
Mostrando entradas de abril 3, 2022

Simon Schaffer, Máquinas viajeras y tiempos coloniales. Texto libre

Simon Schaffer, Máquinas viajeras y tiempos coloniales. Madrid, Postmetropolis Editorial, 2022, 36 págs. Colección Post 6, descarga gratuita. Descargar “Simon Schaffer, Máquinas viajeras y tiempos coloniales” .pdf  En los encuentros coloniales e interculturales entraron en contacto diferentes escalas de tiempo y diversas formas para registrar el paso del tiempo. Una tradición importante y agresiva ha entendido habitualmente las culturas distantes y exóticas como pertenecientes a pasados remotos y antiguos. El uso y el destino de los dispositivos diseñados para registrar el tiempo dentro de estos encuen tros, por lo tanto, se tornaron significativos para comprender mejor lo que estaba en juego en los desafíos al conocimiento y las creencias que tales encuentros plantearon. El ejemplo de la llegada de naves británicas al Pacífico en el siglo XVIII ofrece casos ilustrativos en los que se reorganizaron diferentes sentidos del tiempo y se pusieron a prueba una serie de diferentes máquin...


THEMATIC SYMPOSIUM:  The astronomy textbooks in higher education institutions in the Portuguese-speaking world (XVIII-XX century) The symposium will bring together historians of mathematics and astronomy and will analyze the astronomy textbooks published in Portuguese (originals or translations) and in use in Brazil and Portugal in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. In this period, astronomy underwent rapid and profound changes. Throughout the 18th century, astronomy, which focused almost exclusively on astrometry and the celestial mechanics of the solar system, evolved into new scientific areas due to the great experimental innovations that were made. The study of electrical and magnetic phenomena and light are research themes that received the attention of many astronomers, and astronomy has opened up to new fields, such as astrophysics. At the same time, with the creation of national technical and scientific education systems, astronomy education was thoroughly reorganised...

Funded PhD Studentship Opportunity at Newcastle: An historical perspective on the ‘north-south health divide’ and regional health inequalities

An historical perspective on the ‘north-south health divide’ and regional health inequalities. Closing deadline is 20 May 2022, and further details, including how to apply, are listed here . Interested in the social history of health, and its relevance to contemporary problems? This PhD project will investigate the historical development, extent, experiences, and representations of regional health inequalities in England, focussing on the north-south divide. Applicants should include a proposal outlining how they would approach this project: you may wish to focus on periods where health inequalities came to the fore (e.g. nineteenth-century sanitary reform era, characterised by debates about industrialisation and health; the interwar era, when health improvement efforts were undercut by poverty and unemployment, and the early 1980s, when the Black Report drew attention to health inequalities, while deindustrialisation fuelled regional inequalities). Themes which may shape this research...

CfP: Refugees from Nazism: Innovation in Engineering and Industry, 13-14 September 2023

Conference of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies,University of London Call for Papers: Refugees from Nazism: Innovation in Engineering and Industry 13-14 September 2023 Deadline for abstracts: 30 June 2022. Historically, Exile Studies have concentrated on social, political and cultural themes but in recent years - most notably with the Conference of the Gesellschaft für Exilforschung in Vienna in 2014 and the subsequent publication of its Proceedings Kometen des Geldes - economic questions have moved from the periphery to the centre of academic enquiry. With this in mind, the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies at the Institute for Modern Languages Research, University of London is inviting contributors to speak at its Conference on 13 and 14 September, 2023 on Refugees to Britain from Nazism: Innovation in Engineering and Industry. The conference will be both online and live at Senate House, University of London. Key Areas of enquiry could inc...

CfP: MLA Options for Teaching Volume: Teaching Science Writing

Seeking Contributors for MLA Options for Teaching Volume: Teaching Science Writing Edited by Dr. Lisa Ottum. Deadline: 15 June 2022 As fans of the genre can attest, popular science writing belies the notion of “science” and “literature” as separate domains. Bestselling science writers borrow freely from the techniques of fiction writers to craft compelling narratives, memorable examples, and evocative re-presentations of technical information. Of course, scholars have long recognized the literariness of science writing: as pioneering work by Gillian Beer, George Levine, Devin Griffiths, Donna Haraway, and others attests, it is difficult to overestimate the historical traffic between science and literature. Since the early modern era (if not earlier), writers and scientists have routinely traded metaphors, images, and conceptual frameworks. Recently, popular science writing has played an important role in ongoing efforts to recover and celebrate the legacy of figures erased from domi...

CfP: The Coronavirus Pandemic: An Environmental Humanities Perspective

The Coronavirus Pandemic: An Environmental Humanities Perspective Keynote Speakers: Cymene Howe (Rice University) & Eben Kirksey (Deakin University).  February 15-17, 2023.  University of Vienna.  Abstracts Due June 1, 2022 “The Coronavirus Pandemic: An Environmental Humanities Perspective,” a conference convened as part of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) project “Air and Environmental Health in the (Post-)COVID-19 World,” invites abstract submissions for consideration. This three-day on-site event will take place at the University of Vienna on February 15-17, 2023. The COVID-19 pandemic is identified as resulting from human-animal entanglement, or multispecies interactions between individuals and collective populations in proximity, and has since spread across borders and continents. With the encroachment of human populations on natural habitats a key driver for the spread of zoonotic disease, this conference identifies the coronavirus pandemic as a matter of concern...

Call for expressions of interest for the submission of Marie Sklodowska Curie proposals in History of Science and European Integration

Daniele Cozzoli Daniele Cozzoli and Fernando Guirao , at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, are interested in receiving expressions of interest from potential candidates for the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral fellowships' 2022 call. Cozzoli and Guirao are willing to support candidates in their respective areas of expertise, i.e. History of Science and History of the European Integration process. They are particularly interested in candidates working on the cultural, economic, political, and scientific aspects of the various forms of post-1945 European co-operation and integration, including relations of West European countries with Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Atlantic area. Benefits Fellows will have desk space at the UPF main campus (Ciutadella), and access to meeting and lecture rooms, and computers with all the necessary software for the required research. They will also have complete access to UPF’s excellent library and interlibrary loan system, to IT...

Call for Expressions of Interest to Host SPSP 2024

Site for the 10th International Conference (2024). Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP) Deadline: May 15, 2022 The Organizing Committee of the Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP) invites expressions of interest to host the 10th international conference of the SPSP to be held in 2024, most likely during the northern hemisphere summer. We will consider bids from any location, but have a preference for a site in North America, since the 6th conference, in 2016, was the last held in North America. The local hosts will be responsible for all local arrangements and budgeting, with the SPSP Organizing Committee taking responsibility for programming, plenary speakers, and other non-local arrangements. We anticipate a 3 day conference, similar in format to the previous conferences, with approximately 150-200 attendees. In addition, we expect to accommodate a pre-conference workshop session (1 day); an optional post-conference workshop (1 day) would be an ideal ...