
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 10, 2017

Asclepio: nuevo número publicado Vol 69, No 2 (2017)

Asclepio  acaba de publicar su último número en http://asclepio.revistas.csic. es/index.php/asclepio A continuación le mostramos la tabla de contenidos. Puede visitar el sitio web para consultar los artículos que sean de su interés. Edición Electrónica Revistas CSIC - Asclepio editor.revistas@csic.es asclepio.cchs@cchs.csic.es Asclepio Vol 69, No 2 (2017) Sumario http://asclepio.revistas.csic. es/index.php/asclepio/issue/ view/57 -------- Introducción: escenarios de las prácticas psiquiátricas en América Latina (siglos XIX y XX) (p188)         Aida Alejandra Golcman Dossier -------- La anatomopatología alemana en el centro de la psiquiatría argentina. Una aproximación a los estudios clínicos en el Hospicio de las Mercedes (1900-1910) (p189)         Aida Alejandra Golcman, Marco Antonio Ramos El Hospicio Nacional de Alienados en la prensa de Río de Janeiro (1903-1911) (p190)         Ana Teresa A...

CfP: 'Exploratory Models and Exploratory Modelling in Science', special issue of Perspectives on Science

THEME: Exploratory Models and Exploratory Modelling in Science GUEST EDITORS: Axel Gelfert, Grant Fisher, Friedrich Steinle Unlike scientific experimentation, whose frequent exploratory uses have garnered considerable attention from historians and philosophers of science over the past two decades (cf. Steinle 1997, Burian 1997), the exploratory character of scientific models and scientific modelling has only recently begun to receive systematic treatment. Over the last couple of years, a number of case studies have deployed the labels ‘exploratory models’ or ‘exploratory modelling’ (e.g. Fisher 2016, Shech 2017) to describe episodes of scientific modelling during which the existence of an accepted body of theoretical knowledge cannot be assumed, or is itself at issue. In addition, there have been attempts to distinguish between, and classify, different exploratory functions of scientific models (Gelfert 2016), such as their use as starting points for future inquiry,...

CfP: Comic Epidemic: Cartoons, Caricatures and Graphic Novels

Comic Epidemic: Cartoons, Caricatures and Graphic Novels 16 February 2018 - 17 February 2018 CRASSH, University of Cambridge  Conveners:  Lukas Engelmann (University of Edinburgh) Christos Lynteris (University of St. Andrews) The ushering in of the modern epidemiological age was marked not only by the invasion of Europe and America by cholera and other pathogens, but equally by a public commentary on epidemics through the use of caricatures and comic strips. Graphic figures of speech, visual condensations and sketched comparisons provide shortcuts to the 'hardened political metaphors' (Gombrich) at stake in epidemic crises. As such, this popular mode of communication, debate and critique, was soon taken up by epidemic deniers, health critics and by governments and international agencies in public health education campaigns. Since then the use of comics both by journalists, doctors and governments, has only proliferated becoming a key component o...

Medical History - January 2018 Issue Out Now

The new issue of Medical History (Volume 62 / Issue 1, January 2017) is out now. The issue features the following articles: *Exhibiting Good Health: Public Health Exhibitions in London, 1948–71 (Alex Mold) *Healing a Sick World: Psychiatric Medicine and the Atomic Age (Ran Zwigenberg) *Boyish Mannerisms and Womanly Coquetry: Patients with the Diagnosis of Transvestitismus in the Helsinki Psychiatric Clinic in Finland, 1954–68 (Katariina Parhi) *Lechebnaia pedagogika: The Concept and Practice of Therapy in Russian Defectology, c. 1880–1936 (Andy Byford) *Finding a Space for Women: The British Medical Association and Women Doctors in Australia, 1880–1939 (Louella McCarthy) *‘From Defensive Paranoia to …Openness to Outside Scrutiny’: Prison Medical Officers in England and Wales, 1979–86 (Nicholas Duvall) Further information is available via Medical History's website: https://www.cambridge.org/ core/journals/medical-history/ latest-issue

