
Mostrando entradas de marzo 11, 2018

Medieval Bodies. Life, Death and Art in the Middle Ages

By  Jack Hartnell Dripping with blood and go ld, fetishized and tortured, gateway to earthly delights and point of contact with the divine, forcibly divided and powerful even beyond death, there was no territory more contested than the body in the medieval world. In  Medieval Bodies , art historian Jack Hartnell uncovers the complex and fascinating ways in which the people of the Middle Ages thought about, explored and experienced their physical selves. In paintings and reliquaries that celebrated the - sometimes bizarre - martyrdoms of saints, the sacred dimension of the physical left its mark on their environment. In literature and politics, hearts and heads became powerful metaphors that shaped governance and society in ways that are still visible today. And doctors and natural philosophers were at the centre of a collision between centuries of sophisticated medical knowledge, and an ignorance of physiology as profound as its results were gruesome. Like a medieval...

CfP: "The Multifaceted Relationship between Fear and Technology"

Call for Papers "The Multifaceted Relationship between Fear and Technology" Interdisciplinary Workshop, 10–12 October 2018, Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Human Development, Berlin Alexander Gall (Deutsches Museum, Munich), Martina Heßler (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Hamburg), Bettina Hitzer (MPI for Human Development, Berlin), Karena Kalmbach (TU Eindhoven), Anne Schmidt (MPI for Human Development, Berlin), Andreas Spahn (TU Eindhoven) The aim of the workshop is to hash out various interdisciplinary approaches to conceptualizing the relationship between technology and fear. Computer games provide an example that illustrates well how complex and multifaceted this relationship can be: According to a Bitkom survey conducted in 2017, 43 percent of Germans over the age of 14 regularly play computer games. Every year, more and more visitors attend the Berlin Radio Show (Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin/IFA). And every year, people spend millions o...

CfP: Historical and Scientific Explanation (June 15-16, KU Leuven)

Keynote Speaker:  Michael Strevens (NYU) Invited Speakers:  Philippe Huneman (CNRS/Paris Sorbonne 1), Sylvia Wenmackers (KUL) In a 1942 article Carl Hempel famously described historical explanations as (scientific) ‘explanation sketches’: incomplete explanations where the historians had failed to explicitly refer to the underlying universal laws. In reaction, Arthur Danto rejected the notion that historical explanation had anything to do with scientific explanation. Instead, historical explanation is a humanistic, interpretative activity, and all attempts to bring historical and scientific explanation together (e.g. Marx) have resulted in “intellectual monsters”.   Despite Danto’s protests, the past 50 years has seen a creeping expansion of the application of scientific explanation. Historians incorporate social science into their explanations; literary criticism is often influenced by psychology. With the advent of ‘Big History’, some have even a...

CfP: Dossier Culturas Psi, “Sexo-Género/Saberes

Editora invitada: Lucía Ciccia El concepto de género se ha vuelto crecientemente relevante en los procesos de producción de conocimiento de diversas disciplinas; pero esto ha implicado, a su vez, un uso heterogéneo del término. En la investigación biomédica, por ejemplo, sexo y género suelen utilizarse de manera intercambiable; además, el género es interpretado como la consecuencia directa del sexo, entendiendo este último como resultado de nuestra constitución biológica. En contraste, desde el feminismo, el género es caracterizado como un constructo social. Sin embargo, algunas corrientes feministas, si bien no de manera causal como la biomedicina, asumen una relación simbólica entre   el sexo y el género. En otras palabras, aunque interpretan el género como aquello adquirido con el aprendizaje, dicho aprendizaje termina por remitir a un determinado sexo, entendida la sexualidad en términos dicotómicos (“hombre-mujer”). El criterio de sexo de acuerdo a una lectura biol...

CfP-29th Novembertagung on the History of Mathematics

“History of Mathematical Concepts and Conceptual History of Mathematics”.  November 28 th -30 th The Novembertagung on the History of Mathematics is an annual international conference aimed at PhD and postdoctoral students (young scholars) in the history of mathematics. In 2018 the Novembertagung will be held in Spain for the first time, at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Seville (IMUS). The conference will commence on November 28th with a lunch reception; presentations will then begin after lunch and continue throughout the next two days. We encourage submissions that engage with historical considerations of key concepts in mathematics, as well as those that are guided by a conceptual approach to the history and philosophy of mathematics. Abstracts, of around 250 words, should be submitted by May 15 th 2018 . Please note that the theme serves as a guide, not a criterion for exclusion, and as such it is not necessary for a submission to engage with the t...

CfP: Conference "Politics of Natural History, or: How to Decolonize the Natural History Museum"

conference on “Politics of Natural History, or: How to Decolonize the Natural History Museum”, which will take place the 6-7 September 2018 in Berlin. Please send abstracts (max. 500 words) and CV to pan@mfn-berlin.de no later than April 15, 2018. The conference is conceived and organized by the joint project “Dinosaurs in Berlin.  Brachiosaurus brancai as an Icon of Politics, Science, and Popular Culture”, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. International Conference, Technische Universität Berlin September 6-7, 2018 Natural history museums preserve a considerable, yet often unacknowledged part of the world’s colonial heritage. Their identity, collections, exhibitions and, importantly, much of their research activities are based on objects which underwent multifold translocations from colonized territories to museums in the Global North. Natural history museums took advantage of colonial endeavors and were deeply entangled in ...

ERC-funded Postdoc position in Philosophy of Biology and/or Philosophy of Medicine and/or Conceptual/theoretical Biology

Postdoctoral position   in   Philosophy of Biology  and/or Philosophy of Medicine and/or Conceptu al/ theoretical Biology  at CNRS in Bordeaux, France , which is part of my ERC-funded project entitled " Immunity, Development and the Microbiota (IDEM): Understanding the Continuous Construction of Biological Identity ": https://www.immuconcept.org/ erc-idem/ Application deadline:  May 14th, 2018 . The postdoctoral research can be on a ny topic related to the microbiota, immunology, and/or development, with a strong conceptual, theoretical, and/or philosophical dimension. Our group works at the interface of philosophy, biology, and medicine. Group members and activities are described in detail on our webpage :  https://www.immuconcept.org/ conceptual-immunology/ Our group is part of the recently created   Institute for Philosophy in Biology and Medicine   (PhilInBioMed):  https ://www...

Publicación de El último Baroja, por Luís Sánchez Granjel

Estudio preliminar de  Francisco Fuster   Url:  http://www.urgoitieditores.com/libros/historiadores/el-ultimo-baroja/ Siguiendo la estela de Gregorio Marañón y Pedro Laín Entralgo, el médico e historiador Luis S. Granjel (1920-2014) alternó la historia de la medicina española, donde fue un referente absoluto, con un fino y certero análisis de los hombres y las obras de la generación del 98. Y entre ellos, Baroja fue quien centró con preferencia su atención. Profundo conocedor de su obra y del personaje (a quien llegó a tratar en persona), dedicó estas páginas a analizar, desde la comprensión intelectual, los años más tristes y dolorosos de Baroja: su postura ante la guerra civil, y el difícil encaje de su feroz individualismo y su radical anticlericalismo con ninguno de los bandos contendientes. Nacido el 26 de agosto de 1920 en la localidad guipuzcoana de Segura,  Luis Sánchez Granjel  cursó la carrera de Medicina en la Universidad de Salamanca e...

Job vacancy PhD position at Tilburg University

The Department of Philosophy at Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, invites applications for a four-year PhD position (1,0 fte) in philosophy of science/ epistemology / philosophy of mind/cognitive science, starting  August 1,  2018 or later this year. You can apply and find more information here:  Job vacancy PhD in Philosophy at Tilburg University Profile Candidates must hold a MA/MSc degree or equivalent by the time of appointment. Apart from philosophy graduates, candidates with degrees in other relevant disciplines are welcome if they can demonstrate a high level of familiarity with the epistemology and philosophy of science. The selected candidate will be a member of the Department of Philosophy. Research in the department is organized in two cooperative groups: The Tilburg Centre for Logic, Ethics and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) and Philosophy of Humanity, Culture and Ethics (PHC&E). The department sustains a lar...

Workshop CfP: Material cultures of urban knowledge communities, 1500-1800

Workshop on the material cultures of urban knowledge communities, 1500-1800 - University of Kent, 6 July 2018 Histories of early modern science and technology have been transformed in recent decades by an engagement with artefacts, materials, and diverse practitioners and sites of knowledge production. This workshop seeks to explore the connections between scientific knowledge - broadly understood as learned natural knowledge, experimental inquiry, technical know-how, and perhaps experiential craft skills - and material cultures in early modern cities. We are interested in how the built and material environments of cities impacted upon knowledge creation, display, and dissemination, and the ways in which scientific material cultures shaped contemporary understandings of the urban or civic. We welcome papers on urban knowledge cultures that engage with: •       material and visual cultures •       object collections •...

Call for Applications: c18 mechanics and matter theory

We are hereby inviting applications for up to 3 (three) subsidized places in the workshop, Mechanics and matter theory in the Enlightenment , to be hosted at Duke University, 16 to 18 November 2018. The event will bring together an international group of experts in 18th-century natural philosophy. The organizers are Katherine Brading (Duke) and Marius Stan (Boston College). The only eligible applicants are doctoral candidates and junior scholars no more than three years from PhD. Paid expenses cover reasonable travel fare, accommodation, and meals on site. The language of the workshop will be English. The workshop themes cover collision theory, 1700 to 1750; metaphysics of body in 18th-century Germany and France; the epistemic status of laws of motion; and the explanatory scope of mechanics ca. 1800. Primary figures include Christian Wolff, Émilie Du Châtelet, Jean d’Alembert, Leonhard Euler, Immanuel Kant, and Joseph-Louis Lagrange. A complete application ...