
Mostrando entradas de octubre 9, 2016

XVII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina. Primera Circular

Repensar la disciplina. Presente y futuro de la historia de la medicina: patrimonio, innovación científico-técnica, comunicación, docencia e investigación Museu d’Història, Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Girona) 15-17 de junio de 2017 La Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina (SEHM) convoca el XVII Congreso. Esta reunión científica tiene como objetivo poner en común y discutir trabajos originales y propuestas de renovación metodológica en cinco ámbitos de actuación: patrimonio o cultura material, innovación científico-técnica, comunicación, docencia e investigación. Está abierta a la participación de sus socias y socios, así como de las historiadoras e historiadores de la medicina, la ciencia, la técnica y disciplinas afines. El Congreso tendrá lugar en el Museu d’Història de Sant Feliu de Guíxols, una institución que, desde el inicio del siglo XXI, ha hecho de la recuperación y comunicación patrimonial de la cultura médica rural una de sus apuestas estratégicas. El XVII C...

CfP: Synthese Special Issue "Modelling and Representation: How to Make World(s) with Symbols"

Synthese Special Issue “Modelling and Representation. How to  make   world ( s ) with symbols” Deadline for submission: 31st December 2016 Guest Editors: Iñaki San Pedro (University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU) Andoni Ibarra (University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU) /// Overview ///  This Special Issue was initially conceived as the outcome publication of the main works and results presented in the Conference “Modelling and Representation. How to  Make  Word( s ) with Symbols” (University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, December 2015).  The conference aimed to contribute to the current debate on scientific representation by exploring some departures from the mainstream view on the subject. Under such a mainstream view the represented images in scientific representations are determined by reference to imposed conditions or features of a  world taken as external and pre-existing with r...

CfP: BSLS Winter Symposium: The Politics of Literature and Science

BSLS Winter Symposium The Politics of Literature and Science Queen’s Building, University of Exeter, Saturday, 12 November, 2016 Organiser: Corinna Wagner (Department of English, Exeter University) This BSLS Winter Symposium will explore relationships between politics, science, medicine, literature and visual culture. We will take ‘politics’ in both its broadest sense—considering for example, the politics of the body, the politics of scientific institutions, and how scientific and political discourse has shaped imaginative forms of expression (and vice versa). We will also take ‘politics’ in a more specific sense, to address how literary writers and artists actively intervened in specific medico-political debates, or how their novels, poems and plays acted as ‘mediums’ of scientific and political cross-pollination. We would also like to invite papers that focus on the current field. What are the politics of researching and teaching in the field of literatur...

CfP: Quo Vadis Selective Scientific Realism?

Quo Vadis Selective Scientific Realism? Dates:  5th-7th August 2017 Location:  Durham University, UK Keynote speakers: ·        Hasok Chang (Cambridge) ·        Michela Massimi (Edinburgh)         ·        Stathis Psillos (Athens) ·        John Worrall (LSE) This is a call for papers for a 3-day conference on the theme of contemporary selective scientific realism (sometimes called 'divide et impera' realism). Conference Themes:       Assessing the validity of selective scientific realism by amassing a large amount of relevant evidence from the history of science       Bringing that evidence to bear upon selective scientific realist positions        Evaluating philosophical and conceptual challenges to the selective realist position...

CfP: American Association for the History of Nursing

The American Association for the History of Nursing and  St. John Fisher College Wegmans School of Nursing  are co-sponsoring the Association’s 34th annual conference to be held in Rochester, NY. The conference provides a forum for researchers interested in sharing new research that addresses events, issues, and topics in any area of nursing and healthcare history, broadly construed to encompass the history of nursing, global nursing history, nursing practice, healthcare institutions, caring, illness, healing work and public health. Submissions pertaining to all areas and regions of the world are welcome. Papers and posters that expand the horizons of nursing and healthcare history and engage related fields such as women’s labor, technology, economic history, and race and gender studies are encouraged.   Guidelines for Submission : Individual Paper or Poster : A one-page abstract of a completed study will be accepted by email.Present...

