
Mostrando entradas de enero 17, 2016

Exposición digital: La Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal: un viaje por el conocimiento

Inauguración: 21 de enero, 19:00 h 21 de enero al 26 de junio de 2016 Espina central Esta exposición se enmarca en el proyecto Biblioteca: historia geográfica de una idea con el que CASA DEL LECTOR presentará en su centro a grandes bibliotecas del mundo y que se inició en 2014 con la Biblioteca Nacional de Israel. En 2015 Casa del Lector continúa con su definición de biblioteca y en esta ocasión quiere incidir en la característica que ésta tiene de viaje por el conocimiento a través de una exposición digital e interactiva con los ricos fondos de la Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal. El visitante, gracias a una aplicación interactiva diseñada exclusivamente para esta exposición, iniciará su viaje en el puerto de Lisboa, recorrerá el litoral atlántico africano y seguirá hacia la India para llegar a China, Japón y las Molucas. Esta exposición, más que centrarse en acontecimientos históricos del pasado, trata de poner a disposición del visitante de modo visualmente ...

CALL FOR PAPERS: “SCIENCE IS POLITICS BY OTHER MEANS REVISITED”, Joint EASST-4S Conference, Barcelona, 31 August-3 September 2016

We invite scholars and postgraduate students to send proposals for this thematic session organized by Dominique Vinck (Université de Lausanne) and Eve Seguin (Université du Québec à Montréal). Since its inception, Bruno Latour’s claim that “science is politics by other means” has had intense circulation in the academic world and beyond (Latour, 1983, 1988). In Science and Technology Studies (STS), it seems to have shifted the focus of attention from science to politics (Seguin, 2000). But the remarkable aspect about it is that nowadays most of us just take it for granted when, in fact, it raises a number of questions. To begin with, it is not clear what should be made of it since no two scholars understand it in the same way. Here are some interpretations found in scientific literature, with no claim to exhaustivity: •       The contestation of scientific ideas (Edgecoe, 2001) •       The disciplinary policies targeted at no...

"Controversias diabetológicas del Dr. R. Carrasco Formiguera", por Fernando Ponte

"Controversias diabetológicas del Dr. R. Carrasco Formiguera (1892-1990)", obra de Fernando Ponte Hernando, ha sido editado por la Fundación Dr. Vidal Ríos de La Coruña y prologado por el profesor Ciril Rozman. Incluye un completo listado de las publicaciones del gran diabetólogo catalán desde 1913 a 1978. Espero que sea de vuestro agrado. los interesados podéis solicitarlos a: pablovidalriosvazquez@gmail.co m o  a la secretaria ejecutiva: eva.castro@usc.es o bien a: Fundación Doctor Vidal Ríos  Dirección: Calle Canceliña, 1 , Baixo, 15011 A Coruña Teléfono:981 23 91 41 un cordial saludo Fernando

Royal Society Wilkins-Bernal-Medawar Prize and Lecture: call for nominations

The Royal Society is currently seeking nominations for the Wilkins-Bernal-Medawar Prize and Lecture . The recipient will be invited to deliver a lecture on the social function, philosophy, or history of science.   The lectureship is accompanied by a medal and a gift of £2,000.   Please visit the  online nomination system  to nominate a candidate. The closing date for nominations is 1 February 2016 .   For full details and eligibility criteria, please visit our website .

DEON 2016 - Second Call for Paper

13th International Conference on Deontic logic and Normative Systems (DEON 2016) 18-21 July 2016, Bayreuth, Germany The biennial DEON conferences are designed to promote interdisciplinary cooperation amongst scholars interested in linking the formal-logical study of normative concepts and normative systems with computer science, artificial intelligence, philosophy, organization theory and law. In addition to these general themes, DEON 2016 will encourage a special focus on the topic: “Reasons, Argumentation and Justification” There have been twelve previous DEON conferences: Amsterdam, December 1991; Oslo, January 1994; Sesimbra, January 1996; Bologna, January 1998; Toulouse, January 2000; London, May 2002; Madeira, May 2004; Utrecht, July 2006; Luxembourg, July 2008; Fiesole, July 2010; Bergen, July 2012; Ghent, July 2014. General Themes The Program Committee invites papers concerned with the following topics (non-exclusive list): - the logical stu...

CIMUSET (ICOM International Committee for Museums and Collections of Science and Technology) | Call For Papers | 2016 Annual Conference | 3 - 9 July, 2016

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  February 18, 2016 Subject Fields:  Digital Humanities, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Educational Technology, Environmental History / Studies The Call For Papers for the 2016 Annual Conference of CIMUSET (ICOM International Committee for Museums and Collections of Science and Technology) is now open! The Conference will be held in Milan, Italy, from 3 to 9 July, 2016 , during the 24th ICOM General Conference . Following the main theme of the General Conference “Museums and Cultural Landscapes building up a Cultural Heritage” the proposed topic for the CIMUSET meeting will be: “ What role for science, technology and industry in cultural landscapes? ” If you would like to present your project please send your proposal for papers (title, text 500–700 words) or for posters (A1, portrait format) along with a brief professional profile (150 words) through the application form available at this fo...

Activitats setmana 25-31/01/2016 - IHMC-València. Inauguració d'exposició "En clau de llum"

IHMC2 - BUTLLETI DE NOTICIES INSTITUT D'HISTÒRIA DE LA MEDICINA I DE LA CIÈNCIA LOPEZ PIÑERO SETMANA 25-31 GENER 2016 EXPOSICIONS Dimarts 26 de gener. Hora 19:00h. Inauguració de l'exposició " EN CLAU DE LLUM, Any Internacional de la Llum i de las Tecnologies basades en la Llum (IYL 2015)". Lloc: Sala d'exposicions temporals José Puche, Palau de Cerveró, plaça Cisneros, 4. 46003 València.   SEMINARIS Dimecres 27 de gener. Hora: 16 h Conferència amb motiu de la presentació del monogràfic d'AFERS Carolin Schmitz (Ingenio CSIC-UPV) “Enfermos, herbolarios y médicos de corte: la itinerancia terapeútica en el siglo XVII” Lloc: Sala de Conferencies, Palau de Cerveró, Plaça Cisneros, 4. 46003 València. CINEMA Dijous 28 de gener. Hora: 18h Cinema: “El hombre que cayó a la Tierra” (The Man Who Fell to Earth, Nicolas Roeg, 1976, 140’) . Cicle Patents Científiques. Lloc: Sala de Conferencies, Palau de Cerveró, Plaça Cisneros, 4. 46003 València. ...

Imágenes del cuerpo en la Edad Moderna

Organizado por la Escuela del Prado (Museo Nacional del Prado) entre el 2 de febrero y el 12 de abril próximos tendrá lugar el Seminario “ Imágenes del cuerpo en la Edad Moderna ”, dirigida por María Cruz de Carlos Varona, jefa de estudios de dicha Escuela. Para más información dirigirse a la web oficial del Museo ( www.museodelprado.es ).

CfP: Accounting for Health: Economic Practices and Medical Knowledge, 1500–1970

Call for Participants in a Working Group on Accounting for Health: Economic Practices and Medical Knowledge, 1500–1970 Convening for three workshops in Berlin, 2016-2017 Organised by Oliver Falk & Axel C. Hüntelmann, ERC Research Group PAPERTECH: “Ways of Writing: How Physicians Know, 1550–1950.”  Accounting is about how much. Healthcare today seems caught between too much and not enough. On the one hand, there are swollen national health budgets, massive hospital and medical technology costs, big pharma, and an ever-growing market of medical products and services; on the other hand, lack of access to healthcare can be found across the globe, as can political challenges of resource allocation, ethical dilemmas of “rationing,” and the search for solutions of cost reduction, more equal distribution, and efficiency between the poles of government regulation and market principles. Critics argue that “economization” of medicine limits the g...

