
Mostrando entradas de octubre 11, 2009

Biblioteca Digital Mundial

Estimadas y estimados colegas de la SEDHE: os transmito, para quienes no tengáis referencia, la puesta en marcha de la Biblioteca Digital Mundial, cuya dirección web es: www.wdl.org Reúne mapas, textos, fotos, grabaciones y películas de todos los tiempos, y explica en siete idiomas las joyas y reliquias culturales de las principales bibliotecas del planeta. Tiene, sobre todo, carácter patrimonial, ha dicho el coordinador del proyecto, Abdelaziz Abid, proyecto que ha sido impulsado por la UNESCO y otras 32 instituciones. En palabras suyas, la BDM no ofrecerá documentos corrientes sino "con valor de patrimonio, que permitirán apreciar y conocer mejor las culturas del mundo en idiomas diferentes: árabe, chino, inglés, francés, ruso, español y portugués. Pero hay documentos en línea en más de 50 idiomas”. La Biblioteca cuenta en la actualidad con unos 1200 documentos, pero ha sido pensada para recibir un número ilimitado de textos, grabados, mapas, fotografías e i...

La redacción médica como profesión

A aquellos de vosotros que tengan que enfrentarse a la redacción médica, tanto a nivel profesional como docente, quizás les interese conocer la nueva publicación de la Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve, el cuaderno nº 17, sobre "La redacción médica como profesión". Las personas que tengan interés en recibir un ejemplar gratuito, sólo tienen que solicitarlo por escrito (puede ser por correo-e: fundacion@esteve.org) e indicar a qué dirección postal quieren que se lo envíen. Saludos cordiales, Bertha Gutiérrez Rodilla Universidad de Salamanca


ANNOUNCEMENT OF SCIENCE MUSEUM LIBRARY DRIVER / COLLECTIONS HANDLER SERVICE Science Museum Library and Archives is pleased to announce the appointment of a library driver / collections handler, Mr. Ian Wilkes, who started in post on the 6th October. The post will be based at the Science Museum Site at Wroughton. The main purpose of the role is to provide a free weekly collection service for all visitors to Science Museum Library at Wroughton who are travelling to Swindon from other parts of the country by train. This service will be available from 27th October 2009 and will operate on Tuesdays only, as follows: . Collection of visitors to Science Museum Library at Wroughton from Swindon Railway Station every Tuesday, departing Swindon at 9:30am, 11:00am and 12:30pm. Return journeys from the Library to Swindon Railway Station, departing Wroughton at 2:00pm, 3:30pm and 4:30pm. The role will also provide a transportation service for library and archive materials that ...

Llengua i Ciència

Els dies 28, 29 i 30 d’octubre es celebren les III Jornades de la Xarxa Temàtica “Llengua i ciencia”, que coordina el Grup Neolcyt del Departament de Filologia Espanyola de la UAB. Les Jornades tindran lloc a la Universidade de Coimbra. La Xarxa Temàtica “Llengua i Ciència” està constiuïda per vint-i-cinc grups d’investigació de cinc països que tenen com a objecte d’estudi la llengua de la ciència, ja sigui des de la perspectiva lingüística, o de la història de la ciencia. El tema de las Terceres Jornades, LLENGUA DE LA CIÈNCIA I DICCIONARIS, fixa l’atenció en els diccionaris, com a elements fonamentals en la investigació del lèxic des de la perspectiva de l’estudi de la llengua de la ciència. Més informació a: http://www.lenguayciencia.net http://dfe.uab.es/neolcyt Cecili Garriga --------------------------------------------- Cecilio Garriga Escribano Departament de Filologia Espanyola Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Campus Universitari, Edifici B 081...

La página de la REDAM

Queridas amigas y amigos: aun en un estadio de beta, o sea experiemental estamos rediseñando completamente la página de REDAM que en un par de semanas esperamos esté en servicio completamente. Para los portales hemos optado por una tecnologia de Blogger por la facilidad que supone el mantenimiento y que también ha sido adoptada por la página hermana de Conecat mantenida por Enrique Perdiguero en la Miguel Hernández. En el post de presentación tenies una primera declaración de intenciones y en las dsemanas siguientes iremos perfilando formatos y contenido con el objeto que, a partir de primeros de noviembre la linkemos a algunos otros portales y espacialmente a los de wikipedia y otras instituciones. Sin salir de los límites de Blogger no necesariamente el actual diseño será el mismo, de modo que conviene que nadie se rasgue aun las vestiduras al respecto. En la fase actual se trata de porponer sobre todo sugerencias de qué colgar así como de los criterios d emoderación: http://r...

