The new edition of Technology's Stories (free online resource): Gendered Technology

Mar Hicks: "A Feature, Not a Bug", A Feature, Not a Bug  

Kelly O'Donnell: "'The Whole Idea Might Seem Strange to You': Selling the Menstrual Cup", Selling the Menstrual Cup

Mario Bianchini: "Women on the Right Track: Integrating Women into the Communist Technological Utopia", Women on the Right Track  

Plus a feature essay from Anto Mohsin, "National Electricity Day: From 'Electricity-Minded Nation' to 'My Idea for PLN'", National Electricity Day 

Technology's Stories offers innovative, sharp, and compelling storytelling about technology in society, past and present.
It aims to engage scholars, students, and the interested general public with the usable past - with stories that can help us make sense of contemporary technological challenges and aspirations.
Pieces are strong on content and light on academic jargon, making them especially suitable for undergraduates.

Interested in putting together an issue for Technology's Stories? Or publishing a standalone essay? Please contact us at

We invite contributions from across the spectrum, from graduate students to senior scholars.