
Mostrando entradas de octubre 22, 2017

ESHS 14 to 17 September 2018 Call for Symposia

Url:  http://eshs2018.uk/index.php/call-for-papers/ The organising committee of ESHS 2018 invite proposals for symposia to be held during the conference. Symposia may take a variety of forms, including a standard panel, a commented panel, or a roundtable (see below); other forms of symposium may be proposed, but organisers are advised to discuss their ideas with the programme coordinator, Frank James (fjames @ ri . ac.uk) in advance of submitting a formal proposal. Standard panel Four or five speakers in a 90-minute or 120-minute slot respectively. Each speaker presents and takes questions in their share of the session time one after another. The organiser may propose a chair for the symposium or have one allocated by the conference organisers; the chair may not be a speaker in the session. In addition to the symposium abstract, a paper abstract is required for each speaker. Commented panel Four speakers in a 120-minute slot. Each speaker presents one af...

Call for proposals: EVA London Conference 2018

roposals may be for a paper, a paper with demo, a demonstration, a workshop, or a panel discussion. Your proposal should come under one of the conference themes.  Summary proposals only, please! Please submit only a summary proposal, up to one page (400 words) for selection. Your proposal must be submitted via the EasyChair website:  https://easychair.org/ conferences/?conf= evalondon2018   The main deadline for proposals is Monday 15th January 2018.  The deadline for research workshop proposals is Friday 16th March 2018.  PAPERS  Papers will be presented in 20-minute slots (either in plenary sessions or in parallel) and be associated with a publication of up to 8 pages in the proceedings.  DEMONSTRATIONS  Demonstrations will be formally timetabled normally in parallel with other sessions, in 20-minute slots. Proposals are invited and should be submitted in outline as for papers, above. However, we wil...

Convocatòria de 4 ajuts de la SCHCT per assistir als col·loquis BCN-València

La Comissió de Col·loquis de la SCHCT ofereix 4 ajuts per assistir a algun dels col·loquis de la SCHCT, destinades a estudiants de Màster en Història de la Ciència, dues per anar de BCN a València i dues per anar de València a BCN. Podeu veure el programa de col·loquis complet en el següent link a Arban . Les persones seleccionades rebran un ajut de 150 euros per reemborsar desplaçament i despeses, i una nit d’hotel per 1 persona (que gestionarà directament la SCHCT a Barcelona o València). Els/les interessats/des cal que envieu un correu a la secretaria de la SCHCT ( schct@iec.cat ) amb la sol·licitud d'ajut que trobareu en adjunt emplenada. La Comissió de Col·loquis atorgarà aquests ajuts valorant entre totes aquelles sol·licituds correctament emplenades ...

CfA: Generic Generalizations and Social Practices

Generic sentences are generalizations about the members of a category or a kind. In English, they take the form of sentences such as ravens are black, a raven is black, the raven is black , and gold is yellow. Since they do not explicitly carry information about how many members of the category actually possess the property, uncovering their hidden quantifier first seemed to be the way to identify their meaning. As this inquiry went on, it became clear that the most common quantifiers were not enough and that we needed a subtler account, either relying on a new quantifier or doing away with classical set-theoretic semantics altogether. At first, the primary question was what do generics mean? But it seems like it has now become how do they mean? A better understanding of generics is more than of purely intellectual interest. Generics regulate in various ways our social interactions. For instance, they are means to express prejudices and stereotypes. In so doing, they can reproduc...

CfP: Technological Drive from Past to Future? 50 years of ICOHTEC

URL:  http://www.icohtec.org/annual-meeting-2018.html The International Committee for the History of Technology will hold its 45 th symposium and 50 th anniversary celebration at the Jean Monnet University in the city of Saint-Étienne, France. The general theme of the symposium is “ Technological Drive from Past to Future? 50 years of ICOHTEC. ” Our intention is to inquire into long-term trends in interactions between technology and society, as well as how technologies have influenced utopian and dystopian views of the future. We aim to examine how the role of technology has changed across history and what characters and trends of technological change historians can help to anticipate in the future. The value of memories of the past for the present and future has been frequently discussed; the German theologian Albert Schweitzer claimed that “h appiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory ” , whereas Spanish philosopher George Santayana argued th...

