
Mostrando entradas de abril 22, 2012

Conference: Medicine, Politics, and Cultute in the Japanese Empire. Chicago, 11-12 May 2012

On May 10-11th, the Japan Committee of the University of Chicago is sponsoring the Tenth Japan at Chicago Conference on the theme of "Medicine, Politics, and Culture in the Japanese Empire."   The three panels will explore the circulation of medical knowledge and personnel within the empire, responses to infectious disease at the state and local levels, and the intersection between consumer culture and medicine in the metropole and empire.   For the conference schedule and further information, please see the conference website: http://lucian.uchicago.edu/blogs/medicineandempire/ This event is free and open to the public.   However, we do ask that you preregister using the link that is available on conference website.   For further information, please contact Susan Burns (Associate Professor of Japanese History) at slburns@uchicago.edu .

Reception of Newton conference programme

The Reception of Newton: An international conference at the Edward Worth Library, Dublin Thursday 12 July : 9.00am-9.30am :                                Registration. 9.30am-9.40am :                                Welcome. 9.40am-10.30am :               Keynote: Chaired by Professor William R. Newman (Indiana University). Prof. Mordechai Feingold (Caltech): ‘Newton a Heretic? Some Eighteenth-Century Perceptions’. 10.30-11.00am :                  Coffee/Tea 11.00am-12.30pm :         ...

De secretis mulierum - Critical edition

Dear all, It is a pleasure for me to inform you that my critical edition of the De secretis mulierum of Pseudo-Albertus Magnus has been finally edited by the Fédération Internationale des Instituts d'Études Mediévales in their collection Textes et Études du Moyen Âge (nº 63).  You can find more information on the FIDEM website: http://fidem.org.pt/textes_et_etudes_du_moyen_age_te And also on the Brepols web: http://www.brepols.net/Pages/ShowProduct.aspx?prod_id=IS-9782503543925-1 The volume includes the critical edition of De secretis mulierum , as well as an introductory study and a translation of the latin text  into Spanish.  I send you an attached file where you can read the index and the introduction of the volume,  if you want to have a more comprehensive idea of what is included in the volume. Best whises, José Pablo Barragán
VIII SEMINARIO PERMANENTE DE LA FUNDACIÓN CABALLERO BONALD: EL CONOCIMIENTO ITINERANTE. LA LITERATURA Y SU ENSEÑANZA A TRAVÉS DE LA RED. LA NARRATIVA DIGITAL:  Los espacios digitales. PERE MARQUÉS GRAELLS (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona): Aprender más y de otra manera. Tecnología y aprendizaje. JUEVES, 26 DE ABRIL A LAS 18.00 horas. Sede de la Fundación Caballero Bonald. Entrada libre hasta completar aforo. Organizan: Fundación Caballero Bonald, Ayuntamiento de Jerez, Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía, CEP de Jerez, Universidad de Cádiz

Science Studies Dissertation Reviews: New reviews online

Dear colleagues, The following reviews have been posted on Science Studies Dissertation Reviews: - DANIEL ROOD, "Plantation Technocrats: A Social History of Knowledge in the Slaveholding Atlantic World", reviewed by David Singerman - JEFFREY SKOPEK, "Shaping Science with the Past: Textbooks, History, and the Disciplining of Genetics", reviewed by Joy Rankin - JENNIFER TAPPAN, "'A Healthy Child Comes from a Healthy Mother': Mwanamugimu and Nutritional Science in Uganda, 1935-1973", by Ruth Prince Coming up: - EMILY WINTERBURN, "The Herschels: A Scientific Family in Training", by Barbara Becker Please visit us at http://dissertationreviews.org/ To contribute a review, or to have your dissertation reviewed, please email dissertationreviews@gmail.com With best wishes, Leon Rocha (University of Cambridge) Tom Mullaney (Stanford University) -- Dr Leon Antonio Rocha Research Fellow Em...