CfP: II Meeting of REPORT(H)A - Portuguese Network of Environmental History

II Meeting of REPORT(H)A - Portuguese Network of Environmental History Environmental Changes in Historical Perspective The Center of History of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon and the Institute of Contemporary History of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the NOVA University of Lisbon, are pleased to be hosting the II meeting of REPORT(H)A - Portuguese Network of Environmental History, in 2017 Spring. REPORTHA was created in 2015, following the WCEH 2014 - Second World Congress of Environmental History, held in Guimarães and had the first meeting in 2015, in the scope of the IV CITCEM conference (5-7 November, Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto). Following these initiatives, the II meeting REPORT(H)A intends to bring together researchers, teachers, students and experts on environmental history from the fields of human, social and natural sciences in order to create synergies among all scholars engaged in ...

CfP: The Past, Present and Future of Integrated History and Philosophy of Science

Call for Papers The Past, Present, and Future of Integrated History and Philosophy of Science: An International Postgraduate Forum University of Leeds 13 - 14 January 2017 Integrated History and Philosophy of Science (IHPS) is commonly understood as the study of science from a combined historical and philosophical perspective. Yet since its gradual formation as a research field there has been constant discussion about how to suitably integrate the two disciplines. IHPS remains an ever-shifting, highly demanding and disparate area of research which incorporates a multitude of different subjects and methodologies. The Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Leeds celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2016-17; we see this as an opportunity to create a dialogue amongst young scholars about the future of the field by drawing upon lessons from past achievements, and reflecting upon current problems within IHPS. The First International IHPS Postgraduate...

PhD position in place/Land-based knowledge (Memorial University of Newfoundland)

Type:  Fellowship Date:  September 1, 2017 Location:  Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada Subject Fields:  Social Sciences, Native American History / Studies, Geography, Environmental History / Studies, Colonial and Post-Colonial History / Studies Place is not just the surface upon which life happens, but an ongoing state created by process and relations (Massey 1994, 2005; Rose 1993); places are practices (Dehyle 2009). In Indigneous studies, Land refers not only to soil, but to water, air, animals, and most importantly, the relations between them, as Land constitutes the life of the collective  (Bang 2014). Land refers not only to the material aspects of Landscape, but also “to its spiritual, emotional, and intellectual aspects” (Cajete 2000; Styres & Zinga 2012; Tuck 2015 and many others). As such, knowledge is situated in place and Land, and extricable from it. Dr. Max Liboiron  (Memorial Un...

CfP: Knowing Nature: The Changing Foundations of Environmental Knowledge

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  May 25, 2017 to May 27, 2017 Location:  China Subject Fields:  Chinese History / Studies, Environmental History / Studies, Geography, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, World History / Studies An international conference to be held in Beijing, Renmin University of China, 25-27 May 2017   Co-Sponsored by the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, and the Center for Ecological History, Renmin University of China, Beijing, with the collaboration of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin Who knows nature best? Over the past 10,000 years competing communities of knowledge have evolved, each with formalized standards and processes.  Peasants have competed against craftsmen, religious leaders, and urban experts. In modern societies based on science and technology, the claims to knowledge have changed even ...

CfA: Scientific Knowledge Under Pluralism

Pluralism – about scientific methods, modeling, theorizing, explanation, and perspective – has drawn significant recent attention. This conference aims to consider not the fact of pluralism in scientific practice, but the consequences of pluralism for scientific knowledge. Pluralists often contend that scientific knowledge is irreducibly plural: that pluralism is not merely characteristic of the developing state of knowledge in some domain, but that pluralistic knowledge is, in principle, all there is; that the contrasting ideal of ultimately combining perspectives and unifying knowledge is somehow confused. But what picture of knowledge does this offer instead? Is it compatible with realist hopes of describing a mind-independent world, or must it be understood in a pragmatic, or neo-Kantian, or constructivist way? Some pluralist allusions to incommensurable approaches, theories, and models suggest the latter. On this view, can pluralism avoid collapsing into relativism...