Borderlines XXII: Sickness, Strife, and Suffering

Borderlines is an annual postgraduate conference in Medieval & Early Modern studies. Held on a rotating basis in Belfast, Dublin and Cork, we aim to bring together Medievalists and Early Modernists (at MA, PhD & postdoctoral level) in all disciplines from across Ireland, Britain and around the world. This year, the conference will be held at Queens University Belfast.  Borderlines XXII: QUB, April 13-15th 2017, ‘Sickness, Strife, and Suffering’. Sickness, strife and suffering punctuate many medieval and early-modern narratives. When viewed by the modern eye, however, these experiences can be difficult to comprehend and empathise with, without resorting to anachronisms. Indeed, in her landmark treatise on pain, Elaine Scarry contests that ‘[p]hysical pain does not simply resist language but actively destroys it’ (Scarry, 1985: 4), thus rendering any description or explanation of pain practically impossible, regardless of era. In the light of Scarry’s ...

CfP: Symposium ESHS 2018:Mathematics education in European military academies (18th and 19th centuries): unity or disunity?

SESSION PROPOSAL AND CALL FOR PAPERS European Society for the History of Science, Biennial Conference   UCL Institute of Education London, 14–17 September 2018 http://eshs2018.uk/ Mathematics education in European military academies (18th and 19th centuries): unity or disunity? Organisers: Mònica Blanco (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Olivier Bruneau (Archives Poincaré-Université Lorraine) Contact mail: monica.blanco@upc.edu olivier.bruneau@univ-lorraine. fr Deadline for paper submission (title+short abstract): December 14, 2017 It is well known that military academies and schools contributed essentially  to the production and circulation of higher mathematics in 18th- and 19th- century Europe. Over the past thirty years there has been a fair amount of historical work on mathematics education in European military academies, approaching the subject matter in a variety of ways. A number of studies focus on the mathematical ...

The new edition of Technology's Stories (free online resource): Gendered Technology

Mar Hicks: "A Feature, Not a Bug",  A Feature, Not a Bug   Kelly O'Donnell: "'The Whole Idea Might Seem Strange to You': Selling the Menstrual Cup", Selling the Menstrual Cup Mario Bianchini: "Women on the Right Track: Integrating Women into the Communist Technological Utopia", Women on the Right Track   Plus a feature essay from Anto Mohsin, "National Electricity Day: From 'Electricity-Minded Nation' to 'My Idea for PLN'", National Electricity Day   Technology's Stories offers innovative, sharp, and compelling storytelling about technology in society, past and present. It aims to engage scholars, students, and the interested general public with the usable past - with stories that can help us make sense of contemporary technological challenges and aspirations. Pieces are strong on content and light on academic jargon, making them especially suitable for undergraduates. Intereste...

CfP - Bucharest Colloquium in Early Modern Science

Bucharest Colloquium in Early Modern Science: “Mathematical mixtures”: disciplines, epistemic genres and systems of practices in the (early) modern world March 13-15, 2018 Invited speakers:  Arianna Borrelli (Technical University, Berlin), Hasok Chang (University of Cambridge), David Marshall Miller (University of Iowa), Cesare Pastorino (Technical University, Berlin), Friedrich Steinle (Technical University, Berlin). The seventh edition of the Bucharest Colloquium in Early Modern Science will focus on the interplay between quantification, practice(s) and the emergence of new epistemic genres in the early modern period (broadly conceived). We are especially interested in the several ways in which debates on epistemic genres and disciplinary boundaries contributed to the shaping of new “forms of mathematization” from the 16 th  century to the 18 th  century (and beyond). One of our aims with this colloquium is to bring together scholars coming ...

