Call for chapters: "Contemporary Applications of the Actor Network Theory"

Title: Contemporary Applications of the Actor Network Theory
Proposal deadline: 30th June, 2019

Editor: Dr. Idongesit Williams. Center for Communications, Media and Information Technology. 

Publishers: Palgrave Macmillan (A part of Springer Nature)

Call for Contributions:
This is a call for contributions for an edited interdisciplinary book that illustrate the new and emerging relationships and interactions between either human actants and technology actants or organizational actants and technology actants. The technology of interest are those that are or enabled by Information Technology or Communications Technologies.
Actor Network Theory is a widely used theory in the social sciences. It has been used in the analysis of social interactions, socio-technical systems, the social construction of technology and in the analysis in the transformation of different networks. Actor Network Theory lacks universal constructs and hence possess a great deal of fluidity. The fluidity is advantageous as it enables researchers to utilize its theoretical parameters in the analysis of emerging systems. Such analysis could be retrospective, introspective or prospective in nature.
In the world today, there is a growing interaction between human actants and ICT enabled technology (non-human actants). To a certain level, it could be said that these interactions are becoming more social. That is if we should consider examples such as, assisted living and our interactions with robots; and our growing dependency and interaction with our mobile phones and other interactive gadgets. In the same vein, there is also an interaction between non-human actant such organizations and other non-human actant, such as ICT enabled technology. These technologies facilitate the daily operations of the company. Furthermore, with the growth in the usage of analytics, these technologies provide feedback. Hence, the organization also derives value in the adoption of these ICT enabled technologies.
These black boxed interactions are evolving at a rapid pace and these evolutions are driven by the symbiotic relationship exhibited by the actants. The symbiotic relationships are driven by the actions that produce mutual utility exhibited by the actants involved. As an example, technology facilitates efficiency in the delivery of organizational services. Organizations on the other hand facilitate a conducive environment for the technology to be branded “efficient”. Furthermore, technology acts as an enabler to individuals in society today, while individuals produce and adopt technology to facilitate a less cumbersome lifestyle.
These symbiotic relationships are not simple but complex relationships involving different actants. It also provides the possibility of explaining the Actor Network underpinning these innovations. Furthermore, it provides the possibility for the evaluation of these Actor Networks. Such evaluations could result with ideas on how the Actor Networks could be improved upon to facilitate more innovation. The aim of this book is to evaluate or re-evaluate the symbiotic relationships between the abovementioned black boxed actants using Actor network Theory as well as revealing the potential of towards explaining the new age we are stepping into.

Contributions to the book are expected to center on sociological and socio-technical explanations and descriptions of either existing and emerging human/technology or organization/technology Actor networks. As mentioned earlier, the technological context is ICT enabled technologies. However, submissions on contemporary technologies such as electric cars, drones etc., will be considered. The Actor network analytical bit could be introspective and retrospective in nature. However, submissions with empirical analysis, theoretical analysis and empirically based conceptual framework propositions will be highly valued. The analysis could answer the “why”, “how”, “when” and “what” questions. There is no limitation on the sectoral context of the submission.

Potential chapters
Potential chapters needed for the book are as follows but not limited to:
  • ANT and mobile network service adoption
  • ANT and the development of technical standards
  • The actor network of Internet of Things
  • Analysis of power relations between technology and humans – the case of industry 4.0
  • Inscription of loose networks – the case of the car sharing industry
  • Inscription and virtual online organizations
  • Leaky black boxes – the case of failed start-ups in silicon valley
  • The relationship between future robots, humans and innovation
  • Network stability- the case of electric cars 
  • New media, disruptive innovation and heterogeneous networks
  • Human-media interaction and the future of entertainment

Related contributions will be considered as well.

Submission procedure
Academics (Phd.Students inclusive), researchers and social science practitioners are invited to submit on or before June 30, 2019, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Chapter proposals should be sent to  Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by July 30, 2019 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines, if the proposal is accepted for the book. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by October 30, 2019. The editor will review all submitted chapters.

Important Dates
June 30, 2019: Proposal Submission Deadline
July 30, 2019:  Notification of Acceptance
October 30, 2019:Full Chapter Submission

Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded e-mail to: Idongesit Williams (Ph.D)
Center for Communications Media and Information Technologies,
Aalborg University Copenhagen. Contact Email: