
Mostrando entradas de junio 18, 2023

Asclepio: Nuevo número publicado Vol. 75 No. 1 (2023)

Asclepio acaba de publicar su último número. Podrá acceder a su contenido a través del siguiente enlace:  https://asclepio.revistas.csic.es/index.php/asclepio/issue/view/78 Dosier: acercamientos históricos a las relaciones terapéuticas DOI: https://doi.org/10.3989/asclepio.2023.v75.i1

CfP: Reassessing the "Scientific Revolution": Key Concepts and New Case Studies

A collective volume on the 'scientific revolution' is being prepared for submission to an international scholarly publisher. The goal is to reassess this historiographical category by combining analyses of well-known texts and the presentation of new case studies from the late medieval period to the early modern age. Additionally, theoretical reflections on key concepts underlying the current understanding of the 'scientific revolution' will be included. Abstracts of up to 500 words from potential contributors are invited before August 1, 2023. Proposals should be sent to Marco Storni . Contributors whose abstracts are accepted are expected to submit a full paper before May 1, 2024. Following the selection of abstracts, the volume project will be submitted to a major international publisher. Accepted contributors will receive further details. https://philevents.org/event/show/110841 https://www.academia.edu/100848368/CFP_Reassessing_the_Scientific_Revolution_Key_Concept...

CfA: Journalist Fellowships 2024 at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin)

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin is excited to offer journalist residencies in the history, philosophy, and sociology of science in 2024. This fellowship presents the opportunity for journalists in all forms of media around the world to gain insight into the work of an international research institute. During the fellowship journalists explore current research in the history, philosophy, and sociology of science; network and engage with academic researchers; and carry out a research project on a relevant topic of their choice. Journalists-in-Residence receive an honorarium of €3,000 per month (for up to two months). Applying to the fellowship We invite applications from journalists seeking to utilize the history, philosophy, and sociology of science in their reporting, and with a particular interest in exploring the value of these disciplines for public discourse around contemporary social issues. Applications from all formats of journalism (print, audio, v...

CfP: SourceLab, vol. 5 - Documenting Disability in History

SourceLab is a digital documentary publishing initiative sponsored by the Department of History at the University of Illinois. We train students to create reliable and free digital documentary editions of digitized historical sources, in response to the needs of teachers, researchers, and the public at large. Though we sometimes digitize new materials, our focus is creating editions of the vast ‘found’ archive of documents already on the web—the huge number of historical sources that people could use in their teaching, research, or public history projects—if only they knew more about them and could cite them with confidence. For Fall 2023, SourceLab is issuing a call for proposals for a new series, publishing sources for the history of disability. Do you know of a digitized source (in any format) that you think could have wide interest for teachers, researchers, and the public at large? Would you like to use a reliable edition of it yourself? Consider responding to this call to see if...

CfP: PULSE: The Journal of Science and Culture

Sponsored by the Department of History at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Call for Proposals for SourceLab, Vol. 5. Theme: Documenting Disability in History. Deadline: Friday, August 25, 2023 (for development during the Fall 2023 semester) SourceLab is a digital documentary publishing initiative sponsored by the Department of History at the University of Illinois. We train students to create reliable and free digital documentary editions of digitized historical sources, in response to the needs of teachers, researchers, and the public at large. Though we sometimes digitize new materials, our focus is creating editions of the vast ‘found’ archive of documents already on the web—the huge number of historical sources that people could use in their teaching, research, or public history projects—if only they knew more about them and could cite them with confidence. For Fall 2023, SourceLab is issuing a call for proposals for a new series, publishing sources f...

CfP Panel: Culture, Form and Technology. A Semiotic Study of the Technosphere. Celebrating Ernst Cassirer's 150th Birthday

The International Political Science Association (IPSA) and the International Political Science Abstracts seek articles for the journal's Trends in International Political Science rubric. Every year, International Political Science Abstracts receives over 30,000 articles from around the globe, providing us with an unparalleled access to articles published in and around our discipline. Trends seeks to build on this material, determining six burgeoning currents in the field. We gather leading articles on these trends over the last 2-4 years and seek scholars with expertise in each of these areas to write a short (3500-4000 words) review of these works (in English). A Trends article is then published as the first chapter of each bi-monthly issue of the International Political Science Abstracts and distributed to libraries around the world in both print and database editions. We are currently soliciting authors to write articles on the following subjects: 1) Sortition; 2) Economic Sanc...