CfA: Histories of Citizen Science in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe

CFA: Histories of Citizen Science in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (CFA for thematic section in Studia Historiae Scientiarum 2019) Citizen science is becoming the most important trend in science of the 21 st century. Increasingly used as a method of collecting and classifying data, amateur networks help scientists to enlarge the scope of their inquiries, transgress geographical or cultural boundaries, and process big data. Clearly, this is not a new development: amateurs have long been involved in helping to gather seismological or meteorological data, collect specimens, dig out archeological artifacts and write histories. Scholars readily engaged in such collaborations, sometimes developed as a part of state service, but often also actively sought amateur participation in, for instance, natural or language collections. Training observers and collectors thus became a part of the building of collective identities, whether that entity be the state, an empire ...

CfP: 6º Encontro Nacional de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia / 9-11 juliol de 2018 - Almada (Lisboa), Portugal

Poderão ser submetidas propostas sob forma de comunicações individuais ou sessões temáticas (com um mínimo de 3 comunicações). Para comunicações individuais , o autor deve preencher o formulário e incluir o título da comunicação, afiliação e resumo até 300 palavras. Para sessões temáticas , o proponente deve enviar um email para enhct.2018@gmail.com com o assunto “Sessão organizada – último nome” com a seguinte informação, num único ficheiro, em formato .doc: •  Título da sessão, afiliação e nota biográfica (até 150 palavras) do proponente, e resumo da sessão (até 300 palavras); •  Nome, afiliação dos autores e resumo individual até 250 palavras das comunicações a incluir na sessão. Para sessões de discussão de trabalhos em curso , o autor deve preencher o formulário e incluir o título da comunicação, afiliação e resumo até 300 palavras em que explicite que a apresentação diz respeito a um trabalho em desenvolvimento. Serão privilegiadas as propostas que inc...

Oxford History of Science, Medicine, and Technology - PG funding

The History of Science, Medicine, and Technology (HSMT) at the University of Oxford is part of the History Faculty , one of the world’s largest history departments.  Oxford HSMT is uniquely broad in our chronological and geographical expertise: we cover HSMT from the Ancient World to the modern era, and do so on a global scale.  We have particular expertise in the history of global and colonial medicine, and in the history of science and technology from 1500 to 1900; we benefit from close links with Museum of the History of Science , the Pitt Rivers Museum , and the Ashmolean Museum .  More details on the Oxford Centre for the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology can be found here . The general deadline for PG applications (one- and two-year Master’s; Doctorate) is 19 January 2018 .  Doctoral Funding Alongside Arts and Humanities Research Council scholarships, applicants who submit by the 19 Jan 2018 deadline will also be considered for ...

CfP: Literature and Science - States of the Union

A reminder that there are still ten days left to submit short (c.2000wd) pieces to a special issue of *Configurations*, replying to and paired with a 'state of the field' issue of the *Journal of Literature and Science* (10:1) which was published earlier this year. The purpose of the collaboration between the two journals is to think about how studies in literature and science are currently positioned on both sides of the Atlantic, and we are particularly interested in seeing submissions which reply to any aspect of the earlier issue or which engage with any of the following subject areas: teaching and pedagogical practice material culture and book history the corporatization of the university the current crisis in the humanities and/or economic pressures on the sciences A full CFP is available at http://www.bsls.ac.uk/2017/09/ call-for-papers- jlsconfigurations-double- issue/ . We would like to see scholars of all career stages in the final issue, ...

Smithsonian Libraries – Opportunities for Research 2018-2019

The Smithsonian Libraries, situated at the center of the world’s largest museum complex, is a vital part of the research, exhibition, and educational enterprise of the Institution. The Libraries offers exceptional research resources ranging from 13th-century manuscripts to electronic journals. We are happy to offer the following fellowship opportunities for the 2018-2019 academic year.   The  Baird Society Resident Scholar Program :  $3,500 per month for up to six months to support scholarly research in the Special Collections of the Smithsonian Libraries in Washington, D.C. and New York, NY, in an extensive range of subject areas. Doctoral students, post-doctoral and independent scholars are welcome to apply. Collections include printed materials on world’s fairs; manufacturer’s commercial trade catalogs from the 19th and 20th centuries; natural history rare books (pre-1840 works on topics such as botany, zoology, travel & exploration, museums ...