CFA: Reductionism and Integration, Bioethics and Behavior

Reductionism and Integration, Bioethics and Behavior: A Conference Celebrating the Career of Kenneth F. Schaffner 23-24 September 2016 Center for Philosophy of Science 817 Cathedral of Learning University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA USA CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Kenneth F. Schaffner's 50-year career spans the origin, rise, and institutionalization of modern philosophy of biology. From research on reductionism and explanation in genetics and immunology to work on competence and consent in psychiatry and medicine, he shaped the subject matter of philosophy of biology as the field evolved from a small niche investigated by a few to a broad area of specialization practiced by thousands of international scholars. The aims of this conference are to invite scholars in philosophy of biology and medicine to reflect on and engage with Schaffner's contributions to the field, and to intellectually engage his forthcoming book, Behaving: What's Genetic, What...

CFP: Madness

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  February 26, 2016 Location:  United Kingdom Subject Fields:  Philosophy, Psychology, Social Sciences, Sociology, Social Work Madness 8th Global Meeting The Making Sense Of: Madness Project   Sunday 10th July – Tuesday 12th July 2016 Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom   Call for Presentations: Madness: What is it? Why does it exist? Where and when does it happen? How does it happen, and to whom? Like the relation between otherness and identity, madness might have always been used to define its opposite, or defined by what it is not. Madness and its absence may even be intrinsically linked to everything we do and do not, to all we aspire and escape from; it could be part of our origins and fate. But how can it be identified, described, studied and/or treated? We propose to take an interdisciplinary approach, by which we mean one that allows us to develop dialogues about ...

CFP: The Levant and Europe: Shipping and Trade -- Networks of People and Knowledge. 2nd International Conference of The Levantine Heritage Foundation

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  February 1, 2016 Location:  United Kingdom Subject Fields:  World History / Studies, Economic History / Studies, Diplomacy and International Relations, Social History / Studies, Immigration & Migration History / Studies CFP: The Levant and Europe: Shipping and Trade -- Networks of People and Knowledge. 2nd International Conference of The Levantine Heritage Foundation Call for Papers The Levant and Europe: Shipping and Trade -- Networks of People and Knowledge The Levantine Heritage Foundation 2 – 4 November, 2016 Europe House and the Hellenic Centre, London In November 2016, the Levantine Heritage Foundation is organizing its second interdisciplinary conference, entitled “The Levant and Europe: Shipping and Trade – Networks of People and Knowledge,” in London, at Europe House and the Hellenic Centre. Building on the success of the groundbreaking first international confer...

CFP: Nordic Network for Philosophy of Science: Fourth Annual Meeting University of Tartu April 21-23, 2016, Pärnu, Estonia

https://nnpscience.wordpress. com/meetings/tartu-2016/ The Department of Philosophy at the University of Tartu is proud to host the 4th meeting of Nordic Network for Philosophy of Science. We welcome papers on all areas of philosophy of science, including: ·          General  philosophy of science (methodological, epistemological and metaphysical issues in sciences) ·          Philosophy of special disciplines and metaphilosophy (philosophy of the natural sciences, life sciences, formal sciences, cognitive and behavioural sciences, humanities and the social sciences, technology and the applied sciences etc.) ·          Logic and formal approaches to philosophy of science ·          Ethical, socio-political, historical and cultural issues in science. All the selected papers will have a commentator, format 20+...

Job: Post-Doc Researcher in History of Science / Classical Archaeology (Project on Replicas in Collections)

JOB ADVERTISEMENT Post-Doc Researcher in History of Science / Classical Archaeology „Travelling Thrones. Replica Knowdledge“ Research and Exhibition Project International Museum Fellowship, funded by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural Foundation) Place of employment : Helmholtz-Center for Cultural Techniques, Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin – Tieranatomisches Theater, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Job title : Postdoctoral Research Fellow Duration : Fixed-term employment contract (third-party funded until Sept 30, 2017), 18 months Pay group : TV-L HU E 13 Working hours : 75% of regular weekly working hours Job description: The scope of activities in this post includes research and exhibition curating (archaeology, history of knowledge, museology) for the project „Travelling Thrones. Replica Knowledge” (Thronfolger. Replikenwissen) about the history of knowledge of replicas from minoan-mycenaean ci...

