
Mostrando entradas de marzo 10, 2019

Seminario on line: María Jesús Santesmases, "Curar y gobernar las infecciones: historia de las penicilinas en España"

Fecha : 20 de marzo de 2019 Lugar de celebración : Salón de Grados. Edificio Balmis. Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. Campus de Sant Joan d’Alacant Hora : 16:30 El seminario podrá seguirse en directo a través del sistema Adobe Connect (no requiere ningún tipo de instalación previa) entrando en la página: http://reunion.uv.es/hcc2 e identificándose como invitado Seminario coorganizado por el Master Conjunto de Salud Pública (Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche / Universidad de Alicante) y el Instituto Interuniversitario López Piñero de Estudios Históricos y Sociales, sobre Ciencia, Tecnología, Medicina y Medio Ambiente - sede de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. En este seminario trataré de la penicilina como objeto biomédico de la posguerra en España, su desplazamiento por espacios sociales, políticos y clínicos; su presencia y la trayectoria de su fama pública. Articularé así en torno a ese objeto que es la penic...

Interactive Historical Atlas of the Disciplines

New online resource available at the University of Geneva: an "Interactive Historical Atlas of the Disciplines". The website is in open access here:  http://atlas-disciplines.unige .ch This atlas aims at mapping the evolution of the disciplinary borders of  science over time, as well as tracing back the successive redefinitions  of scientific disciplines throughout the centuries. Furthermore, the  project is open to scholarly (reviewed) participation: each disciplinary map comes with dedicated tools for adding content or bibliographic entries.

CfA: European Society for the History of Science - Young ScholarsConference - Transcultural Knowledge

The Young Scholars Network of the European Society for the History of Science was founded to better integrate graduate students and early career researches in the activities of the Society and in the field of history of science and give them the opportunity to connect with each other. Our first Young Scholars Conference will be held at the Paris Observatory, September 10th - 12th, 2019. We invite submissions for individual papers and symposia which address the main topic of the conference: Transcultural Knowledge. This topic includes (but is not limited to) the transmission of knowledge from one culture to another and its transformation in the process, new knowledge emerging from the use of known traditions, transnational knowledge, the significance of culture in history of science and history of knowledge, circulation of scientific knowledge by translations and transliterations, merging traditions, influences of cultural background of scientists on the...

2 PhD candidates, Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History

The University of Luxembourg invites applications for the following vacancy in its Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) 2 Doctoral candidates (PhD student) in the field of contemporary history/history of technology (M/F) Ref. 50012960 and 50012961 – (R-AGR-3499-10-C), Acronym: REPAIR Fixed-term contract 14 months, renewable up to 4 years, full-time (40h/week) Student and employee status (48 months studies programme) Latest possible start date 1 September 2019 Your Role The candidate will be a member of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), which is one of the three Interdisciplinary Centres of Luxembourg University. The C²DH is a research centre for the study, analysis and public dissemination of contemporary history of Luxembourg and Europe with a particular focus on digital methods and tools for doing innova...

Call for contributions: Science in Public Conference 2019

Url: https://sip2019.com/call-for-contributions The Science in Public Conference 2019 will be held in Manchester, UK from Wednesday 10 to Friday 12 July 2019. Science in Public is an interdisciplinary annual conference addressing how scientific practice, science communication, science policy, and representations of science interact with the wider world. We aim to bring together researchers and practitioners from a variety of fields to explore how activities and understandings in these fields have developed in the past, where they now stand, and how they might develop in future. Conference theme and aims This year’s theme is ‘ the global and the local ’. We are particularly keen to encourage proposals addressing questions such as the following: What lessons can we learn from science communication practice, public engagement, and science policy work that’s built around the needs of local communities or local opportunities? What are the opportunities and pitfalls of sca...

Call for chapters: "Contemporary Applications of the Actor Network Theory"

Title: Contemporary Applications of the Actor Network Theory Proposal deadline: 30th June, 2019 Editor:  Dr. Idongesit Williams. Center for Communications, Media and Information Technology.  Publishers:  Palgrave Macmillan (A part of Springer Nature) Call for Contributions: This is a call for contributions for an edited interdisciplinary book that illustrate the new and emerging relationships and interactions between either human actants and technology actants or organizational actants and technology actants. The technology of interest are those that are or enabled by Information Technology or Communications Technologies. Actor Network Theory is a widely used theory in the social sciences. It has been used in the analysis of social interactions, socio-technical systems, the social construction of technology and in the analysis in the transformation of different networks. Actor Network Theory lacks universal constructs and hence possess a...

CfP for 2nd Annual Phenomenological Approaches to Physics Conference - Quantum Mechanics: Paradigm or Ontology of Nature?

2nd Annual Phenomenological Approaches to Physics Conference.  Quantum Mechanics: Paradigm or Ontology of Nature? SEPTEMBER 26-28, 2019.  STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY Recently, a number of phenomenologically inspired thinkers have devoted attention to quantum mechanics. For these thinkers, quantum mechanics brings attention to the ways that scientific phenomena are produced within subjective frames of knowledge and experimentation. A persistent question for these interpretations is whether the mathematical formalism and experimental data of quantum mechanics represent reality as it is ‘in itself,’ or whether they constitute merely  subjective  beliefs and models based on the appearing of certain kinds of phenomena. Some philosophers of science struggle to normalize issues of quantum physics in terms of traditional realisms that present quantum phenomena as indications of a need for an entirely new ontology of nature. On the other hand, others resist these ontolo...

Vacancy: Librarian, Linnean Society of London

L IBRARIAN (Full-time, permanent post) Salary: £30,000 p.a. with a generous workplace pension scheme Job description The Linnean Society of London is a charity, the world’s oldest extant biological society, and has in its care several scientifically important collections, most notably those of the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. The Collections include a library, archives and biological specimens, and have been awarded Designation status by Arts Council England. Working as part of a small Collections team, as the only librarian the post holder will be responsible for the printed collections and support the Head of Collections. The Librarian will have the opportunity to work with a rich and unique collection and will be responsible for the smooth running of all aspects of the Library, including: - Supporting the research requirements of Library users; - Cataloguing and classifying Library material, and manag...