
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 7, 2014

Asclepio Vol 66, No 2 (2014)

A sclepio Vol 66, No 2 (2014) Sumario http://asclepio.revistas.csic.es/index.php/asclepio/issue/view/51 ÍNDICE: -------- Introducción: Saber y poder en la periferia de occidente (p051) Gustavo Vallejo, Luis Ferla Dossier -------- La pericia médico legal como forma de producir la verdad y sus adversarios en los tribunales brasileños de entreguerras (p052) Luis Ferla De plantas y hombres: cómo los genetistas se vincularon a la eugenesia en Brasil (un estudio de caso, 1929-1938) (p053) Paula Arantes Botelho Briglia Habib, Robert Wegner El huevo de la serpiente al sur del mundo: desarrollo y supervivencia de la ciencia nazi en Chile (1908 -1951) (p054) César Leyton, Marcelo Sánchez Delgado Iglesia católica y eugenesia latina: un constructo teórico para el control social (Argentina, 1924-1958) (p055) Gustavo Vallejo, Marisa Miranda Una dialógica desestabilizadora del orde...

HERNÁNDEZ LAILLE, Margarita: Charles Darwin and Lucia Sapiens. Lessons on the Origin and Evolution of Species. Ilustrador: Carlos Arques Soler. Traductora: Nicola Stapleton. Prólogo: Janet Browne. Madrid, Editorial UNED, 2014.

HERNÁNDEZ LAILLE, Margarita: Charles Darwin and Lucia Sapiens. Lessons on the Origin and Evolution of Species. Ilustrador: Carlos Arques Soler. Traductora: Nicola Stapleton. Prólogo: Janet Browne. Madrid, Editorial UNED, 2014. http://portal.uned.es/portal/page?_pageid=93,23375984,93_23375985&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL&_piref93_23376059_93_23375984_23375984.next_page=/htdocs/ficha.jsp?IdArticulo=0102042CT01A01 The story in this book takes place in a school where, once a year, during the month which coincides with the anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth, the story of evolution is taught in an interdisciplinary manner, across every subject. Fifteen-year-old Lucía Sapiens creeps into every corner of its pages. By asking questions, in the style of a 19th-century education movement known as the 'Science of Common Things', she gets her teachers - who use a learning method devised by the author - to reveal details about Darwin's family situation, ...

‘Darwin-Inspired Learning’

Tengo el placer de comunicar a los colegas de la SEDHE que acaba de publicarse ‘Darwin-Inspired Learning’ (Carolyn Boulter, Michael Reiss, Dawn Sanders, Eds.) por la editorial   Sense Publishers, dentro de la colección New Directions in Mathematics and Science Education. https://www.sensepublishers.com/media/2191-darwin-inspired-learning.pdf Los 29 capitulos que componen esta obra han sido escritos por autores mundialmente reconocidos dentro del ámbito del evolucionismo y muy especialmente en lo que concierne a Charles Darwin. El primer capítulo, titulado ‘Entering Darwin Life’,   dentro del apartado Darwin’s Heritage, está escrito por Randal Keynes, el tataranieto del científico inglés y, al mismo tiempo, sobrino del famoso economista John M. Keynes. El capítulo 23, "Darwin en los libros de texto de Ciencias Naturales del siglo XIX en Inglaterra y en España", ha sido escrito por Margarita Hernández Laille, miembro de la SEDHE y colaboradora de MANES. ...

Nominations open for the Wilkins-Bernal-Medawar Prize

The Royal Society’s medals, awards and prize lectureships provide an opportunity to celebrate outstanding achievement. Nominations are now open for the Wilkins-Bernal-Medawar Lecture. This prize lecture is given by an individual on a subject relating to the history of science, philosophy of science or the social function of science. Previous winners have included Roger Highfield and Melvyn Bragg. Nominations are now open for candidates to give this lecture in 2015. The lectureship is accompanied by a medal and a gift of £500. Nominate a colleague for this lecture http://newsletters.royalsociety.org/c/1gDo4CUG3VN7H3FtWBjPC To download the nomination form and for further details please see http://newsletters.royalsociety.org/c/1gDo7EsQRMB5zOdTYNbgh . The deadline for nominations is Friday 30 January 2015. To contact us for further information please email awards@royalsociety.org For more information on our many other awards available for nomination please visit ht...