
Mostrando entradas de marzo 19, 2023

CfP: Visions del cos malalt

El Museu del Cinema organitzarà el proper novembre el  14è Seminari Internacional sobre els Antecedents i Orígens del Cinema , amb la temàtica  de:  Visions del cos malalt. Representacions de les patologies físiques i psíquiques a la fotografia i el cinema dels orígens,  organitzat pel Museu del Cinema i la Universitat de Girona.   Cada edició del Seminari tracta una temàtica vinculada al cinema dels orígens i al precinema. Enguany la temàtica va sobre les representacions de les patologies en la fotografia i el cinema dels orígens, ja sigui en films de ficció o de la realitat.  Aquí pots trobar més informació:   https://museudelcinema.girona. cat/cat/institut_seminari_ 2023.php

Jornada Interdisciplinar de Estudios sobre la Consciencia

Jueves 4 de mayo de 2023 Salón de actos del Palau Cerveró  (Institut Interuniversitari López Piñero, Universitat de València) Url:  https://www.uv.es/uvweb/instituto-universitario-historia-medicina-ciencia-lopez-pinero/es/noticias/jornada-interdisciplinar-estudios-consciencia-1285923348040/Novetat.html?id=1286306304838 El objetivo de esta Jornada es configurar un espacio académico multidisciplinar en torno a los estudios históricos y sociales sobre la conciencia, que incluyen la filosofía y la sociología de la ciencia, la historia de la medicina, la psicología y la neurociencia, entre otras aproximaciones. Como apuntó hace unos años el filósofo norteamericano John Searle en  El misterio de la conciencia  (2007), es muy probable que las generaciones futuras se pregunten con asombro por qué en nuestra época no se habla más sobre la consciencia, dado su carácter central en la comprensión de nuestra existencia como seres humanos. En este sentido, la presente Jornada se propone recuperar la

CfP: Advancing Industrial Policy in the Era of Strategic Competition

In the aftermath of the covid-19 pandemic, the global disruptions on supply chains marked the end of efficiency-focused and least-cost approaches to supply chain management. This tendency is amplified by worldwide crises ranging from climate change to inter-state wars. Although without a clear alternative, the world is beginning to witness the return of national resilience, neo-mercantilism, and risk-averse strategies toward supply chain governance. In other words, we have entered a new phase of globalization, marked by strategic decoupling, de-bundling, and supply chain diversification worldwide. While Development Studies and Political Economy have substantively moved away from narrow concerns on economic growth, the fundamental basis upon which poverty reduction has been achieved is through structural transformation of national economies. The success of broad-based economic growth led to higher standards of living, better social and poverty indicators, and greater prosperity to be

Call for articles: Revista TST (journal Transport, Services and Telecommunications)

Revista TST - Transportes, Servicios y Telecomunicaciones  permanently receives proposals for articles and critical reviews (of recent works or classic works) through its online platform, available at:  https://revistas.uva.es/ index.php/%20tst/about/ submissions . The journal is interested in original articles that analyze the tertiary sector in the modern age from a historical perspective. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: transportation and communications; commerce, banking and business history; supply and logistics; education and health; industrial heritage; work and unionism; science and technology. TST publishes articles in Spanish, Portuguese, English, French and Italian. Additional information may be found here:  https://revistas.uva.es/ index.php/tst/about

New open access book: Alexander Williamson: A Victorian chemist and the making of modern Japan

Alexander Williamson was professor of chemistry at UCL (1849–87) and a leading scientist of his time. He taught and cared for visiting Japanese students, thereby assisting them with their goal of modernising Japan. This short, accessible biography explores his contribution to nineteenth-century science as well as his lasting impact on Japanese society.   In 1863 five students from the Chōshū clan, with a desperate desire to learn from the West, made their way to England. They were put in the care of Williamson and his wife. Their mission was to learn about cutting-edge Western technology, science, economics and politics. When they returned home they rapidly became leading figures in Japanese life at a particularly turbulent time, one of them serving as the country’s first prime minister. Subsequently many other Japanese students followed in their footsteps and studied at UCL.   The remarkable story of the part Williamson and UCL played in the modernisation of Japan is little known toda

CfP: Special Issue for the journal Sexualities

Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 30 June 2023 Deadline for the submission of manuscripts: 30 September 2023 Queer Immunities/Immunologies, Queer Virology Ever since the HIV/AIDS crisis of the 1980’s, queer bodies – and at the time, specifically gay men –  have always somehow been singled out, and stigmatized – in the fields of immunity, immunology, and virology. The AIDS crisis of the 1980’s in particular demonstrated that the fields of immunity, immunology and virology do not just involve bodies and lives that exist in a vacuum – infections, diseases, epidemics and pandemics are thoroughly political phenomena that are further imbued with an economic and social dimension, or what Joshua Pocius has recently termed the ‘geocorpogeographies of HIV’ (Pocius, 2016). All of this has been reiterated through the recent focus on gay and bisexual men and the Mpox, or monkeypox outbreak, amongst other things. In this regard, it also therefore makes sense to speak of not one kind

Call for abstracts: Medical knowledge in and out of the clinic

I would like to share a call for abstracts for a workshop being organized by members of the  DSI Health Community   of the  Unive r sity of Zurich on  ‘Medical Knowledge In the Clinic and Out of the Clinic’ , to be held on  June 21-22, 2023  at the  University of Zurich . The aim of this workshop is to explore the role of digitalization in the communication of medical knowledge in different knowledge domains, and how medical knowledge obtained via digital tools such as Google and WebMD affect the doctor-patient relationship and shared decision-making.    Please  find  the link to submission here:  Abstract Submission  (deadline April 30, 2023).  You will find more information about the workshop at  this link.     If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Prof. Dr. Janna Hastings or  Jana Sedlakova.

CfP: "Science in Humanities, Humanities in Science: Embedded Connections"

Typically, the relationship between STEM fields and humanities fields gets discussed in  terms of observation, exchange, and travel. From the outside looking in, specialists in the  humanities scrutinize and critique the questions, methods, or conclusions of the sciences,  and vice versa. Specialists from the sciences may borrow from, visit, or embed themselves  in the humanities, or vice versa. Interdisciplinary and transnational initiatives coax  specialists of all sorts out of their disciplinary territories to examine and address complex  problems together. This Cain Conference brings together scholars and practitioners who, on their own and in their collaborations, have consciously developed, deployed, or critiqued such embedded connections, cultivating and interrogating the humanistic dimension of STEM and heed for the STEM that’s within the humanities in pursuit of scholarly, advocacy, and/or business goals. It also brings together historians and social scientists of science, tec