Fellowship: Wolfsonian Fellowship Program

The Wolfsonian–Florida International University is a museum and research center that promotes the examination of modern visual and material culture. The focus of the Wolfsonian collection is on North American and European decorative arts, propaganda, architecture, and industrial and graphic design from the period 1850-1945. The United States, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands are the countries most extensively represented. There are also smaller but significant holdings from a number of other countries, including Austria, Czechoslovakia, France, Japan, the former Soviet Union, and Hungary. The collection includes works on paper (including posters, prints and design drawings), furniture, paintings, sculpture, glass, textiles, ceramics, lighting and other appliances, and many other kinds of objects. The Wolfsonian’s library has approximately 50,000 rare books, periodicals, and ephemeral items. Fellowships are intended to support full-time research, g...

Casebooks Project Release 12

The Casebooks Project:  http://www. magicandmedicine.hps.cam.ac.uk Release12 includes: a repository of our data on  GitHub , bringing the number of edited cases to 73,362 (they will become accessible through the main site once we’ve linked them to other cases);  documentation about the exhibition ‘ CASEBOOKS: Six contemporary artists and an extraordinary medical archive ’, including a 9 minute film by Huw Wahl, a downloadable book about our work with artists and other material and press; a new ‘ Meet the patients ’ page by Boyd Brogan, setting out case histories and contextual information about the Egerton sisters. Our activities continue to be documented on our  News and events  page. Note especially  an interview  for Tonic, Vice magazine’s website and digital video channel about health, and the debut of Nyamyam’s ‘ Astrologaster, a comedy written in the stars ’, a video game about S...

Predoctoral Scholar Position MPIWG

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, is seeking   a predoctoral scholar, earliest possible starting date: 1 February 2018 for three years, with employment contract (salary: 50% TVöD E13). The topic of the candidate’s dissertation should be closely related to the research agenda ( http://mpiwg.de/en/research/ projects/historical- epistemology-final-theory- program ) of the Max Planck Research Group “Historical Epistemology of the Final Theory Program”. The research group will pursue interdisciplinary research at the intersection of history of science and physics. Necessary Qualifications: -         Completed university degree (master’s level) in History of Science, Physics, Philosophy of Science, or a related field. -         Ability to produce academic publications in English. Your application should contain – uploaded as 1 PDF document: -     ...


The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry solicits nominations for the 2018 John and Martha Morris Award for Outstanding Achievement in the History of Modern Chemistry or the History of the Chemical Industry. This award honours the memory of John and Martha Morris, the late parents of Peter Morris, the former editor of Ambix , who has contributed the endowment for this award. The recipient chosen to receive the Morris Award will be expected to deliver a lecture at a meeting of SHAC, where the awardee will be presented with an appropriate framed photograph, picture or document and the sum of £300. The award is international in scope, and nominations are invited from anywhere in the world. The first Morris Award was given to Professor Raymond Stokes (University of Glasgow) for his path-breaking work on the German chemical indust...

News on the website "Les procès-verbaux du Bureau des longitudes (1795-1932)"

S ome new transcriptions of the Bureau des longitudes’ minutes are on-line for the years 1856 and 1857 ( http://bdl.ahp-numerique.fr ) . This work has been realized by Julien Muller (for the ANR project : “BDL 1795-1932” - Le Bureau des longitudes (1795-1932): de la Révolution française à la Troisième République ). You can now make textual researches on the minutes from 1795 until the 30th December 1857. Further transcriptions will be progressively put on line during the next months.   On the website you can also find a new focus: “Les débuts de l’ Annuaire ” by Colette Le Lay ( http://bdl.ahp-numerique.fr/ focus-publications-cll-debuts- annuaire ). The rubric “Focus” contains some shorts contributions on the history of the Bureau des longitudes and will be monthly enriched.  

CfP: The International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry Annual Conference 2018

The International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry (ISPC) is devoted to the international exchange of ideas concerning the philosophical foundations of the chemical sciences and related areas. This exchange fosters discourse between chemists, biochemists, philosophers, historians, sociologists and educators. Philosophy of chemistry concerns both internal questions arising from the methods, concepts, and ontology unique to chemistry and chemical research, as well as traditional questions in the philosophy of science, addressed from a chemical perspective. See: https://sites.google.com/site/ socphilchem/   The 2018 conference will be open to the full range of topics and views within the overall subject. For information about previous contributions, please see the volumes of Foundations of Chemistry which include papers from previous conferences. See: http://www.springer.com/ philosophy/epistemology+and+ philosophy+of+science/journal/ 10698   Th...