just a brief reminder that the deadline for the next round of research grants from the Scientific Instrument Society (SIS) is Sunday 1st March 2015. The SIS awards small grants, of up to £500 each, for research on the history of scientific instruments. Applicants do not need to have any institutional affiliation and applications that are for less than the full amount are just as welcome - a properly costed proposal with a clear relevance to the Society's interests in historic scientific instruments, a realistic timetable and a tangible result are the most important factors that the committee will be considering.  Please note that the grant awarded will be paid against actual expenditure and funds cannot be paid in advance.  The grant is intended to cover items such as travel, accommodation (excluding meals) and photocopying costs.  Please note that we cannot fund conference travel. Further information on what the Society can support and the...

Invitacion VIII congreso de AHEPE

Queridos compañeros y socios de AHEPE, por indicación el Presidente de AHEPE es un placer el anunciaros la celebración del VIII Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Estadística y de la Probabilidad, que se celebrará los próximos 1, 2 y 3 de Octubre de 2015 en San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid). Os adelanto que los resúmenes de vuestras ponencias deben remitirse antes del 1 de Septiembre de 2015 de acuerdo con el formato Word. En un correo posterior os daremos más información sobre el Congreso. No obstante, toda la información iréis encontrando, en la dirección ( www.ahepe.es ) dentro de la pestaña VIII  Congreso. Os pido por favor que difundáis a vuestros compañeros y colegas este evento por si fuera de su interés. Estamos intentando que la excursión del sábado incluya la visita al monasterio de algo que normalmente no se ve incluyendo la Biblioteca.