2 contratti di ricerca di 3 mesi infilosofia della scienza - Roma TRE

Si informa che è stato pubblicato un bando per due incarichi di collaborazione coordinata e continuativa nell’ambito del progetto FIRB 2012 ‘Le dinamiche della cognizione e della conoscenza’ (unità di Roma, coordinatore locale Prof. Matteo Morganti), settore disciplinare M-FIL/02, Logica e Filosofia della Scienza. I due incarichi riguarderanno attività di ricerca su temi specifici relativi al progetto, e attività organizzativa e amministrativa di supporto alla chiusura del progetto stesso. Le domande dovranno pervenire entro il 24 Ottobre 2016 e la selezione avverrà subito dopo esclusivamente sulla base dei titoli dei candidati. La durata dei contratti è di 3 mesi, ed è vincolata ad un inizio delle attività entro e non oltre il 18 Novembre 2016. Il compenso *lordo* totale per ciascun incarico, che sarà versato in rate mensili, è di Euro 7800. Per il bando e i moduli per la domanda, consultare il sito: http://filcospe.it/index.php/ 2015-02-17-13-31-01/2015-0...

CfP: Doctor, Doctor: Global and Historical Perspectives on the Doctor-Patient Relationship

An interdisciplinary symposium, Friday 24 March 2017, TORCH, University of Oxford Keynote Speaker: Dr Anna Elsner, University of Zurich     Call for Papers   “Two distinct and separate parties interact with one another – not one mind (the physician’s), not one body (the patient’s), but two minds and two bodies.” – Jay Katz,  The Silent World of Doctor and Patient  (1984) The doctor-patient relationship is the primary way that we experience medicine: we go to the doctor when we are may be sick, or are scared of becoming sick. Healthcare is constructed around encounters between practitioners and patients, and the relationship between them is integral to how medicine is practised, experienced, and represented around the world. It may be paternalistic or a partnership of equals, underpinned by acts of care and compassion or negligence and abuse. In a one-day symposium on Friday 24 March 2017, we will explore the different ways in which...

New digital collection: documents from 1874 transit of Venus

You may be interested in the newly released collection of digitised papers at Cambridge Digital Library, added to the successful Board of Longitude Collection that was released in 2013. The Transit of Venus collection includes a selection of papers and photographs from the Royal Greenwich Observatory archive, including journals kept by Captain George Lyon Tupman as he oversaw training at Greenwich from 1872, led the expedition to Honolulu in 1874 and returned to the Observatory to process the mass of observations until 1880. There are also images and lists of the instruments and stores taken, and the Kailua sub-station journal kept by George Forbes. In addition to this we have had permission to photograph private papers from the Tupman family, including an album and private journal kept by Tupman and two wonderful volumes of caricature drawings by one of the Honolulu observers, Lieutenant E.J.W. Noble. You can see the collection here: https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk...

Primera circular XVIII Encuentro de la ilustración al romanticismo

Como cada dos o tres años desde hace ya muchos, la Universidad de Cádiz convoca para el otoño de 2017 el  XVIII Encuentro de la Ilustración al Romanticismo (1750-1850). Del territorio al paisaje: construcción, identidad y representación.  Cádiz, 24, 25 y 26 de octubre de 2017. Está abierto al debate interdisciplinar (arte, historia, literatura, pensamiento...) en los términos en que explica la circular. Afirmar que la naturaleza es triste, lúgubre, violenta o salvaje es reafirmar nuestra propia visión de la misma. Decidir cómo protegerla, cómo delimitarla, cómo explotarla o como marginarla, también. Tanto en las catástrofes naturales –que lo son en la medida en que nos afectan- como en la delimitación de las fronteras, media la actuación del hombre y su intervención sobre el medio físico que conlleva un modo de verlo y de entenderlo. La concepción de los espacios fronterizos y su especial idiosincrasia o la importancia de los accidentes geográficos en la configuració...