Imágenes de la psiquiatría

Imágenes de la pisquiatría

The Body on Display, from Renaissance to Enlightenment

The Body on Display, from Renaissance to Enlightenment Durham University, 6-7 July 2010 An interdisciplinary symposium for early career researchers, supported by the Society for the Social History of Medicine Keynote speaker: Dr. Peter Mitchell (University of Wales, Lampeter) At once an organ system, disciplinary target, metaphor, creation of God, cultural construction, 'self' and receptacle for the soul, it is not surprising that the body has fallen under the attention of historians of art, gender, thought, medicine, theatre and costume, and of literary scholars, archaeologists and historical sociologists and philosophers. This symposium will look at the human and human-like body on, and as, display, between c.1400 and c.1800. We will explore the notion, and reality, of the exposure of the inner and outer human form, and the representational, visual and material cultures of the body. This was a formative (and even transformative) period for the visual and repr...

'Numeracy: Historical, philosophical and educational perspectives'

A conference on 'Numeracy: Historical, philosophical and educational perspectives' will be held in Oxford on 16–18 December 2009 (lunchtime to lunchtime). Speakers will include Marcus Giaquinto, Stephen Laurence, Natasha Glaisyer, Jane Wess, Kathryn James, Snezana Lawrence, Terezinha Nunes, Tom Roper, and Jane Imrie. This conference seeks to bring together different approaches to numeracy, in order to share insights about what numeracy is, how we can recognise it (or its absence), how it relates to other cognitive capacities, and other fundamental questions concerning basic numerical abilities. It will also provide a forum for the discussion of detailed case studies from the different realms of history, philosophy, and education, which will, it is hoped, prove mutually stimulating and fruitful for new interactions between these fields. The conference will be held at St Anne's College, Oxford, and is funded by All Souls College and the British Society for the History of...

The Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, has opened a special exhibition:

The Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, has opened a special exhibition: STEAMPUNK The first museum exhibition of steampunk art It will run until 21 February 2010. Relevant links include: http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/steampunk/ http://www.steampunkmuseumexhibition.blogspot.com/ A good way to get an idea of the content would be to download Broadsheet No.9: http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/broadsheet9.pdf

Call for Papers for the organisation of a session on Appropriation of mental measurement in the periphery

Call for Papers for the organisation of a session on Appropriation of mental measurement in the periphery at the 7th STEP Meeting (Galway, Irland, 17-20th of June, 2010) The concept of appropriation has become central to the STEP group. It is time to exam this process of appropriation in more detail by looking on how certain scientific techniques and measurements circulated within Europe. Specific case studies dealing with the reactions provoked by the popularization of mental tests in European and non European periphery could be expected to shed new light on the process of appropriation of scientific knowledge and practice. Probably the historical process of appropriation in the periphery in the case of mental measurement may differ from the dynamics of appropriation of methods and techniques of a different kind like physical, chemical, or geographical measuring, due to the fact that in the latter case complicated and often costly instrumental devices are needed.

Una nota de humor

NO SOY EN ABSOLUTO PARTIDARIO DE UTILIZAR LAS LISTAS, LOS FOROS Y LOS BLOG ACADÉMICOS PARA EL INTERCAMBIO DE ESA  INFORMACIÓN QUE CIRCULA EN INTERNET CON CONTENIDO MAS O MENOS GRACIOSO O TRASCENDENTE. Pero esta vez no me puedo resistir. Llamemarle un rasgo de narcisismo o de deseperación. Ahí va: "Cansado de Bolonia, de los créditos ECTS, de rellenar papeles para conseguir unos miles de euros, mientras los politicos gastan cientos de miles en ornato, he decidido empezar a reorientar mi vida. Para ello he abierto un modesto negocio en una pequeña ciudad para vender Ariel, Cristasol, Ajax y otros cientos de productos cuyo nombre y propiedades desconocía. Con ello aspiro a cubrir mis necesidades básicas, normalizar mi tensión arterial y salir de una vez de dos años muy malos en cuanto a mi ánimo se refiere. Claro, es un experimento, y de momento no puedo dejar la Universidad hsta aseguararme de que puedo vivir de estar sonriendo tras una pequeña caja registradora y contndo botella...

