
Mostrando entradas de marzo 14, 2021

CfP: What was Epidemiology?

With Susanne Bauer (University of Oslo), Adia Benton (Northwestern University), Tamara Giles-Vernick (Institut Pasteur), Christos Lynteris (St. Andrews University), Graham Mooney (Johns Hopkins University) Organised by TER at University of Edinburgh, Lukas Engelmann, ERC Grant # 947872 Web: http://theepidemy.net Twitter: @epidemyerc This workshop’s overarching question is: What was Epidemiology? We will open a forum for creative explorations of a new historiography of epidemiology in the long twentieth century (1890 – 2010). Given our Covid present, the workshop’s question will prompt reflections on the value of this history within an ongoing pandemic. The science of epidemiology has, as Nature underlined in a recent editorial, shaped the world’s responses to Covid. But the pandemic has also shown the field of epidemiology to have undergone substantial transformation over the last century. From early 2020, infectious disease modelling was charged with giving scientific justification t...

Seminarios: Nuevos enfoques sobre el bienestar humano y la desigualdad en perspectiva histórica

  Seminario NISALDes online Primavera 2021 24 marzo: Presentación: José M. Martínez Carrión (Universidad de Murcia). Ponente: Fernando Collantes (Universidad de Oviedo) La batalla de la leche: el consumo de lácteos en España desde 1950 hasta hoy  Modera: Roser Nicolau (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) 27 abril: Ponente: Carmen Sarasúa (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Salarios que la ciudad paga al campo. Las nodrizas de las casas de expósitos en la España de los siglos XVIII y XIX Modera: Vicente Pérez Moreda (Universidad Complutense de Madrid & Real Academia de la Historia) 25 mayo: Ponentes: Joana Maria Pujadas Mora (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya & Centre de Estudios Demográficos – UAB) y Gabriel Brea (Lund University) Analizando la transmisión intergeneracional de la desigualdad socioeconómica en el área de Barcelona, siglos XV ‐ XIX Modera: Rosa Congost (Universitat de Girona) 22 junio: Ponentes: Carlos Varea y José Manuel Terán de Frutos (Universidad Autóno...


The International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for its 2021 biennial conference. For the full announcement, including details about how to submit proposals, please visit the conference website:  https://meetings.cshl.edu/meet ings.aspx?meet=ISH&year=21 Some highlights: * The conference is being hosted virtually by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, using Zoom and Slack. * It will take place 13‒20 July 2021, with sessions on July 13, 14, 15, 19 & 20. * Papers can be proposed as part of a session (traditional or diverse format) or as stand-alone presentations (individual paper, lightning talk, or poster). * The deadline for abstract submissions is 1 April 2021. * The conference will include community/skill building sessions as well as social hours. The ISHPSSB biennial conference is the largest and most important meeting for the fields of philosophy of biology, history of biology, and the s...

Nuevo libro: Nutritional Policies and International Diplomacy

Josep L. Barona. Nutritional Policies and International Diplomacy. The impact of Tadasu Saiki and the Imperial State Institute of Nutrition (Tokio, 1916-1945). Brussels, Peter Lang, 2021, 240 p. ISBN: 978-2-8076-1153-5 En su nuevo libro “Nutritional Policies and International Diplomacy The impact of Tadasu Saiki and the Imperial State Institute of Nutrition (Tokio, 1916-1945)”, Josep L Barona analiza la importancia de las políticas de nutrición y salud pública en el proceso de modernización de Japón y su expansión imperial en el Período entreguerras. El libro, fruto de su labor académica en la Universidad de Kumamoto y de sus investigaciones en Tokio, ha sido publicado en Bruselas por la editorial internacional Peter Lang. Describe los orígenes de la modernización científica y técnica de Japón, prestando especial atención al contexto demográfico y epidemiológico, y al nacimiento de una administración sanitaria paralela al fortalecimiento y expansión del imperio japonés. Barona analiza ...

CfP: GWP.2022 Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science

  Fourth International Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science Call for Papers – Call for Symposia Technische Universität Berlin,  Berlin, Germany.  March 21-23, 2022   Submission Deadline:  June 30, 2021. Acceptance Notification:  November 2021.   Plenary lectures will be given by: Anjan Chakravartty (Miami) Mazviita Chirimuuta (Edinburgh) Brigitte Falkenburg (Dortmund/Berlin) Branden Fitelson (Northeastern/Boston) Hans Rott (Regensburg) Jutta Schickore (IU Bloomington) The German Society for Philosophy of Science (Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie – GWP) was founded in September 2011 with the aim to better integrate the community of philosophers of science and scientists interested in the philosophy of science in Germany and thereby to promote the field at a local and international level. The GWP organizes an international conference every three years. Our fourth conference will be hosted by the TU Berlin in March 2022. ...