
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 20, 2009


Dear colleagues, The Scientific Committee has completed the evaluation process. Session organizers and individual authors have already been informed. We expect that in the next days session organizers will inform the authors contributing to their session about the status of their session. We expect to have a first draft of the programme by mid-January. Thank you very much. On behalf of the Scientific Committee, David Nofre

[SEDHE] Información bibliográfica: el viaje de Ch. Darwin

BROWNE, J.: Charles Darwin: viajes: una biografía. Traducción de Julio Hermoso. València: Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2009 (1ªed. inglesa 1995), 766 págs. Veintiún capítulos articulados en tres grandes partes: “Coleccionista” (1-5), “Viajero” (7-14; el viaje en el Beagle alrededor del mundo se realizó entre diciembre de 1831 y octubre de 1836) y “Naturalista” (15-21). Hay también, al inicio, unas notas previas y varias páginas introductorias (rematadas con un árbol genealógico de las familias Darwin y Wedgwood). La obra se cierra con unos agradecimientos, bibliografía e índice onomástico. Sugeridor primer volumen (hay otro, El poder del lugar, publicado originalmente en el año 2002 y editado también por la institución valenciana) de una biografía que, entre otras muchas fuentes, se apoya en la abundantísima correspondencia que mantuvo Charles Darwin (1809-1882) con sus contemporáneos. Desde el punto de vista educacional interesa todo lo relacionado con las primeras...
It is our great pleasure to announce the "2nd International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy" (2nd ICDDT 2010) to be held in Dubai, UAE, from February 1st-4th, 2010. The 2nd ICDDT 2010 will highlight cutting-edge advances in all major disciplines of Drug Discovery and Drug Therapy. This four-day event will feature recent findings from leading industrial, clinical and academic experts in the field, in the form of lectures and posters. The 2nd ICDDT 2010 will be unique in promoting the translational nature of modern biomedical research, with an equal number of speakers/participants those who are basic scientists in drug discovery and those who are medical doctors associated with direct patient care and research. Two Nobel laureates will deliver keynote lectures at the conference. The 2nd ICDDT 2010 will provide a forum for in-depth assessment of the challenges involved in the dynamic and fast moving field of biomedical research. It will bring together leading clinici...


Apreciados/as compañeros/as           Ya tenéis a vuestra disposición el último número del /Butlletí Informatiu d'Història de l'Educació/, que podéis consultar en las páginas siguientes: http://www.uib.es/depart/dpde/theducacio/gedhe/butlletins/butlleti29.pdf http://www.iecat.net/institucio/societats/SHistoriaEducacioPaisosLlenguaCatalana/inici.htm#butlleti Aprovechamos la ocasión para desearos unas Felices Fiestas! Atentamente, Bernat Sureda Xisca Comas Xavier Motilla

Newsletter Bibliteca Virtual en Salud

Debido a los problemas que causa la publicación de las sucesivas Newsltters de la Biblioreca Virtual en Salud de BIREME  en el blog se indica la URL del histórico en el que se pueden consultar las ya distribuidas, excepto el último número que se incorpora tras haber sido distribuido el siguiente. http://newsletter.bireme.br/new/index.php?lang=es

CALL FOR PAPERS FOR SPECIAL ISSUE ON RACE AND HEALTH Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race

C ALL FOR PAPERS FOR SPECIAL ISSUE ON RACE AND HEALTH Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race “The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line.” With those words, W.E. Du Bois discussed the racial progress in the United States and foreshadowed the critical part race would continue to play in understanding inequality, mobility, and quality of life in American society. This quote serves as a springboard for this special call of the Du Bois Review (DBR) soliciting abstracts for papers that describe novel and exciting research directions for studying how race and ethnicity affect health in the twenty-first century.  That is, what are the next big ideas that can potentially unpack how and why race is so strongly associated with physical and mental health? What are the most promising new directions for the study of racial inequality and health?  What are the key unanswered questions that researchers and policy makers should invest in?...

The Royal Society and Science in the 20th Century

egistration is now open for our forthcoming conference 'The Royal Society and Science in the 20th Century', to be held on 22 and 23 April 2010. This will be the first major assessment of the Society's place in the 20th century history of science. Historians and scientists will come together to discuss the Society's influence on research into medicine, physics, technology and life sciences, and its place in 20th century society, including its institutional culture and contributions to national and international science policy.   All are welcome to attend, but registration is required. A programme and registration form are available to download from the conference website at http://royalsociety.org/RS-20thcentury-conference . Please direct any queries to Felicity Henderson (felicity.henderson@royalsociety.org).     Dr Felicity Henderson Events and Exhibitions Manager Library and Information Services   tel   +44 (0)20 7451 2597 fax   +44 (0)20 7930 2170 emai...


Dear colleague, Year 2010 marks a series of historical milestones in relation to the Birth of Broadcasting a hundred years ago. To commemorate this remarkable anniversary, we invite submissions related to this theme to the second Region 8 IEEE Conference on the History of Telecommunications ( that will take place in Madrid (Spain) from 3 to 5 November 2010. Abstract submission for both oral and poster presentations is already open until 8 February 2010. Paper abstracts, poster and special session proposals, and any suggestion related to the Conference have to be submitted to the Technical Program Chair, preferably by e-mail to: histelcon2010@aeit.es Find attached the Histelcon 2010 Call for Papers. I would be very grateful if you could forward this information to anybody who might be interested in it. Many thanks and best regards. Antonio Perez Yuste Technical Program Chair Histelcon 2010 http://www.aeit.es/histelcon2010/