Research Associateship in History of Biology at Cambridge

The Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, seeks to appoint a two-year post-doctoral Research Associate in history of biology, to contribute to the multi-centre project 'Putting the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis to the Test', which is contextualizing, clarifying and evaluating recent calls for extensions to the 'Modern Synthesis' in evolutionary biology. The early years of the Modern Synthesis have been studied in some detail, and yet its identity and effects are controversial and a series of historical questions about its subsequent development remain open, especially for the 1960s to 1990s. The work of this researcher will contribute towards a deeper understanding of continuity and change, and of resistance to change, within the field. We are open to a variety of historical approaches, and to work that might highlight the importance variously of concepts and...

Medical History - October 2016 Issue

The new issue of Medical History (Volume 60 - Issue 04 - October 2016) is out now. The issue features the following articles: *The Internationalisation of Tobacco Control, 1950–2010 (David Reubi & Virginia Berridge) (Open Access) *‘I am very glad and cheered when I hear the flute’: The Treatment of Criminal Lunatics in Late Victorian Broadmoor (Jade Shepherd) (Open Access) *Popular Medicine and Empirics in Greece, 1900–1950: An Oral History Approach (Violetta Hionidou) (Open Access) *Policy Innovation and Policy Pathways: Tuberculosis Control in Sri Lanka, 1948–1990 (Margaret Jones) (Open Access) *The Psychoprophylactic Method of Painless Childbirth in Socialist Czechoslovakia: from State Propaganda to Activism of Enthusiasts (Ema Hrešanová) Find out more at https://www.cambridge.org/ core/journals/medical-history/ latest-issue

Linda Hall Library Fellowship Program

Type:  Fellowship Date:  January 16, 2017 Location:  Missouri, United States Subject Fields:  History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Humanities, Environmental History / Studies The Linda Hall Library is accepting applications for its 2017/18 Fellowship program. The Fellowships range from one week to a full year and are awarded to outstanding projects in history of science, environmental history, and related science and technology studies that make use of the Library's collections. Awards range from up to $3,000 per month for pre-doctoral fellows to $4,200 per month for post-doctoral fellows.  The Linda hall Library, located next to the University of Missouri-Kansas City in Kansas City, Mo., is  among the world’s leading independent research libraries, boasting extensive primary and secondary sources related to environmental sciences, physical sciences, earth sciences, engineering, astronomy, meteorology, and th...

National Maritime Museum Research Fellowships 2017-18

Type:  Fellowship Date:  October 31, 2016 Location:  United Kingdom Subject Fields:  History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Art, Art History & Visual Studies, Colonial and Post-Colonial History / Studies, Early Modern History and Period Studies, European History / Studies Applications are now invited for the National Maritime Museum's range of Research Fellowships for 2017-18. Please see more information at http://www.rmg.co.uk/discover/researchers/opportunities-events The deadline is 31 October 2016 Contact Email:  research@rmg.co.uk URL:  http://www.rmg.co.uk/discover/researchers/opportunities-events

Call for application: Committee for the History of Electricity and Energy Research

Type:  Grant Date:  November 13, 2016 Location:  France Subject Fields:  Business History / Studies, Contemporary History, Economic History / Studies, Environmental History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology The Committee for the History of Electricity and Energy offers research grants varying from 1,500 to 3,000 euros to master students and PhD candidates. Deadline for application is November 13th, 2016. For more detail, please refer to the call online :  https://www.edf.fr/groupe-edf/responsable-et-engage/fondation/comite-d-h... Contact Email:  comite.histoire.electricite@gmail.com URL:  https://www.edf.fr/groupe-edf/responsable-et-engage/fondation/comite-d-histoire-de-l-electricite-et-de-l-energie/aides-a...