Dissecting anatomy - historical, cultural and ethical perspectives on teaching and research [deadline: 10 January 2010]

Dissecting anatomy - historical, cultural and ethical perspectives on teaching and research [deadline: 10 January 2010]. Themed issue of Medicine Studies. International Journal for the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine & Allied Sciences, 2.1 (2010) "A necessary inhumanity" is what Edinburgh anatomist William Hunter expected students to gain from the dissection course they went through as a "rite of passage" at the beginning of their university careers. Learning human bodily structure by performing hands-on dissections in the anatomical theatre has become a fundamental element of modern medical education, almost everywhere on the globe. Only recently, concerns have been raised over the pedagogical adequacy of using cadavers in first-year training. "Living and Virtual Anatomy" has been proposed as one possible alternative approach to students' first encounter with the human body. Historically, opportunities for "doing" anatom...

Del 29 al 31 d'octubre se celebren a Barcelona les VIII Jornades d'Arqueologia Industrial de Catalunya

Del 29 al 31 d'octubre se celebren a Barcelona les VIII Jornades d'Arqueologia Industrial de Catalunya. Hi sou convidats! http://www.jornadesaic.es/

Revista de Historia de la Medicina y Epistemología Médica

El Departamento de Humanidades Médicas, de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (República Argentina)   ha puesto en marcha  online: Revista de Historia de la Medicina y Epistemología Médica , responsabilidad del   Instituto de Historia de la Medicina. Ubicar en: http://www.fmv-uba.org.ar/histomedicina/index1024x768.htm Invita a colegas e interesados  a leerla y enviar sus aportes que serán estudiados por un comité evaluador para proceder, si  el resultado fuera satisfactorio, a su publicación según los intereses y  prioridades de la  revista. Muchas gracias. Los  directores

Call for papers British Society for the History of Science Postgraduate Conference Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge 5 - 7 January 2010

Call for papers British Society for the History of Science Postgraduate Conference Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge 5 - 7 January 2010 This annual 3-day event gives postgraduates in the history of science, technology and medicine a chance to get to know each other and to present their work to a wider audience in a supportive environment. In 2010 the Conference will be hosted by the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge. We welcome submissions from both UK and overseas postgraduates working in the fields of history of science, technology and medicine. Membership of the British Society for the History of Science is not a requirement. We strongly prefer participants to be present for the full duration of the Conference. Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words. The abstract should give an idea of your central argument, any key sources and your methodological approach. We are happy to accept ...

The Society for the Social History of Medicine invites submissions for its 2010 Conference 'Knowledge, Ethics and Representations of Medicine and Health: Historical Perspectives', to be held at Durham and Newcastle (UK), 8-11 July 2010, organised by the Northern Centre for the History of Medicine (NCHM).

The Society for the Social History of Medicine invites submissions for its 2010 Conference 'Knowledge, Ethics and Representations of Medicine and Health: Historical Perspectives', to be held at Durham and Newcastle (UK), 8-11 July 2010, organised by the Northern Centre for the History of Medicine (NCHM). Deadline for proposals: 1 November 2009 The organisers welcome proposals for 20-minute papers under the theme 'Knowledge, Ethics and Representations of Medicine and Health: Historical Perspectives'. We particularly encourage papers addressing questions such as: *       What processes have generated knowledge about the body, illness and health that has become authoritative in different societies? *       How have claims of medical expertise been justified vis à vis claims from other domains of social and cultural authority such as religion and law? *       What did it mean for medical practi...

Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences Volume 64, Number 4, October 2009

Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences Volume 64, Number 4, October 2009 http://muse.jhu.edu/content/alerts/journals/journal_of_the_history_of_medicine_and_allied_sciences/toc/jhm.64.4.html http://muse.uq.edu.au/content/alerts/journals/journal_of_the_history_of_medicine_and_allied_sciences/toc/jhm.64.4.html

Scientific Objects and their Materiality in the History of Chemistry Workshop at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany 24. to 26. June 2010

Scientific Objects and their Materiality in the History of Chemistry Workshop at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany 24. to 26. June 2010 Call for Papers For both experimental inquiry and technical application, the sciences depend on working with material things and processes. In this respect, chemistry is arguably the material science par excellence, primarily through the crucial role of the synthesis of chemical compounds, and the strong interactions with technological institutions and industry. In terms of the representation of its objects of inquiry, chemistry has a peculiarly materialized semiology in a long-standing tradition of graphic formulae and three-dimensional structural models, as well as a rich heritage of ordering systems such as the periodic table. In the middle-ground between representation and intervention there stand certain kinds of principles and entities, some of them invisible, that are both objects of experimen...