Simposio Historia de la Geología_Congreso Sociedad Geológica de España_Huelva 2016

Desde la Comisión de Historia de la Geología de la Sociedad Geológica de España hemos propuesto un Simposio dedicado a la Historia de la Geología en el próximo congreso de la SGE, que se celebrará en Huelva entre el 12 y el 14 de septiembre . Contaremos con una interesante conferencia invitada a cargo de la Dra. Ana Carneiro , de la Universidad Nueva de Lisboa, quien hablará sobre “The Portuguese-Spanish relationships in the context of the respective Geological Surveys, in the nineteenth century” . La fecha límite de recepción de los resúmenes es el 15 de marzo, y la fecha límite de inscripción reducida es el 15 de mayo ( www.sociedadgeologica.es ). Os animamos a que presentéis los resultados de vuestras investigaciones históricas. Será una excelente ocasión para juntarnos y conocer nuevos resultados. Recibid un cordial saludo Isabel Rábano Museo Geominero Instituto Geológico y Minero de España Pere Santanach Universitat de Barcelona

Medicina y Etnografía en Cataluña

Os comunicamos la aparición del libro que hemos compilado Josep M. Comelles y yo, Medicina y etnografía en Catalunya, Madrid, CSIC, 2015. Esta publicación todavía no tiene versión electrónica. http://editorial.csic.es/publicaciones/libros/12560/0/medicina-y-etnografia-en-cataluna.html     ÍNDICE Los Autores....................................................................................... 9 Josep M. Comelles y Enrique Perdiguero-Gil Begin the Beguine. Medicina y etnografía en Cataluña.................................. 15 I. Etnografía y salud en Cataluña: de Joan Amades a los curanderos africanos Lluís Calvo Etnografiando el cuerpo y la enfermedad «popular»: las encuestas del Arxiu d’Etnografia i Folklore de Catalunya....................................................... 37 Josep Martí Saberes populares sobre la salud y la enfermedad: la aportación del folklorista Joan Amades.........................................

CFP: “Urban Peripheries?” Emerging Cities in Europe’s South and East, 1850-1945

CALL FOR PAPERS “Urban Peripheries?” Emerging Cities in Europe’s South and East, 1850-1945 26-27 September 2016 • Institució Milà i Fontanals, Barcelona, Spain (first part) March 2017 • Herder Institute or Historical Research on East Central Europe, Marburg, Germany (second part) “Science and the city” has become a trending topic in recent historiography, both in history of science, technology and medicine (STM) as well as in Urban Studies. So far there has been a strong focus on the metropolis and their multifaceted scientific culture. Yet what about “peripheral cities” in Eastern and Southern Europe? Are they only smaller copies of London, Paris and Berlin? What is to be gained from studying the scientific culture of “non-metropolitan” cities? So far these cities have been described as being on the receiving end. Knowledge in STM, blue prints for scientific institutions, urban models and other practices were created and tested in the metropolis and then passed on. ...

15º Seminário Nacional de História da Ciência e da Tecnologia

A SBHC – Sociedade Brasileira de História da Ciência – realizará o 15º Seminário Nacional de História da Ciência e da Tecnologia nos dias 16, 17 e 18 de novembro de 2016, nas dependências da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina- UFSC, na cidade de Florianópolis, Brasil. Realizado desde o início da década de 1980, este é o mais importante evento nacional da área no país, congregando pesquisadores de diversas origens e especialidades. Entre as atividades previstas estão conferências, mesas-redondas, simpósios temáticos, minicursos, pôsteres, lançamento de livros e eventos socioculturais. Principais datas Envio de propostas de Simpósios Temáticos  - 18 de janeiro 29 de fevereiro Divulgação dos Simpósios Temáticos aprovados - 4 de abril Submissão de trabalhos aos Simpósios Temáticos e Pôsteres  - 11 de abril 9 de maio Divulgação dos trabalhos aceitos 13 de junho Siga no site www.sbhc.org.br Ver Primeira Circular

CfP: Working on Things. On the Social, Political, and Economic History of Collected Objects

Working on Things: On the Social, Political, and Economic History of Collected Objects International Conference, Berlin November 21 – 22, 2016 Organizer: “Dinosaurs in Berlin . Brachiosaurus brancai as an Icon of Politics, Science and Popular Culture”, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, in cooperation with the base project “Mobile Objects” as part of the German Research Foundation’s cluster of excellence “Image Knowledge Gestaltung: An Interdisciplinary Laboratory”. “Art is beautiful, but it’s a lot of work.” Karl Valentin’s aphorism can be applied to all kinds of collected objects, regardless of whether they belong to the fields of art history, natural history, ethnography, archaeology, or history. Various kinds of work have to be invested in objects before they become worthy of collection, before they can be researched, preserved, and exhibited. Work on the dinosaur skeleton of Brachiosaurus brancai in Berlin’s Museum für Naturkunde, fo...

