
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 29, 2020

Nuevo recurso: MedCat - Corpus Medicorum Catalanorum

MedCat - Corpus Medicorum Catalanorum Un nou recurs digital per a la història social i cultural de la medicina i de la salut Acaba de publicar-se un nou recurs digital en accés obert:  MedCat - Corpus Medicorum Catalanorum . MedCat és una base de dades que sistematitza i classifica una enorme quantitat de documents arxivístics sobre l’exercici de la medicina i de totes les altres professions sanitàries (relatives tant als humans com als animals) i sobre les manifestacions culturals de la salut a l’àmbit de l’antiga Corona d’Aragó (Aragó, Catalunya, València i les Illes Balears). El seu marc cronològic és, primordialment, la baixa Edat Mitjana i el Renaixement (segles XIII-XVI), si bé en un futur podria ampliar-se a tota l’època preindustrial. MedCat forma part de les iniciatives del grup de recerca  Sciència.cat , actualment finançat per un projecte de l’Agència Estatal de Recerca (Agencia Estatal de Investigación, MICINN), i és un recurs dirigit per  Lluís Cifuentes ...

Asclepio: Nuevo número publicado Vol. 72 Núm. 2 (2020)

Asclepio. Revista de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia   es una revista científica publicada por el   CSIC , editada en el   Instituto de Historia   del   CCHS , consagrada especialmente a la ciencia española, europea e iberoamericana. Publica artículos originales sobre historia de la ciencia, haciéndose eco de las diversas corrientes historiográficas de la disciplina. Está dirigida a un público especializado en historia de la ciencia, pero también a científicos de diversa formación que puedan encontrar en la historia elementos de reflexión epistemológica y social en su quehacer profesional. Fundada en 1949 con el título  Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina y Antropología Médica , comienza a estar disponible  online  en 2007, en formato PDF, manteniendo su edición impresa hasta 2013, año en el que pasa a ser revista electrónica publicando en formato PDF, HTML y XML-JATS. Los contenidos anteriores están igualmente disponibles en...

CfP: History of Physics | Springer Book Series

  MAIN AREAS/DISCIPLINES History of Physics; History and epistemology of science; Historical epistemology of science; Historiography of Physics/Mathematics; Foundations of Science; [Classical & Modern] Physics/Mathematics/Astronomy & related to Chemistry, Engineering, Applied Sciences & Technology RATIONALE, CONTENTS & CRITERIA Mainly : New essays in History of Physics ranging across the entire field and related in most instance to the works of Salvo D'Agostino, one of the main field's scholars since the second half of the past century.  All mechanisms are mechanisms of a phenomenon?  A phenomenon is an observable measurable fact, including data modelling, assumptions/laws. A mechanical phenomenon is associated to equilibrium/motion.  What about in thermodynamics, electromagnetism and modern physics with respect to the ideas within cultures and lives?  In the past, mechanics/mechanisms basically assumed planetary and terrestrial motions. Then, it...

CfP. "The ethics and epistemology of explanatory AI in medicine and healthcare" in Ethics and Information Technology

Ca ll for papers for a Special Issue on “The ethics and epistemology of explanatory AI in medicine and healthcare” in Ethics and Information Technology. Please find the full call for papers here:  https://www.springer.com /journal/10676/updates/1864908 2 We are particularly interested in contributions that shed new light on the following questions: • Which are the distinctive characteristics of explanations in AI for medicine and healthcare? • Which epistemic and normative values (e.g., explainability, accuracy, transparency) should guide the design and use of AI in medicine and healthcare? • Does AI in medicine pose particular requirements for explanations? • Is explanatory pluralism a viable option for medical AI (i.e., pluralism of discipline and pluralism of agents receiving/offering explanations)? • Which virtues (e.g., social, moral, cultural, cognitive) are at the basis of explainable medical AI? • What is the epistemic and normative connection between explanation and u...