Stetten Fellowship in the History of Biomedical Sciences and Technology or Medicine

Stetten Fellowship in the History of Biomedical Sciences and Technology or Medicine National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland Program Background The Stetten Fellowship seeks to encourage postdoctoral historical research and publication about biomedical sciences and technology and medicine that has been funded by NIH since 1945. Fellowships carry a stipend in the range of $45,000 per year and include health insurance and a work space, computer, and phone in the Office of NIH History. (Fellowships may be renewable to a maximum of 24 months, subject to satisfactory progress.) Stetten Fellows have access to the resources of the Office of NIH History, the collections of the Stetten Museum, the National Library of Medicine, NIH Library, and historical materials in the NIH Institutes relevant to their research projects. The Fellow will conduct research on topics of their choice under the supervision of senior staff of the Office of NIH History and assisted by contact...

British Society for the History of Science Annual Conference, 2010 Thursday 22 - Sunday 25 July 2010, University of Aberdeen

Call for Papers British Society for the History of Science Annual Conference, 2010 Thursday 22 - Sunday 25 July 2010, University of Aberdeen The BSHS Annual Conference will take place at the University of Aberdeen from 22 – 25 July 2010.  The conference will start late in the afternoon of 22 July with a plenary lecture and reception.  The main venue is the Conference Centre at the heart of the sixteenth-century campus of King’s College in Old Aberdeen, with the conference dinner to be held in the impressive Elphinstone Hall. The programme will include parallel themed sessions, plenary lectures, education and outreach activities, an opportunity to explore the rich resources available in Aberdeen for historians of STM and a conference dinner and ceilidh.  An inclusive conference package will be available. Aberdeen is served by fast and comfortable rail and coach connections to major UK destinations. It has an international airport with regular direct connections to...

Red BVS Historia y Patrimonio Cultural de la Salud

Ambiente virtual que atua como canal para comunicação, troca de informação e conhecimento na área da História e Patrimônio Cultural da Saúde (HPCS). É um dos instrumentos para a construção coletiva da Rede HPCS, que tem por objetivo o resgate da memória e da conscientização da sociedade sobre a importância do patrimônio histórico-arquitetônico e documental, através de iniciativas de valorização do direito à informação como atributo fundamental ao exercício da cidadania, dando suporte aos processos de construção da identidade nacional. Red BVS. Historia y Patrimonio Cultural de la Salud


UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER Manchester Architecture Research Centre / Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine RESEARCH ASSOCIATE – CLIMATE SCIENCE IN URBAN DESIGN Ref: HUM/91274 Salary £28,839 – 35,469 per annum The post is to support the ESRC-funded project 'Climate Science in Urban Design: a Historical and Comparative Study of Applied Urban Climatology'. You will work under the direction of Professor Michael Hebbert in the Architecture Research Centre, School of Environment and Development, and Dr Vladimir Jankovic in the Centre for the History of Science Medicine and Technology, Faculty of Life Sciences. The project spans the disciplines of urban climatology and urban design, and involves historical research as well as contemporary case studies in New York, Manchester, Stuttgart and Yokohama. The post will be available from 1 January 2010 for twenty months in the first instance, and is suited to an early-career researcher with experience in...

Wellcome Library E-Newsletter

To view a web version of this e-newsletter please  click here           News Congratulations to Catherine Draycott Catherine Draycott, Head of Wellcome Images , has been selected by the Royal Photographic Society for its Combined Royal Colleges Medal for 2009. more Re-edit medical history film A new addition to the Wellcome Film project has been made: downloadable videos to keep, edit and watch as you wish from your own computer. more   Wellcome Library to use JPEG2000 image format The Wellcome Library is to adopt JPEG2000 to ensure efficiency in storing its digital content whilst maintaining the high levels of quality and open standards required for long-term preservation. more ' An Infinity of Things: How Henry Wellcome collected the world ' by Frances Larson has recently been published by OUP Oxford.   John Symons We were saddened to learn of the death last week of John Symons, forme...

Research Assistant History of Medicine, 18 month fixed term contract

Research Assistant History of Medicine, 18 month fixed term contract Dear all. We would like to draw your attention to this advertisement for a Research Assistant, based at the Centres for the History of Medicine at Warwick and Dublin, to facilitate research activity in connection with the Wellcome Trust funded project 'Madness, Migration and the Irish in Lancashire, c. 1851-1921' , directed by Dr Catherine Cox and Professor Hilary Marland. Please contact either Catherine Cox ( catherine.cox@ucd.ie ) or Hilary Marland ( hilary.marland@warwick.ac.uk ) for further information. Closing date: 26 October 2009 Further information here .