Reminder CFP: Third Annual Conference on the History of Recent Social Science (deadline 15 February 2016)

Third Annual Conference on the History of Recent Social Science (HISRESS) London School of Economics and Political Science, 3-4 June 2016 www.hisress.org This two-day conference will bring together researchers working on the history of post-World War II social science. It will provide a forum for the latest research on the cross-disciplinary history of the post-war social sciences, including but not limited to anthropology, economics, psychology, political science, and sociology as well as related fields like area studies, communication studies, history, international relations, law and linguistics. We are especially eager to receive submissions that treat themes, topics, and events that span the history of individual disciplines. The conference aims to build upon the recent emergence of work and conversation on cross-disciplinary themes in the postwar history of the social sciences. A number of monographs, edited collections, special journal issues, and...

Job: Professor of Modern History of Science and Innovation, University of Westminster

University of Westminster - Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Location: London Salary: Competitive Hours: Full Time Contract Type: Permanent Placed on: 18th January 2016 Closes: 22nd February 2016 Job Ref: 2381 Permanent, full time post Regent Campus The University of Westminster is a cosmopolitan insti...

Self-management of chronic disease: critical perspectives

We'd like to invite you to consider submitting an abstract to our Panel 38 at the EASA2016 Conference in Milan, Italy (July 20-23), entitled: The self-management of chronic disease: critical perspectives Convenor:  Giada Danesi (University of Lausanne)  giada.danesi@unil.ch   Co-Convenor:  Ayo Wahlberg (Copenhagen University)  ayo.wahlberg@anthr o.ku.dk Discussant :  Vincent Pidoux (University of Lausanne)  vincent.pidoux@unil. ch   Short Abstract This panel will bring a critical reflection on self-management of chronic disease from a variety of theoretical, methodological and epistemological lenses. Both empowerment and autonomy as medical concepts and chronic disease as form of living will be theoretically and empirically addressed. Long Abstract In past decades, chronic diseases have become a salient social, political and healthcare issue. Empowerment, autonomy and self-management have been defined as ...

NEH Summer Institute on Presupposition and Perception

Type: Summer Program Date:  June 26, 2016 to July 21, 2016 Location: New York, United States Subject Fields: Art, Art History & Visual Studies, Film and Film History, Fine Arts, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Philosophy Call For Applications NEH Summer Institute: Presupposition and Perception: Reasoning, Ethics, Politics, and Aesthetics Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Institute Co-Directors : Susanna Siegel and Nicholas Silins About:  To philosophers, one of the most important divisions in the human mind is between perception and reasoning. We reason from information that we take ourselves to have already, and often our reasoning is unconscious. In contrast, perception is a means of taking in new information, and it is typically a mode of conscious experience. These two aspects of the mind become deeply intertwined when beliefs, fears, or desires influence what we see, hear, taste, or smell. Such influence...

1st Conference on Social Impact of Science

Dear colleague, The 1st Conference on Social Impact of Science SIS2016 (Barcelona, 2016) will join researchers from Natural Sciences, Physics & Mathematics, Social Sciences & Humanities, Engineering, Information & Technology, Life Sciences, Health & Pharmacy. Ada Yonath, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009, will be Keynote Speaker at the Open Ceremony of the Conference. Analysing, communicating and improving social impact from research is one of the most pressing demands to all scientific fields. Most researchers need to do this task, which is still very difficult due to the lack of indicators, repositories and experiences. Nevertheless, today, significant steps are being developed every week. Researchers from all over the world will be next summer in Barcelona presenting, debating and sharing these developments, and planning new ones. More information at: http://socialimpactscience. org/sis2016/ We look forward to knowing more about your work and meeting...