CfP: Modelling the Covid-19 Pandemic: Epidemiological, Epistemological and Ethical Challenges

  Guest Editors : Francesco Barone Adesi ( Crimedim, Research Center in Emergency and Disaster Medicine, University of Eastern Piedmont ) Margherita Benzi ( Department of Law and Political, Economic and Social Sciences, University of Eastern Piedmont ) Raffaella Campaner ( Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, University of Bologna )   Invited Contributors Virginia Ghiara (Early Intervention Foundation) Tyll Grüne-Yanoff (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) Carlo Martini (Università Vita e Salute, Milan) Elena Rocca (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) Paolo Vineis (Imperial College, London) Deadline for submission:   April 30 th , 2021 Notification of acceptance:   June 30 th , 2021 Description : The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic has prompted a wide-ranging reflection in many disciplines, from medicine to sociology and economics. Many scholars in different fields have contributed from various points of view and in different mann...

CfP: “The Applied Arts of Alchemy”. Virtual Symposium, 20–21 May 2021

The historiography of alchemy has significantly expanded over the last decade, demonstrating that its theoretical and practical applications underpinned diverse medical and scientific advances in the early modern period. Alchemy was more than a scholarly, hermetic art: it was a dynamic, entrepreneurial pursuit that supported the rise of the early chemical and medical industries. While attempts to discover the philosophers’ stone were certainly a part of philosophical knowledge, alchemy and its outputs were embedded into European society, from dye-making and distilling to the development of new drugs. This virtual symposium will explore alchemy’s practical and applied uses and their lasting impact on chemistry, technology, medicine, experimentation, and the marketplace. Through explorations of entrepreneurship, patronage, and commerce, we will examine the place of alchemical knowledge, ingredients, and products in a proto-industrial developing global market.   Virtual panels and...

Beckman Center Fellowships at the Science History Institute

The Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry at the Science History Institute offers fellowships on an annual cycle for scholars whose research would benefit from the use of our collections. About 20 fellowships are given out annually, making the Beckman Center the largest private fellowship program in the historical study of science, technology, and medicine in the United States. Researchers travel from all over the world to use our collections and take part in a vibrant scholarly community. Our collections are of great value to historians of science, technology, and medicine and scholars in STS, especially to those with overlapping interests in histories of art, business and labor, or the environment. Materials range chronologically from the 15 th  century to the present and include over 6,000 rare books, significant archival holdings, oral histories, scientific instruments and artifacts, thousands of images and other graphic media, memorabilia, and a substantial fine art coll...

CfP: The Environment and Ecology in Islamic Art and Culture (November 2021)

As for the earth, We spread it out …  and caused everything to grow there in perfect balance.   --  Surah 15:19   The Environment and Ecology in Islamic Art and Culture   An eco-conscious ethos is intrinsic to Islamic scripture and culture. This sensitivity profoundly influences the relationship between human beings, deputized as stewards of nature by Allah, and the environment they inhabit. Historical and contemporary Islamic visual traditions have demonstrated this consciousness in urban planning, landscape architecture, water management, and many other art forms. Despite this awareness, in the present epoch of the Anthropocene, human intervention has caused irreparable damage to the planet’s biodiversity and ecosystems. As art history shifts its disciplinary attention to the unfolding global crisis, this symposium considers how an ecological art history can examine objects, materials, and the built environment through the lens of Islamic culture. It also...

CfP: Colonial Histories of Plant-Based Pharmaceuticals

  What are the cultural and epistemological tensions between plant-based pharmaceuticals and synthetic biomedicines? How have medicinal plants figured in colonial relationships? This special issue of   History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals   (Univ. of Wisconsin Press) aims to reframe histories of phytomedicines through intersecting approaches from the history of medicine, pharmacy, and pharmacology with postcolonial, Indigenous, and gender studies, histories of science and empire, labor history, environmental history, and related fields.  We seek papers on themes including, but not limited to, the following:  • Colonial histories of medicinal plants as examined through Indigenous and local histories  • “Medical quackery” reframed through new histories of plant-based pharmaceuticals  • Workers and labor histories, including intersections with disability and industry • Gender, sexuality, and medicinal plant knowledges • Global and/or imperial consumpti...

Premio Cátedra de Investigación Antonio Chamorro

Premio Cátedra de Investigación Antonio Chamorro,  convocado por la Real Academia de Medicina y Cirugía de Andalucía  Oriental, que este año está dedicado a la Historia de la Endocrinología. Último día para envío de trabajos 15 de diciembre.  En el enlace se encuentran las normas y forma de envío:  https://www.ramao.es/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=705:conv ocatoria-concurso-de-premios-para-el-ano-2020&catid=78&Itemid=455